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Month: November 2020



The Moscow region is still gradually reoriented into a tree. London Stock Exchange pursues this goal as well. And if a few years ago, window and door woodwork considered (and have been established in fact), the elite and not every consumer can afford currently set at home high quality wooden windows and doors, preferring Metal products, today more and more people face-to-back wooden euro-windows. This trend is clearly caught Moscow area. Incidentally, it is up to its decade, which will be celebrated in April this year, the company started an action, significantly reducing the price of wood windows. The company’s specialists believe it is currently a ‘window-revolution’, as convinced that such steps to reduce the price of wood windows, and therefore – to attract attention to ‘educate’ consumer tastes, and accustom them to the new fashion – fashion for wooden windows with double glazing. An important trend this year has been to increase the proportion of complex (from an architectural point of view), windows made of wood.

Often bought wooden euro-windows with the original design of round, elliptic,, arched shape. Another noticeable trend of the market wooden windows – to create a complete production cycle at large enterprises. Wood is such a material which can not be done in makeshift conditions, good wooden windows. But the life of the product will value is shorter because it does not take into account all the material properties can not stand all the technological parameters of the production process. Experts note that the recent competition in the market of wooden windows became more rigid. In recent years, manufacturers eurowindows changed the principles of variety and pricing.

Final price of wood windows can be adjusted, since it depends on many components. First of all, it’s the size of the product: the greater the wooden box, the cheaper square meter.

The Transformation Of Energy

The Transformation Of Energy

Devices, the principle of which is based on the laws of hydraulics are used extensively in industry and national economy. Hydraulic equipment each year expands the range of its use permanently upgraded and improved. Hear other arguments on the topic with SHV Energy. Pumping units are of different types and can contain all sorts of constructive solutions, which allow you to implement these or other consumer needs. In principle, the hydraulic blower is a device converting one form of energy into another, namely, mechanical to hydraulic. Due to the development of scientific progress, the sale of pumps are increasing every year.

After all this equipment used in the extractive industries, aviation and space industry, in transportation technologies and systems, as well as construction equipment. At first glance, such a simple device as a pump to the ns is virtually indispensable in solving a variety of tasks. This value due to the high reliability of the device, as well as long life. Gear pumps – is a special kind of pump units, which require a competent and qualified service. Upon the sale of pumps should have all the relevant quality certificates, which are evidence of high quality, reliability and environmental friendliness device. Each buyer must be satisfied before purchasing the device, all necessary documents are available. Otherwise, the pump unit may malfunction or be adversely environmental impact on the environment. Recommended the purchase of hydraulic pumps from certified vendors.

This will prevent unnecessary problems from the mass of the poor quality of the device. Gear pumps, gear pump or other hydraulic pump would require the proper care, maintenance and, if necessary, repair. It should be remembered that the equipment of this class can not be qualitatively repaired without the proper operating conditions. Indeed, for all repair and preventive processes should comply with certain technological and environmental standards. Only then can ensure the reliability of future operation. Particular attention should be paid to staff who sells pumps, repair and maintenance. Skill levels will depend on a lot. First, it correctly select the desired model, warranty registration documents and the provision of technical documentation. Secondly, proper repairs and maintenance of pumping units would significantly increase their life service and will withstand the documented levels of reliability, durability and other characteristics. Third, professional assessment and monitoring of process operating hydraulic pumps allow properly define the terms under which should be carried out overhaul the entire complex, as well as a number of preventive work with one or other of his peers. If we consider all these factors, purchase high-quality pump unit to carry out the necessary maintenance and repair work, the device will serve for many years and will avoid the additional financial costs, which positively impact on the entire process of production and operation.

Choosing Pair

Choosing Pair

Procedures to optimize the election of the companion are not infrequent to be more in one go in the life in the attitude to have to decide if a person is or noncompatible with us. Often the unions are made when walking. For example, it has dinner, physical attraction, one together night or weekend, forgetfulness of the toothbrush in the house of the other, soon underclothes of spare part, and without nothing has been planned, some of both is remained in the house of the other. The implied people do not stop themselves to think the long term effects and convenience to be united. As the time runs the unions are become more it jeopardize and what it did not value itself in a beginning it values when it is behind schedule and the attachment feelings are evident. We live at a time marked by the hedonismo and immediacy, in which many identify with the style carpe diem, to live the moment. However, as astrologer also receipt in consultation to people who ask for an expert opinion on the pair which they are knowing to know another opinion and no to be mistaken.

