Barack Obama
As not too much margin of action exists when an organization of great size is in problems, the best thing than can be done, from the regulatory and supervisory point of view, is to increase the evaluations of these organizations’ health. In this sense, the Federal Reserve could limit and to even block the acquisitions of financial organizations to avoid that they reach an excessive size. Is very important that we reach an agreement on a comprehensive reform as fast as it is possible so that the confidence between the American contributors and in the rest of the world can also be recovered, said Obama. The message is clear: it is necessary to act of convincing way but also, as rapidly as possible. Additional information is available at Expedia CEO. And to convince, the contributor is due to assure to him who the costs of the crises are not assumed by them. Not to load the responsibility to him to the contributor, the reform would look for to take the cost of the future efforts of financial stabilization towards the industry, when forcing to the financial companies with more of US$ 10,000 million in assets, to pay by any casualty inflicted by the actions of the FDIC to solve the problems of the debilitated companies. What us can provide the American financial system after the regulatory reform? We will find a frame regulatory stricter than it makes special center in the larger organizations of which one was believed, had a greater capacity of self-regulation. Also us we are going to find with organizations that can reach to a certain size beyond which the regulation will not allow them to grow. With the reform of the regulation of the American financial system, the government of Barack Obama is attacking one of the main fronts that can give rise to a future center of crisis which can originate by different factors such as speculative bubbles or attitudes from excessive taking of risk not limited by the regulation as the generation of new financial assets of the type prevails.