Dakar Sector

Dakar Sector

Between the months of October and December of 2008, according to the CBC, of the 500 projects in proceeding to be realised in Chile within four years that were entered, a 25% of them -125 projects were suspended completely or postponed in the hope of better conditions of market. heading more affected by the suspension of investments has been the sector of the construction (also affected by the high interest rates). Before the consultation about the factors that have determined the nonaccomplishment of these investments, the fall in the demand appears like one of the main factors that have brought about the suspension of the investment projects. One of the components of the same, the deprived consumption, is feeling with force the impact of the crisis. Proof of it, the sales of the retail commerce in the metropolitan area of the Chilean capital fell a 9.0% in the month of December of the 2008 against equal month of the previous year, the worse performance in 10 years, said to Monday the National Camera of Comercio (CNC). One of the sectors that have demonstrated the great solidity in the middle of the crisis has been the Chilean banking sector that product of a strict regulation stayed besides the taking of excessive risk through toxic assets. According to the president of the Central bank of Chile, Jose De Gregorio: the financial sector in Chile is very solid and, without a doubt, has been preparation to absorb the crisis very well financial. But that strength that has demonstrated at the time not translates in a great capacity of generation of credit on the part of the banking organizations that have increased the requirements and the financial cost to grant credits, which does not do more than to deepen the deceleration of the economy.

In relation to this, the minister of Property, Andres Velasco said: Is key that the financial sector makes its part to attenuate these effects; that the financial sector plays an extenuating and nonmultiplying role of these external blows. The objectives for this 2009 of the Chilean government are more and more clear: to avoid an abrupt deceleration in the economic growth, to stimulate the concretion of investment projects and to stimulate to the financial system so that it generates the credit necessary to maintain to the internal demand (consumption more investment). Chile has very good conditions macroeconomic so that the investors develop their projects, and this it is a point to very important favor on which it counts. Although this crisis is striking to the majority of the productive sectors in the country, one of the sectors that seem not to be undergoing so much the impact of the crisis is the tourist sector. He is that during which goes of the month of January of the present year 312,000 foreigners have entered Chile to vacacionar in the country. The amount of foreign tourists who have entered during the present month is, according to numbers of the Chilean Police, a 8% major in relation to the same month of 2008 and for the end of the summer period esteem that their vacations in Chile will have enjoyed more than 750,000 foreign tourists. Although it is certain that the accomplishment of the Dakar rally has had its positive impact on the tourism in Chile, the sector is demonstrating a great potential of development that waits for being profiteer. Original author and source of the article.

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