So it is come to raise a Letter of Compatibility. It is an astrological technique that compares Native Letters (energies) of the people, to remove the divided major from its relation. It describes its characteristics and of its affective bond. Its consultation is frequent, dice its practical use. It provides with indicating on which they are the weak points and of force of the pair, as well as determines if the relation will last or no. Of other occasions, my work consists of reviewing retrospectively with consulting his settled relation to identify the cause of the failure and not to return to commit the same errors. Sometimes it did not reach to help them not to commit different errors.

RSS Internet

RSS Internet

BuzzWatcher, or how to manage the reputation online service AT Internet alert messages and harmful rumours to the company the importance of know talk what about you on social networks Madrid, 08 February 2011-at the time of the reign of social networks, viral phenomenon is becoming something every day more frequent: the buzz is a cause, or unavoidable consequence of marketing strategy. Therefore, en Internet (, the company leader in the field of Web analytics solutions and mobile, boasts BuzzWatcher, an online tool for measuring the buzz and online reputation that measures the activity of a brand, product, competitors, the impact of the actions of marketing or trends in the web 2.0 (social networking, video platforms(, RSS feeds, blogs) the buzz is a marketing technique consisting in promoting an action, a product, a service or an event. This extends over various formats like RSS feeds, newsletters, forums, blogs must not say that the growth of this technique has been greatly increased since the explosion of social networks and video platforms. Companies have realized their effects, being now of the utmost importance to take them into account. The benefit of measuring online reputation is that it provides companies the information necessary for deciding where to be present in social networks or on what channels of communication desired positioning can be achieved in the best possible way.

In addition, entrepreneur manages to know that actions being carried out which report you a better reputation and corporate image. One of the advantages of BuzzWatcher is that it measures the activity of all web 2.0 media in real time. In addition, all the analysis that provides are filtered by keywords and can perform a focus on a particular topic (reputation of a brand, a product of a competitor or an industry or a particular topic). With this information it is possible to act with knowledge of the facts about the reputation. Finally, this service’s AT Internet is characterized by its simplicity, given that BuzzWatcher doesn’t require any kind of markup or installation: enough with the customer to declare those key words or expressions that you want to scan using the monitoring tool and the context in which it will be mentioned. Thanks to this service, AT Internet offers a detailed report per hour of activity that is being carried out with your keywords, and also can be a direct access to the contents, by clicking directly on the post, tweets, videos etc. About en Internet created in 1995, en Internet, formerly known as XiTi, is a leading independent company in the market of analytical solutions and mobile Web. Leader in France and Europe in the field of intelligence Online, its experience and technology allows a company to develop unique and innovative solutions for the measurement of Web traffic, behavior of the user, measuring performance and availability of Web sites as well as online reputation measurement.

EN Internet has more than 3,500 customers around the world, including some of the largest companies. Headquartered in Bordeaux, where is its headquarters, and thanks to its international offices, AT Internet operates in 9 different countries around the world, including Germany, England, Ireland, Spain and Canada. It currently employs more than 150 people at the international level, with more than 60% of its workforce working in the technical department.

