English Language

English Language

The Burden term (impact) of the English language it has received sufficiently attention from literature and is used to describe the negative aspects associates to the care of a dependent patient. These aspects say adverse respect to the presence of problems, difficulties or events that significantly affect the life of the responsible ones for the patient in the scopes physical, financial and emotional. In literature, studies with groups evidence some differences between demenciados aged cuidadores of and other population groups. A comparative study between cuidadores of three geriatrical groups different patients with OF, the patient ones with vascular dementia and aged demenciados did not disclose that the impact suffered for the cuidadores is bigger in cuidadores of patients with OF (Petrilli, 1997). Other studies had indicated that the cuidadores of patients with dementia presented greaters indices of estresse that of patients with depression, BIRD or aged hgidos of the community, cuidadores of patients with OF they possess greaters possibilities to have psychiatric symptoms, more problems of health, greater frequency of familiar conflicts problems in the work, if compared the people of the same age who do not exert the paper, also present one worse judgment on the proper health, feel themselves estressados more and with limited the affective and social life of what aged cuidadores of not lunatic, the suffered impact can also be observed in the use of health services, since cuidadores of patients with OF consult more doctors and use more psicotrpicos medicines as antidepressants and antipsychotics of what cuidadores of patients who do not have OF. Research demonstrate that the cuidadores present a worsening in the health physics, a damage in the imunolgico system, that can persist up to four years after the death of the patient. In result of the impact, the cuidadores can develop physical and psychological symptoms. The more common physical symptoms are: arterial hipertenso, digestive clutters, respiratory illnesses and propensity the infections.

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