The Industry
This movement lasted one month more than and involved laborers of all the branches of the industry, as metallurgist, masons, shoemakers, marble workers and seedbeds, graphs, teceles, hat makers, dressmakers, workers in wood. It is important to detach that the wages were not paid during the strikes, being thus, many times the laborers finished coming back to the work without nothing to obtain. The conquests gotten with the strikes never were definitive. Therefore, from time to time, the laborers entered in strike; in 1906, the railroad workers of So Paulo had stopped for better conditions of work and wages; in 1912-1913, laboring of some categories they had 1912-1913 made strikes against the high prices of the life and for better wages. First the great movement striker of syndical history in Brazil that paralyzed the city of So Paulo in 1917, was initiated with strikes located in txteis plants, in the quarters of the Moca and the Ipiranga. The leaders strikers demanded better wages and better conditions of work, beyond the requirement of suppression of the contribution ' ' pr-ptria' ' (campaign of financial support to Italy, developed for the immigrant bourgeoisie of So Paulo, arriving until making discountings of the wages of the workers, as it was the case of the Cotonifcio Crespi).
The manifestations of street hardly had been restrained by the policy, culminating with the murder of the anarchic shoemaker Antonio Martinez. During one month the city of So Paulo lived the agitation of the committees of strikes, that although to show a considerable capacity of mobilization of the work force, they did not serve to sensetize the state. Throughout all Old Republic (1889-1930) the oligarchical governments treated the social matter as ' ' case of polcia' ' , thus preferring, to adopt measured arbitrary, as beating and arrest of the leaderships strikers and expulsion of the foreigners of the country.