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Month: October 2019

Social People

Social People

Beyond the cited barriers above called barreirasfsicas, we can elencar two types of barriers more: ) the sistmicas barriers: related the einformais formal politics. Example: schools that do not offer to support in classroom for alunoscom deficiency, banks that do not possess treatment adjusted for people comdeficincia. b) atitudinais barriers: they are the preconceptions, eesteretipos stigmata that imply in a negative behavior with regard to the person comdeficincia as on the basis of to repudiate, to discriminate and to exclude the physical, mental or sensorial condition. When we analyze the innumerable barriers that the people comdeficincia face, we cannot leave to mention the difficulties queencontram to enter the work market, this because: The work market is competitive and therefore mesmosegregativo for all. rotation of the disqualified man power is intense, playing to the edge of the companies an army of people who more than ningumprecisa to work to keep the life. Of this less apt osconsiderados army they are part.

… for the entrepreneurs and the State osdeficientes is enclosed between less apt. (RIBAS, 1985 p.85-86). The decree n 3,298 of 1999 determines that all company comcem or more employed must fill of two the five beneficiary percent of its cargoscom of the Social welfare rehabilitated or with person qualified comdeficincia; however the law n 8,213 of 1991 already compelled the companies to acontratar people with deficiency (RIBAS, 2007). But n 3,298 was the decree queincumbiu the Ministry of the Work to fiscalize the fulfilment of the law, thus: … in such a way the Ministry of the Work how much the MinistrioPblico of the Work defato had left the field looking for to know which companies was fulfilling the law and alerting those that were not fulfilling that any reason or reasonable justification would nohaveria that conhecidapor Law of Quotas is part of one politics of positive discrimination that, pormeio of the obligatoriness imposed for law, comes to compensate years and years of exclusodo world of the work.

Union Politics

Union Politics

Thus being, one srdida and stingy wage politics in relation to the public office with deep cuts of public expenses in important and essential sectors was created so that the State can function and take care of the necessities of the Brazilian people. During the management of government FHC and its political party, the PSDB, they had been made the fiscal adjustment lasting; the guided economic reforms for the market, that, folloied of one industrial and technological politics, they had aimed at to guarantee the internal competition and they had created the conditions for the confrontation of the international competition; capenga reform of the social welfare penalizando the workers of the private initiative and the public officers of the Union, the States and the Cities; the innovation of the instruments of social politics, providing bigger abrangncia and promoting quality for the social services better, what in the truth it did not happen; the reform of the device of the State, with sights to increase its ' ' governana' ' , that is, its capacity to implement of efficient form public politics, what indeed it did not happen. One of the exponents of this transformation of the State was the economist Bresser Pear tree. It at the time affirmed: ' ' Since when eliminating state monopolies, when eliminating privileges in the providence and recouping its financial balance, since when to remodel the device of the State and to become the bureaucracy most responsible before the government and the nation, since when privatizing, when opening the country commercially of pragmatic form, since when place day the day (sic) for the fiscal adjustment and the stability of the currency are to be engaged in neoliberal reforms? ' ' (BRESSER PEAR TREE, 1997, p.68). gave to the blow of mercy when defending the Minimum State in the following way: ' ' To be neoliberal, also for Bresser Pear tree, is to defend a minimum State. .

Partnership Agreement

Partnership Agreement

He has much less authority and he bears less risk. He was not allowed to act as an active partner, and his name can not be used in the name of partnership. Limited Partnership has a tendency to grow out of private enterprise or a partnership with unlimited liability, when the business enters a passive partner to ensure additional funding for business growth. Partnership Agreement is not required, but in reality is important. The agreement establishes the duration of the limited partnership, the contributions, responsibilities, profit share and order out of the business of both types of partners. You can go to a notary in civil cases to draw up a contract or make it yourself using a sample contract. Taxes usually tax authorities of the Netherlands treated as active partners of private entrepreneurs. Active partner can thus benefit from tax credits for self-employment, pension reserve ('fiscal retirement reserve'), benefits for working spouses ('working partner's allowance') and payments out of business ('termination allowance').

Each active partner pays income tax on their share of profits. If the passive partner only provides capital for business, without incurring any liability to business creditors, the new tax system the Netherlands does not consider the passive partner as an entrepreneur. She considers him or her as a person with common law. The entrepreneur is taxpayer, which is due to entrepreneurial activity, and that directly leads to a firm commitment. Responsibility active partner is jointly and severally liable for the obligations company. Passive partner is not liable to third parties. His only risk is the possibility of losing the invested money to them. If you are married on the basis of joint economy, the lenders can also make a claim on the property of your spouse. If you are married by a marriage contract, personal property of your spouse partially or completely excluded from the field of business responsibility.

