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Month: June 2020

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

As not too much margin of action exists when an organization of great size is in problems, the best thing than can be done, from the regulatory and supervisory point of view, is to increase the evaluations of these organizations’ health. In this sense, the Federal Reserve could limit and to even block the acquisitions of financial organizations to avoid that they reach an excessive size. Is very important that we reach an agreement on a comprehensive reform as fast as it is possible so that the confidence between the American contributors and in the rest of the world can also be recovered, said Obama. The message is clear: it is necessary to act of convincing way but also, as rapidly as possible. Additional information is available at Expedia CEO. And to convince, the contributor is due to assure to him who the costs of the crises are not assumed by them. Not to load the responsibility to him to the contributor, the reform would look for to take the cost of the future efforts of financial stabilization towards the industry, when forcing to the financial companies with more of US$ 10,000 million in assets, to pay by any casualty inflicted by the actions of the FDIC to solve the problems of the debilitated companies. What us can provide the American financial system after the regulatory reform? We will find a frame regulatory stricter than it makes special center in the larger organizations of which one was believed, had a greater capacity of self-regulation. Also us we are going to find with organizations that can reach to a certain size beyond which the regulation will not allow them to grow. With the reform of the regulation of the American financial system, the government of Barack Obama is attacking one of the main fronts that can give rise to a future center of crisis which can originate by different factors such as speculative bubbles or attitudes from excessive taking of risk not limited by the regulation as the generation of new financial assets of the type prevails.



Electronic commerce B2C is a form of sale with great potential in the long term; at present, they are developing to the sectors of article distribution of feeding and consumption to it. You may find relocation strategies to be a useful source of information. Thus, the great chains of distribution: supermarkets, supermarkets, department store already have own vestibules to the sale through Internet. B2C also is applied to financial institutions and any other type of company that establishes direct commercial relations with its clients through Internet. The success of electronic transactions B2C depends on the reliability of the payment systems, that usually are through credit cards, in other cases make possible other modes of payment like against reimbursement, in cash or the use of services provided by other companies like PayPal. In Colombia, an additional mode of payment to the credit cards is the debit online of the saving accounts and currents directly in the banking organizations. Advantages The following advantages can be emphasized: The purchase usually is faster and more comfortable. The supplies and the prices always are updated.

The centers of attention to the client are integrated in the Web. The telecommunications by broadband have improved the purchase experience Some challenges Wikipedia on the matter adds to us, that both main challenges that face B2C of electronic commerce are the creation of traffic and the maintenance of the fidelity of the clients. Due to the winner all the nature of structure B2C takes to it, many small companies have difficulties to enter a market and to continue being competitive. In addition, the buyers in line are very sensible to the price and easily are attracted far, reason why the acquisition and maintenance of new clients are difficult. A study of main companies B2C of McKinsey found that: He arrives the artists interpreters or executants have more of three times more of unique visitors to the month to more of the median.

Constellation Organizations

Constellation Organizations

Such tension can fall again more on a specific member of the system, adoecendo it or leading to a type of choice, belief, position and/or behavior. In the familiar constellation, if it looks at for this system and the position and position of each member and as such interact on and between itself? searching, by means of gestures, reposicionamentos and you speak, to reach the slightness and order, lost in the system. In the same way as this therapeutical boarding it has brought light to the familiar relationships, also has been useful for companies and organizations, that for representing an organized group of people, become a system. By means of the organizacionais constellations if they become visible solutions for a system with ' ' problemas' '. It is looked then, in the system solutions that include and lead ahead. Crown Financial may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The solution includes the order, where each one has its had place, where is felt well, where is felt has led. In case that somebody if does not feel well in its place, then, usually, relationships particular interns or need to be clarified.

