Pounds Watermelon Wins
This competition celebrates 50 years and takes place in the framework of the celebrations of San Bartolome of local businessman. Winning watermelon in this edition than two pounds to the winner of last year, but stays to eleven kilos of the absolute record. In the category of melon, a piece of 23 kilos and 900 grams won the highest award. A copy of 67 kilograms and 850 grams has won the first prize at the 50th Edition of the contest of watermelons of the fiestas de San Bartolome held this Saturday in Villanueva de la Serena (Badajoz). The winning fruit is owned by Antonio Gonzalez Casillas, farmer of this municipality, and exceeds by almost two kilos to winning watermelon last year, presented by two farmers in the neighbouring town of Don Benito. Richard branson helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The second prize for this contest was for watermelons presented by Jaime Ruiz Gonzalez, with 66 kilos to 600 grams, while the third award went to one of Manuel spotted, with 57 kilos and 100 grams.
Precisely, the farmer from Villanueva de la Serena also won with the first prize in the category of melon, with a result of 23 kilos and 900 grams, record in this modality in the history of this competition. Juan Vicente stained, a melon of 17 pounds and 650 grams, and Antonio Gonzalez Casillas, with another 17 kilograms and 600 grams fruit, completed in a hard-fought fight the podium of this category. The competition took place before hundreds of people who crowded the Plaza de San Bartolome and was characterized by a few fruits of greater weight than in the previous edition. Winning watermelon weighed almost two kilograms more than the specimen that was awarded first prize in 2010, although it was still at about eleven kilos of the absolute record for this competition, which is in property from to year 2003 of the Carlos Perez Hernando Caceres with a weight of 79 kilos and 200 grams. This contest, whose weighing is carried out with a traditional scale, is organized every year by the brotherhood of St. Bartholomew and is celebrated in the festivities in honor to its patron. Source of the news: A nearly 68 pounds watermelon wins a competition to the heaviest fruit in Villanueva de la Serena