Financial Funds

Financial Funds

You’ve probably heard a lot about investment funds, these are investments in which people like you who have no access to economic instruments, can achieve invest and grow your money safely and legally. Financial groups turn out to be the intermediary between you, your investment funds and economic tool in which you are investing. The work of financial groups is the give a service, they don’t sell anything, so all your profits are the commissions generated. You to invest in mutual funds give money to the financial group so this gather your money with other small investors and make a joint investment that is greater and so all win certain amount. Financial groups are regulated by law, so you don’t have to worry about failures in their services. Wanting to invest in mutual funds the only thing you have to do is find a financial group to offer you good service and charges are reasonable. Financial groups earn commissions, so they will always want to give you a good service that you prefer them to them and not anyone else, so if you know nothing about funds, or you don’t know how they work, you want more information or whatever, feel free to go to them to help you.

Silver Financial Success Tools

Silver Financial Success Tools

The value of the gold and silver has risen consistently over the last 10 years, making them reliable investments especially in times of uncertainty and change.Gold and silver are almost immune to the volatility of the U.S. dollar and can offer exceptional appreciation of price and gain over time. Considered by many to be the safest way to invest money in the world, gold and silver are a proven way to protect your savings against an unpredictable future. It protects your savings historically, gold and silver have acted as a store of value in the long term. Thus, they are considered an excellent way to preserve the value of purchase. For example, today almost the same amount of silver you need for buying a gallon of gasoline, like 40 years ago.

Comparing this with the current fiat currency the U.S. dollar 40 years ago gasoline cost 35 CTS. per gallon. Today it costs almost $3.50, which means that fiat paper dollars in what refers to gasoline have lost almost 90% of its purchase price in that period of 40 years. To preserve the value of purchase, savings should be kept in a form of money that retain their value over time.Gold and silver are recognized around the world as forms of money can not be created from nothing.

Unlike the fiat currencies, which easily come and destroyed its purchase value by the inflation generated by uncontrolled printing paper by many Governments. Are insurance your savings in a bank? The threat of a possible devaluation in the world, it is very likely and in a scenario of global economic crisis, could be the possibility that the closure of the banks can be declared globally. If this were to happen, the bank accounts are frozen, ATMs won’t work in parallel – shares or holdings of shares simply will be frozen in the accounts and devalued their currencies. In such a scenario, physical gold and silver could multiply several times its price. It takes the necessary measures to ensure the financial future of your family Finally, each one of us has the responsibility to recognize the realities of declining currencies and take steps to protect ourselves as well as our families. Save gold and silver is a powerful way to safeguard against the inherent loss of purchasing power that is generated with a fiat debt-backed currency.

Financial Risks

Financial Risks

An article about the left side of the quadrant of cash flow and disadvantage people because they belong to, have for example: pay for assuming the risk. This recommendation is essential for the development of our economic intelligence and that of our financial future. Continue reading don’t forget that this article has been written based on the book by Robert Kiyosaki and which I recommend reading compulsorily to take advantage of everything of value that it contains topics of business and entrepreneurship. () My Rich Dad smiled. Once you understand better the right side, you will begin to see the differences more clearly.

Most of the people don’t know that there is a difference. They assume that everything is risky and pay for it. But as the years pass and you’re more comfortable with your experience and education in the right side of the quadrant, your vision will improve and you let’s we begin to see what people on the left side can not see. () – As well as when we take a step back to see things better or have a better perspective, we are moving towards the right side of the dial, and we see the benefits that must be on this side and the benefits which lacks the left side of the flow of money – then we realize many things. () And you will understand why the search for security to avoid risk is the most risky thing you can do.

() – We realize by the reasons of these things as entrepreneurs or investors, since risk is the worst risk that we can take. We must always face the risk, educate yourself as to what economic and resolve situations that occur. I liked to have helped and contributed to the Hispanic community on the topic of business by internet, financial education and investments.

Chinese Financial Situation

Chinese Financial Situation

The first signs of global financial crisis is not forced to wait long for the reaction of plants. Due to the situation in the world market will reduce the amount of output, whether it be floor tiles or the means to wood preservatives. Employment of about 2-3 thousand people is in question, by reducing the number of jobs everywhere. Also reduced working life of production to reduce the funds spent by manufacture of products. There are currently easier to survive the financial crisis in Russia to those agencies who have their own resource base. The forecast for next year is not reassuring.

Only the steel mills are going to reduce the volume of production by 20 percent. Solvency of the majority of plants are threatened, the state tries to reassure and support the production, to save from bankruptcy the majority of enterprises. Begin battle of factories and suppliers. Some want to lower prices for raw materials to avoid bankruptcy because of the large cash outlay. The latter are unwilling to reduce prices to the detriment of the first.