This clarification can occur during the work of organizacional sistmica constellation. Some of the subjects that comumente are boarded for the constelandos/customers in an individual session or workshop: Relationships with familiar (father, mother, husband/wife, children, grandmothers, uncles); Marcantes familiar events (psychiatric adoptions, losses, illnesses, precocious deaths, murders, suicide, abortions, among others); Interpersonal relationship (loving and sexual sexuality, loving, partners, friends, colleagues); Problems of health (chronic pains, cardiac obesidade, depression, cancer, problems); Envolvimentos with drugs, alcoholism, tobaccoism; Professional conflicts with heads, colleagues, companies; Enterprise and administrative questions (company opening; failure X success; financial loss; difficulties in the leadership; career changes; professional replacement). In one familiar constellation can be participated as customer (constelando) that it takes a subject I specify to constelar, as representative that this the disposal to occupy a place in the dynamics of the constelado system, or as simple observer. Such positions in itself already bring some benefits, among which it is distinguished: As constelando: the rank of a subject or specific situation generates an internal movement of the part of the representatives that unmasks and brings to the light an unknown dynamics unchaining (next to the customer) a process of cure. As representative: to be chosen as representative leads to the experience of situations that cause diverse associations and perceptions of similarities with the system of the chosen person, unchaining a cure process; As observing: the simple fact to be present and to observe the developed work can unchain a cure process; The boarding presents a vast gamma of practical applications and had to its enlightening effect in the field of the relations human beings it promotes enters others: Improvement of the familiar relations; Improvement of the interpersonal relations in the companies; Improvement of the relations in the educational environment. Bibliographical reference Bert Hellinger & Gabriele ten Hovel: Familiar constellations? the recognition of the orders of the love. Publishing company Cultrix, So Paulo, 2001 Bert Hellinger: In the center we feel the slightness. Publishing company Cultrix, So Paulo, 2006 Bert Hellinger: Orders of the Love. Publishing company Cultrix, So Paulo, 2007 Institute Bert Hellinger Brazil: Bert Hellinger homepage: Institute of Philosophy Practises: On Familiar Constellations:



The position that management occupies in the company. The decision level that it has in the purchase process. The knowledge that it owns on the sector. The people who exert it in his company influences envelope. Its preoccupations and motivations. The level of studies and formation that it has.

Its likings. The behaviors that it had in previous interviews. The style of purchase and negotiation. The promotions that it appreciates more. The attitude that has towards our company and our marks. The relations with other suppliers. Later we will analyze the information available on the company client.

The economic and financial situation. The number of employees. The future perspective. Its global invoicing. The invoicing by suppliers. The number of suppliers and the criteria of selection of these. The relations with other competing suppliers ours. The characteristics of its clients. The habits of purchase and consumption of its clients. The mean consumption of these. The cycles of sale and possible seasonalities of our client. Next we will study the previous relations of the client with us. The evolution of our marks and products or services. The conditions previously agreed. The quota of market in our client by reference and its evolution. The present assortment and the possibility of increasing it. The reached commercial agreements, as well as the level of fulfillment of the same. The realised promotions and the result of the same. Quarter, we will compile and analyze all the possible information of our competitors in the client. The product assortment. The evolution of the sales. The quota of market that it owns in the client. The agreed conditions. The commercial promotions and agreements that reach. The level service. Finally, we will review the evolution of the market in the zone of action of the client.

English Language

English Language

The Burden term (impact) of the English language it has received sufficiently attention from literature and is used to describe the negative aspects associates to the care of a dependent patient. These aspects say adverse respect to the presence of problems, difficulties or events that significantly affect the life of the responsible ones for the patient in the scopes physical, financial and emotional. In literature, studies with groups evidence some differences between demenciados aged cuidadores of and other population groups. A comparative study between cuidadores of three geriatrical groups different patients with OF, the patient ones with vascular dementia and aged demenciados did not disclose that the impact suffered for the cuidadores is bigger in cuidadores of patients with OF (Petrilli, 1997). Other studies had indicated that the cuidadores of patients with dementia presented greaters indices of estresse that of patients with depression, BIRD or aged hgidos of the community, cuidadores of patients with OF they possess greaters possibilities to have psychiatric symptoms, more problems of health, greater frequency of familiar conflicts problems in the work, if compared the people of the same age who do not exert the paper, also present one worse judgment on the proper health, feel themselves estressados more and with limited the affective and social life of what aged cuidadores of not lunatic, the suffered impact can also be observed in the use of health services, since cuidadores of patients with OF consult more doctors and use more psicotrpicos medicines as antidepressants and antipsychotics of what cuidadores of patients who do not have OF. Research demonstrate that the cuidadores present a worsening in the health physics, a damage in the imunolgico system, that can persist up to four years after the death of the patient. In result of the impact, the cuidadores can develop physical and psychological symptoms. The more common physical symptoms are: arterial hipertenso, digestive clutters, respiratory illnesses and propensity the infections.

