The Moscow region is still gradually reoriented into a tree. London Stock Exchange pursues this goal as well. And if a few years ago, window and door woodwork considered (and have been established in fact), the elite and not every consumer can afford currently set at home high quality wooden windows and doors, preferring Metal products, today more and more people face-to-back wooden euro-windows. This trend is clearly caught Moscow area. Incidentally, it is up to its decade, which will be celebrated in April this year, the company started an action, significantly reducing the price of wood windows. The company’s specialists believe it is currently a ‘window-revolution’, as convinced that such steps to reduce the price of wood windows, and therefore – to attract attention to ‘educate’ consumer tastes, and accustom them to the new fashion – fashion for wooden windows with double glazing. An important trend this year has been to increase the proportion of complex (from an architectural point of view), windows made of wood.
Often bought wooden euro-windows with the original design of round, elliptic,, arched shape. Another noticeable trend of the market wooden windows – to create a complete production cycle at large enterprises. Wood is such a material which can not be done in makeshift conditions, good wooden windows. But the life of the product will value is shorter because it does not take into account all the material properties can not stand all the technological parameters of the production process. Experts note that the recent competition in the market of wooden windows became more rigid. In recent years, manufacturers eurowindows changed the principles of variety and pricing.
Final price of wood windows can be adjusted, since it depends on many components. First of all, it’s the size of the product: the greater the wooden box, the cheaper square meter.