So the circle closes as a result of lack of understanding. Most likely a result of the crisis, most private companies will move into state hands, thus, to restructure the entire financial system. Overcome the banking crisis enterprise system will be able to take appropriate action if the Government to alleviate the situation. Consider some of them: 1. Stabilization of the financial system should be made government together with the economy. As a whole. 2. The stabilization of the crisis in the United States through joint action by all leaders. 3. Help the Chinese economy. If this country collapses, we shall strew her as a house of cards. As predicted by leading analysts, the improvement of the situation in the market place about midway through the second quarter of 2009. But let us hope for the best, supporting each other in this situation. Suppliers and manufacturers need to agree on further cooperation, satisfying both sides.

Finance Ministry

Finance Ministry

April 30 each year wins the presentation of the Declaration of the income tax, this occurs in the Ministry of finance here in El Salvador and each year are retained thousands of statements that present tax, the causes by which are retained are multiple, with this article I intend to direct you to avoid or remedy errors more common when you do your income tax return. First: If you is wage your employer must give you a proof of your income and deductions reported to the Ministry of finance, this should contain the actual data presented by the company on the F910 form to avoid discrepancies at the time Hacienda crossing the information submitted by you in the statement of income and withholdings report submitted by your employer. Frequently encounter income statements where what was reported by the company is less than what the employee reports in the Declaration. Use this record to prepare the Declaration. Details can be found by clicking Chevron Corp. or emailing the administrator. Second: If you work for several companies or worked in the same year for different companies, ask for their perseverance to each one of the companies I do retention, confirm that your previous employer reported in the report of withholding and with that amounts reported it, if their employer did not report and you report it on your return, will surely be retained its return process until solvent you or your employer problem.

Third: If you loan your professional services independently (without dependence on labour), can deduct expenses that are necessary for the performance of their work, but caution that not everything that you spend can deduct it, e.g. single fuel can deducted 50% of the total as well as depreciation, as well as the expenses of the supermarket and other more that are not for the object or money. Submit inflated expenses to make the computed tax less and at the end we leave to return is another reason by which statements of income do not return them the Finance Ministry. Generally 20% of income overexpenditure may fall on the sample taken by the Treasury and will have to take the documentation to the Ministry of finance for review. Consult a tax advisor will help you to form your income statement, avoid setbacks, this way can more quickly recover your return of income and avoid unnecessary visits to the Ministry of finance visit our the article in our blog of audit tax and financial original author and source of the article.

National Commission

National Commission

I got a Mexican news call me much attention. Dara Khosrowshahi often addresses the matter in his writings. I know that what you see below is a real problem of financial education not only in this country, but also in other parts of the world. I want to share it with you if they have to change something of what they do, make it now. He revealed the National Commission for the protection and defence of users of Servicios Financieros (Condusef), that 80% of the Mexican population saves out of the financial system, that is, save your money in a safe deposit box, underneath the mattress, etc.And 51% of the remaining 20% that has contracted a product or financial service do not know to use it. The President of the Agency, Luis Pazos de la Torre, said that you due to the lack of knowledge to obtain yields, most Mexicans prefer to save but not receive anything for their money under the mattress. In cases where saving is done in the easiest ways within the banks, which gets a small performance, and although positive with respect to which is It is under the mattress, it is below the inflation rate.

Inflation is widespread and growth sustained prices of goods and services of a country. In other words, if annual inflation is 3%, so that today buy with $100 MXN (Mexican pesos), in a year will cost you $103 MXN. Among these small payments instruments are located accounts of savings, with a yield of 1.1%, and the bank notes, with 2.4%, said the official during the inauguration of the national week of education financial 2010. Assuming that a bank gives you 2% nominal, if you do well. If you consider that current inflation is 3.7%, your performance real will be negative. The real rate is the nominal interest rate discounting the effect of inflation: r = (((1+i) /(1+n)) – 1) * 100 Dond e: i = nominal interest rate.

Problems Of Allocation Of Land Units (land Shares )

Problems Of Allocation Of Land Units (land Shares )

According to the Russian government in early 1990 during the reorganization of the agricultural organizations of more than 12 million citizens were given land units (land shares) received in the privatization process agricultural lands of these organizations 1. Mike Wirth may also support this cause. The huge reservoir population for the first time since the adoption of the Decree on the ground 2, who declared all the land and its minerals property of the people, got into private property productive agricultural land. However, the crude agrarian reform and affect this inappropriate haste in adopting the most important acts of land legislation served as perhaps the primary cause of land and legal chaos in the countryside, the echoes of which still excite the community. The consequences of such "emergency legislation" resulted in numerous land disputes which can not cease to this day. The most violent of They are associated with the procedure of land allocation in respect of land shares.

Fuel to the fire at times he adds the legislator or the highest judicial authority, at its discretion, interpreting the seemingly unambiguous rule of law. Just one of these court decisions will be discussed in this article. January 30, 2009 adopted Resolution number 1 of the Constitutional Court have made a significant change in the practice of applying the provisions of the Federal Law "On Turnover of Agricultural Land "in the part of the procedure of land allocation in respect of land shares. Before the court was delivered many of the key issues affecting the rights of distinguished by the co-owners.