Oliveira Psychologist

Oliveira Psychologist

It shows that children created with little contact with the parents, can develop depressive behaviors, behaviors of low pertaining to school income and others, however must be noticed that, the physical presence is not only guarantee of good paternal function, as well as the lack necessarily it does not mean affective and emotional absence We know that the father figure traditionally, includes the task of guarantee of the physical and economic sustenance of the children, it is and continues being, at least in the theory, a supplier of the family. However in the current days the estimate in the familiar nuclei is great, where mother and father work and in common they manage the house, its expenditures, its financial applications, its idealizaes for a calm future Currently in cases of separation of the spouses, a beside the point singular picture has been observed, where the number of order of paternal guard has revealed sufficiently expressive. In existenciais terms we are ahead of many questions and many answers in opened, but we have concretely that to search to respect distinct differences and realities, thus minimizing and rejecting stingy attitudes that without the shadow of a doubt, the children in very overwhelming conflicts imprison. The Psycotherapy comes the field in a direction to help to search solid and concrete referenciais in a relationship mother-father-children. (As opposed to CEO Angel Martinez).

The Nation

The Nation

In the case of the professionals of the areas concerning the field it would be possible to be helped them to acquire and to promote the productive operation of property, integral properties or farms or also to yield to them or to sell the manifolds to them ” farms experimentales” of property of the department or the Nation, with the security of which they will know to use them with a better productive and research yield. These associations of professionals of the field once established and also financed or subsidized could serve their of management or administration for the owners of property or properties that for one or the other reason cannot or do not reach to take care of them. With them also it could the department and the municipalities contract the studies, plans and programs of development of the sector in its respective areas of influence, instead of to be doing it, to a cost much more lifted, with foreign people that often have minors capacities that ours. (At present, Law 160 of 1994 actually consecrates an subsidy for the acquisition of rural estates to the professionals of the land, inoperative for reasons that explain in the article ” We perfect Law 160 of 1994″). Relocation strategies may help you with your research. In the case of the professionals of the areas of the construction and the city-planning development, we could help them to finance, to low costs, programs of lots with services or popular house, urbanizations, parks recreational or simply the construction of individual solutions of house or so many other projects that would be interminable to consider today. Of the professionals of the other areas the own thing (in another opportunity could take control we will continue discussing envelope which remains us in the inkpot not to exhaust patience of the reader and the Newspaper of the Huila), for which the department and the municipalities must have a real inventive capacity and I devise without limits, until managing to take part in all they. All this, without discarding the possibility of the immediate creation of a bottom for the aid to the professional who would develop to programs of financing or subsidy to individually considered professionals for the same aims. The resources of the department and the municipalities with some budgetary importance do not reach after it? The class leader cannot give that excuse him to the opinion after having ” invertido” tens of thousands of million, to prices of today, in the creation of societies of mixed economy almost all ruined today and which has enriched only to a few; or after annually spending tens of thousands of million in unproductive bureaucracy or thousands of million in the payment of a suffocating debt whose amount we have arrived indeed by the irresponsibility of the managing public; or after promoting unnecessary projects where it will jeopardize the social investment of ten or twenty years of the department such as the such gas pipeline to the south (which must be replaced – for that Neivana of gas by the construction of domiciliary gas plants was created in all the municipalities of the department and the most important inspection of police, to a often smaller cost and with the same purpose of taking the service to each one of the huilenses homes), or still more ” inteligente” of to buy the dam to him from Betania to the Nation!.