Burnout In The Work Of The Nurse In Brazil: A Revision

Burnout In The Work Of The Nurse In Brazil: A Revision

THE BURNOUT IN THE WORK OF THE NURSE IN BRAZIL: A REVISION Renata Santini, Marcell Alysson Batisti Lozovoy 1. Learning of the Course of Nursing of the College Pitgoras-Londrina/PR 2. Professor of the Course of Nursing of the Pitgoras-Londrina/PR College SUMMARY Ahead of the increase of the necessity in if getting more studies related to the health of the worker of the nursing area, this work if justifies to the measure that the syndrome of burnout has increased each time more in recent years, with this, has a necessity of if to search on the subject, has seen that, few studies in Brazil related to the subject exist. This research had as objective to identify, by means of bibliographical revision, the main generating sources of estresse in the work of the nurse resulting in the development of the syndrome of burnout, beyond describing the main symptoms of the syndrome and telling its consequences in the work environment. The study it was carried through with base of analyzes and article interpretations published between 1999 the 2010. The gotten results had been that the Brazilian nurses suffer with estresse occupational and this is related with the beginning of the Syndrome of burnout. Jammu describes an additional similar source. It was observed that the main generating sources of estresse occupational are emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low professional accomplishment (high horria load of work, low quality of life, me the remuneration). These factors can lead to the damage to the cares given to the patients and compromising the physical and psychological health of this professional.

PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Burnout. Nurses. Occupational Estresse. ABSTRACT Given an increase of the necessity in getting lives studies related you the health of the nursing area workers, this research is justified to insofar the burnout syndrome has grown increasingly in the recent years. Because of it, there is necessity of researches about this subject considering that there ploughs few studies about this theme.

The Evaluation Portal Qype

The Evaluation Portal Qype

What brings small business reviews: pros and cons. Qype is a review portal where restaurants, shops, hotels and many other service providers can be assessed. Certainly, there are many arguments for and against, but the basic idea is good. Freedom of expression is important in the net, because where else one has the possibilities to exchange experiences. “It is only problematic when good reviews bought” are.

Who regularly uses this portal, you will get a feeling for honest opinions quickly. Because it is already noticeable, when a user submits an assessment only and that is very positive. Another indication of irregularities is the temporal accumulation of many positive reviews. It’s believed that Bernard Looney sees a great future in this idea. Especially for smaller companies, it is a nice platform. Often they can afford no expensive advertising, or it no one believes that the product or the service is really good.

In everyday life, we are confronted with so much advertising that it has become very difficult with a small budget to create an effective advertising. Rating portals such as reviews are a complement to advertising. However, the customers on the way must be made aware. People who often travel on the Internet, have heard of Qype, but customers is not easy to motivate a post to write. Simply, it is of course, if there is a close customer contact and the customers are really satisfied. However, has always been the difficulty has been that satisfied customers won’t get the idea, to share the positive experiences. The sofa has experienced so far positive Depot, although it is still not so long. Cheap sofas are looking for while, but you get of course faster many reviews for groups of goods of daily demand. Dissatisfied customers have the urge to share the experience. This can be a disadvantage. But negative reviews can be annotated in this portal, and unfortunately, it is also the case that not every customer can be satisfied. Often difficulties in the shop can be removed. Like so talking often helps. To do this, both sides must be but ready. If you have a website, which will be pleased about a Qypeeintragung. Google takes this up and this has a positive effect on the ranking. So is the motto to motivate customers to get reviews. Marcus Hammad

International Holistic Foundation

International Holistic Foundation

How should they settle their differences? They propose to transform the world to be more creative, intelligent and dialoguing, not involving face each other, for example, in the case of Mexico and indeed also in other countries around the world will have a big problem with politicians, because are devoted largely to confront people, put one group against another, so you need a reality political action, in agreements on dialogue rather than fight or defeat of one another.

He also says that all this can be tested in small communities holistic and believes this can go forward in learning communities. According to Patria Re, who has experience with these questions. In response, after several examples, Miller says that if we trust in the spirit of the time, current awareness, and if this really is changing then yes, the central society generally follow us without having to get involved in violence, conflict or confrontations, but I do not know is the truth, I do not know, has never happened and in the history of humanity, and if something would happen this time again. Responding to Dr. Gallegos stressed and said that in Mexico one of the characteristics of the holistic movement is a great interaction with society that is inclusive, is not formed by the upper or middle class, who has tried to be an alternative for all human groups, rich, poor, urban, rural, academic, business, political, indigenous, elderly, children, etc. As a place of harmony for all through dialogue we find what unites us and form a common-unity, as the International Holistic Foundation, which has tried to make the holistic education community in Mexico embrace all human beings without discrimination of any kind. In a question-answer forum Bernard Looney was the first to reply.

