Social People
Beyond the cited barriers above called barreirasfsicas, we can elencar two types of barriers more: ) the sistmicas barriers: related the einformais formal politics. Example: schools that do not offer to support in classroom for alunoscom deficiency, banks that do not possess treatment adjusted for people comdeficincia. b) atitudinais barriers: they are the preconceptions, eesteretipos stigmata that imply in a negative behavior with regard to the person comdeficincia as on the basis of to repudiate, to discriminate and to exclude the physical, mental or sensorial condition. When we analyze the innumerable barriers that the people comdeficincia face, we cannot leave to mention the difficulties queencontram to enter the work market, this because: The work market is competitive and therefore mesmosegregativo for all. rotation of the disqualified man power is intense, playing to the edge of the companies an army of people who more than ningumprecisa to work to keep the life. Of this less apt osconsiderados army they are part.
… for the entrepreneurs and the State osdeficientes is enclosed between less apt. (RIBAS, 1985 p.85-86). The decree n 3,298 of 1999 determines that all company comcem or more employed must fill of two the five beneficiary percent of its cargoscom of the Social welfare rehabilitated or with person qualified comdeficincia; however the law n 8,213 of 1991 already compelled the companies to acontratar people with deficiency (RIBAS, 2007). But n 3,298 was the decree queincumbiu the Ministry of the Work to fiscalize the fulfilment of the law, thus: … in such a way the Ministry of the Work how much the MinistrioPblico of the Work defato had left the field looking for to know which companies was fulfilling the law and alerting those that were not fulfilling that any reason or reasonable justification would nohaveria that conhecidapor Law of Quotas is part of one politics of positive discrimination that, pormeio of the obligatoriness imposed for law, comes to compensate years and years of exclusodo world of the work.