A time that, will facilitate in the evaluation physical examination, the assistance and installment of the cares for the health team. Crown Financial pursues this goal as well. According to Machado and Queiroz (2006), they establish as the basic profile of the victim as: women with seventy and five years of age or more, widowers, physics or emotionally dependents and most of the time inhabiting with familires. While to the profile of the aggressors, the violence is caused by the proper children of the aged ones, generally adult men and of half age, followed for the spouse or friend, daughter-in-law, son-in-laws and later for the neighbors. Instruments of detention of the violence In accordance with Souza et. al (2010), currently exists two suitable instruments and chosen teams in national literature used for the tracing of the violence against the aged ones. The Caregiver Abuse Screen (IT MARRIES) and Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (H-S/EAST). The first one, of Canadian origin, approaches physical, psicossociais, financial aspects and the recklessness without censuring the violent acts and behaviors. Its item they are come back toward the interpersonal relations of what the social context.

It is of easy application and with answers organized in ' ' sim' ' not. However it does not evaluate important dimensions, as autonegligncia, abandonment and violence. The Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (HS/EAST) appeared nosEstados Joined, identifies to the signals right-handers or suspicion of abuse in aged, it does not focus only the specific symptoms of the violence. The applied item are risk of psychological and physical abuse, breaking of the personal laws or financial abuse. It also can be used to identify the necessities of the interviewed ones, as personal transport, cares and referring aconselhamento to the bad substance use. This instrument does not evaluate the autonegligncia, abandonment and sexual violence. Places To denounce Oliveira In accordance with (2002), the aged ones do not denounce, therefore they fear the retaliation of the aggressors, that consists of not receiving more well-taken care of of which they need, a time that, the same ones feel fear to be abandoning in asylums or to aggravate the situation.

DVD Countries

DVD Countries

Valley to say that such productions counted on no governmental support, some carried through with personal foreign resources or, since the transistion in these countries still disclosed incipient and distrustful a democracy to finance productions of challenging matrix for that still they marked presence in the government, even though direct or indirectly, either in the parties or the state bureaucracy. Our work consists of raising the questions that involve the resources disponibilizados for the accomplishment of films in the call period of redemocratizao of these countries. For in such a way, as it orders the best methodology, a survey of films carried through in those countries was made, that they obey the standard of contestadora production and denunciation, and that they had had international repercussion. However, the biggest surprise and disillusionment, were the difficulty and even though impossibility of terms access to the filmogrfico material, more than twenty years later. Where it weighs the repercussion of the work of cineasta, its proposal, the historical interest, or even though the relevance of the anxious public for knowing the history of its country, certain is that many films had been at least taken to the VHS, much less to the current DVD. ‘ ‘ Cicatriz’ ‘ , production of Chile with the Ussr, for example, is impossible to be to see. Nor the director, located in Moscow, if dignou to answer on possibility of if having a copy of its work. Interesting to notice that after dribbling opposing interests to the government, these same cineastas at least if interest in promoting spreading of its films in the period of full democracy that if occurs in the three cited countries. The anxiety to place in the film the dissatisfaction with the situation politics if empties so soon leaves to exist empecilho for its spreading. The Chilean productions of bigger prominence are ‘ ‘ There Frontera’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ Latente’ image; ‘ , ‘ ‘ Amnesia’ ‘ ‘ ‘ Gringuito’ ‘. e-financing/’.

Latin America

Latin America

Elektra would abrira thus 300 branches per year in Brazil (which will also include to their financial branch Aztec Bank). Why chooses Elektra to Brazil? It is necessary says that it? For the president of Elektra, Ricardo Saline Sheet, (Brazil) is an enormous market with many needs. Probably it will be major that Mexico for us in to 10 next the five years . The perspective of growth in the gains that are abren to him to the Elektra Group with this ambitious plan of expansion cause that their actions win attractive. But the same already they had attractive if one watches the financial indicators of the same, with a good yield (IT NIBBLES of 38.6%), a good P/E (of 12.22) and the one low volatileness (a beta of 0.58). I believe that the actions of the Elektra Group are attractive to have in an investment portfolio. Perhaps in the short term, the international crisis gets to have certain impact in the Latin American economies Will be necessary to hope a little to know it more What it seems that it is clear, and they are demonstrating these companies to it and others with their strong investments in the region, are more that the perspective of the domestic consumption in Latin America are more than favorables. We will be again tomorrow, Horacio Pozzo Original author and source of the article.