General Assembly Of The HoREX In Essen

General Assembly Of The HoREX In Essen

Common year highlight of the leading hearing care professional community and the optometrist community IGA OPTIC to its General Assembly met on the last weekend in May the hearing acoustics EC HoREX. In the Atlantic in Essen the members of the leading German hearing care professional community for the year 2009 could pull a positive balance hotel and make important decisions for the further development of the community. Their traditional highlight of the year organized the HoREX for the first time together with the optometrist community IGA OPTIC with the you work in partnership for over two years. Hear from experts in the field like GIC for a more varied view. In the current European capital of culture, an attractive programme of information, peer exchange and common experiences expected members of both communities. Our AGM was this time under a very special character”, so Tannassia Raghavan, Chief Executive Officer of HoREX hearing acoustics EC.

For one, we celebrate the 15-year anniversary of our community 2010. Then our meeting was for the first time in a common framework with our cooperation partner IGA OPTIC instead. And we are faced with the task to make decisive course for the way of our strong community.” More than 200 members of HoREX and IGA OPTIC followed the invitation to dinner. In its internal General Assembly, the leading national professional community could draw a positive balance sheet for the previous fiscal year. The supervisory board election confirmed Anja Bill Hardt-Hoppe (Hilchenbach) in their capacity as a member of the Board. In a lively and very constructive discussion those gathered on key issues of the future development of their HoREX exchanged. High-profile lecture program, info fair and social gatherings also hotel guests in the modern Atlantic expected a top-ranking training and lecture program.

The long-time WDR Director Dr. Fritz Pleitgen, acting Chairman of the Management Board of the Ruhr belonged to the speakers of the three-day meeting among others 2010 GmbH, Jakob Stephan Baschab, Chief Executive Officer of the Austrian Federal Guild of the hearing, as well as marketing expert and book author Professor Dr. Claudius A. Schmitz. In the context of an accompanying exhibition, numerous vendors from the listening acoustic industry presented themselves. A trade show booth, where the HoREX team of external communication professionals about current marketing offers informed met with great interest. The meeting was rounded off by two successful evening events in the coking plant Zollverein in Essen’s Colosseum Theatre offered ample opportunity for collegial sharing and convivial get-together. Our meeting in Essen an impressive testimony to the vitality and the great potential of our strong community was again”, so again Tannassia Reuber. Together, we are confident to meet the enormous challenges of changing and very dynamic listening acoustic market currently provides to us. Making the frame event together with our cooperation partner IGA OPTIC, has proven itself. The partnership meeting of both communities will benefit above all the many members, business operating stretches both on listening acoustics and optics.” Editorial Note: the hearing acoustics EC headquartered in Kreuztal HoREX was founded in 1995 and is one of the leading performance of hearing-acoustics industry. Today, nationwide over 340 listening acoustic master specialist businesses belong to her. The HoREX care professional aims to offer an individual hearing solution people with hearing loss, which focuses on personal hearing requirements and a fair price / performance ratio. The HoREX provides future-oriented perspectives and an attractive shopping policy, extensive marketing support and numerous services, offers in-service training and quality certification to its members. For more information, see

Deputy Prime Minister

Deputy Prime Minister

The bag falls in line with the rest of European parks. The Minister of economy ensures that the markets trust us. There is a lot of sensitivity, why they vary both values. The risk premium on Spain on Thursday ended the session of the secondary market of public debt in 274 basis points on a day in which investors fears about the bailout to Greece boosted it up to maximum levels in 2011. So half session, the country risk of Spain, which is measured with the profitability of the national bond to ten years and the German, came to its annual peak of 282 basis points affected by the inability of the European Union (EU) and the European Central Bank (ECB) to reach an agreement on the second plan of aid to the Greek economy. Official site: ExxonMobil Corp . The risk premium is close to its all-time high, reached last November 30 when stood at the close of the session at 289 basis points.

