Private Pension Plans In The Course
Survey on shows: to invest 40 percent over 200 euros monthly, the statutory pension system guarantees only a primary care in retirement. More so gaining importance of private pension plans. But how significant is the private pension insurance in times of financial crisis with consumers? The portal has asked for and captured the mood to private pensions. Therefore, 40 percent of those surveyed over 200 euro invest monthly in their private pension. For 34 percent, the subject is not a foreign Word retirement.
You have already privately secured themselves and feel well cared for retirement. The idea of joining a private pension insurance in the future, is 16 percent of respondents. 18 percent, however, hope that their statutory pension insurance is sufficient in the future. 40 percent have poll already created a good nest egg for old age itself. With over 200 euros in the month, they are the average value of the contribution.
With 50 euro a month back up 26 percent an additional financial pillar for the future. Small amounts can mean in particular at the beginning of a long term retirement security. Between 50 and 200 euros 34 percent put total monthly on the edge of the private pensions”. His retirement State-promote yourself the chance the Riester pension offers. By the AAM, she achieved a higher return than comparable systems. This advantage use poll 24 percent and opt for a Riester-rente. However, 50 per cent without the Riestern. But the Riestern is not in the future, 26 percent of those surveyed plan their entry into the Riester pension.