Charismatic Leadership
However, to alar hand of a communication process and to use it of efficient form mean to adopt one transparent, viable politics and advisable for who it longs for to keep the eventual conflicts under constant monitoring. Ahead of imminent conflicts, generated or not for the communication, and of the confusion of contexts that permeiam the organizacional environment, it is vital a Management of Human resources worried in managing the conflicts through the negotiation and of the mediation. The responsible professionals for the RH management need to catch or to prepare leaders with full conscience of the socioemocionais papers to be played and of the models of leadership to be adopted in accordance with each situation. The leadership is essential in the management of the organizations, and the whitewashing and mediating socioemocional paper of a leader on its subordinate is to make with that spontaneous and enthusiasticly they pursue the objectives and stipulated goals, without impasses and divergences. It is pertinent to cite that an ideal leader, capable to understand the subjective aspects of organizacional life e, thus, to alavancar better resulted, would need to assume ' ' simultaneamente' ' the characteristics of directive leader, leader apoiador, participativo leader, and leader guided for accomplishments, of the Theory of the Goal and the Way, and, of the transformacional leader and leader visionary, of the Theory of the Charismatic Leadership.
This mix to know provides an accented amount of conditions directed toward the capacity to hear and to conciliate interests, in such a way individual as of the proper organization. After all, to lead means to catalyze potentials and to exactly transform them into accomplishments ahead of groups and of course heterogeneous teams, with much auto-confidence, passion for the work and respect for the led ones and excessively leader. This miscellany of appropriate ways is only possible because organizacional psychology helps to manage an organization in the measure where it systematically studies best practical of management on the basis of the human behavior.