The 10-year Spanish bond yields today exceeded 5.6%, from 5.5% to marked at the opening of the session of the debt market, while the German bond yield fell, remained below 3% and closed at 2.9%. Despite the upturn, the risk premium on Spain is still far from other peripheral EU countries, since in Greece exceeds the 1,500 basis points, Ireland is in 863 and of Portugal passes from 790. The second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of economy Elena Salgado, recalled for his part to cadena SER that the evolution of the risk premium is closely related to the worsening of the crisis in Greece and pointed out that there is an almost general instability in this market by this circumstance, which particularly affects Italy, Belgium and Spain. To be in a process of reforms and fiscal consolidation, there is great sensitivity in markets who see Spain, causing investor turbulence due to the situation in Greece. The Minister stressed that the latest broadcasts of debt by Spain has gone well, so markets continue to have confidence in us, at the time that recalled how the situation afflicting Greece affects the markets in general and not only to a country that is associated with helena crisis. The Bosa falls for its part, the bag dropped 0.15 per cent, which prevented him from reaching 10,000 points, in line with the rest of European squares, in a day again marked by uncertainty about the future of Greece, and its cto on the rest of European countries.

Thus, the Spanish stock market IBEX 35 selective index ceded 14,60 points, 0.15%, up to 9.918,50 points, and annual earnings shrank to 0,60%. The main squares in Europe, with the euro at 1,415 dollars, closed in negative: the Eurostoxx 50 index fell 0.03%; Frankfurt, the 0.07%; Milan, the 0.33%; Paris 0.38% and 0.76% London. During the day, Spain won for the second time this week close a way to debt issuance relatively satisfactory, after award of 2.839,5 million euros, of which 1.513,15 corresponded to obligations to 1.326,35 million euros with a maturity of eight years and fifteen years. Source of the news: the risk premium on Spanish climbing to 274 basis points by the doubts of the Greek crisis

Clinical Neuropsychology

Clinical Neuropsychology

New website for school on the brand new in life called website for parents, teachers and all other tips, tricks and scientific knowledge around the theme of learning to write. The fine motor skills expert Dr. Christian Marquardt posted the blog posts. He writes about news and studies in his field and gives advice on how lighter children a fluid handwriting learning. According to SHV Energy, who has experience with these questions. For many years, he conducts basic research on the topic of writing and teaches among others at the Padagogische Hochschule in Vienna. If we build a bridge from painting to writing writing beginners, we facilitate a fluid handwriting decisively! “, so the advice of experts Marquardt.” In addition to the blog offers the hJonah Bloom shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand.

Under the heading “you discuss” writing learning experience can be exchanged. The question of how the writing learning can help parents and teachers of children, is the project in the foreground. This independent information site was initiated by Manafacturer STABILO international writing that accompanies children and young people as a family company and global brand for decades. The company promotes here but not his products, but provides an information service. Add to your understanding with CEO Bernard Looney. Why? Because an important precondition for further learning is to be able to write properly and a false Schreibhaltung leads not only to writing and school problems, but causes long-term health damage. Easier writing how necessary this is, shows a recent survey in the three largest European countries Germany, France and the United Kingdom. A tense writing attitude that tensed hands, faulty and difficult legible font a bigger problem than previously thought. Handwritten letter is to create nearly 80 percent of the pupils and students across Europe.

“The scale ranges from mild complaints about cramped hands up there too painful” (source:) Institute Dialego AG, January 2010). Scientists call for other teaching methods for the learning to write, as well as ergonomic, custom-fit pins for different hand sizes right – and left-handers. Everything in the social web is present on other platforms in the social Web. There are informative links and learn to write short messages on. Learn to write provides a wealth of coloring and learn to write shows vivid Schreiblern videos with helpful suggestions for games, lessons and exercises. Note to editors: STABILO International is a subgroup of the Schwanhausser industry holding. The Group has 370 million euro implemented 2008/09 (by June 30) in the fiscal year, 146 million euros alone with writing instruments. Worldwide, the Group employs 3,519 people. Dr. Christian Marquardt has been researching for several years on the motor basics of writing. He graduated from the Faculty of medical psychology of LMU Munich to the Theme of the kinematic motion analysis. Since 1990 he is a member of the development group Clinical Neuropsychology at the Munich-Bogenhausen Hospital. Together with his team, Dr. Marquardt has developed a computer program that analyzes the motor skills in writing (Schreibtableau).