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Month: April 2012

Bureaucracy and Public Administration

Bureaucracy and Public Administration

The classic administration has as bedding the principles of the administration of implanted prussiano Exercito in the Europe in the last century and Brazil in 1936. In turn the bureaucratic administration happened as method of substitution of the centralizadora absolute monarchy of the public patrimony as in such a way private. For the development of the capitalism, the state separation was necessary and market, inasmuch as the democracy existence is only possible when it distinguishes from market of the society controls that it, was in this I contest that the separation between the public and the private one appeared. With effect, the bureaucratic administration can be understood as precarious, slow, expensive, and without the had orientation. She was with this spirit of change, that the State stimulated the due changes not only aiming at the improvement of the public service, but separation of the particular patrimony to the one of the private one. The Public administration passed to be delineated in 1930, that she was improved in 1967 with the call second reform, by means of the implementation of (Dasp), occurs that the initial kick left in 1938, with the creation of the Autarchies, leaving of the estimated one that the public power must be decentralized (indirect administration).

It was in this I contest that the decree law 200, tried to desburocratizar the rigidity of the administration granting bigger autonomy the indirect administration, by means of the transference of activity of goods and services as the foundations, society of mixing economy, public company. However, the system presented deficiency, when it instituted the possibility of act of contract of public officer without competition requirement, making possible the weakness of the strategical nucleus of the state by means of opportunist strategy of the military, that was materialize with the crisis of 70 (military regimen), taking the reform to the failure. With the 1988 constitution, a more adequate regimen to the servers searched, maquiada with equality of servers.

Public Administration

Public Administration

The paradigm adopted for many to make public administration privileging one alone to be able, absolute and irresponsible with characteristics well next to the proposal of the Hobbesianismo -, is of responsibility of who makes separately it, not of executive all governmental that has courage to carry through the participativo budget, for example. She is necessary to pontuar that in some cases the agreement of that the social control is a participativo instrument of the society, exerted mainly for the advice, that must be pautado democratically by the politics and/or the legal right, not for the will of the men, public good, above of the particular fondness has happened not. Any position that does not prioritize the endorsed collective interest in the impessoalidade, the morality and the equity, is the consolidation of the shunting line of behavior, appropriate and waited for who if it considers to be public agent. If it considers if manager with seriousness and commitment, the debates established in conferences and the advice of rights must accepted and be reflected as mechanisms that they corroborate for the half good of what he is public when pointing that they make possible to perfect the management, they reduce, they eliminate or they prevent wastefulnesses, the shunting lines and the malversaes in the application of the public resources. Such instances search to assure that the public and social managers if compromise to the excellency in the conception and implementation of the programs, projects and services.

The deliberations of the conferences and the advice of rights must be respected as the fondness of the society that undertakes constants and intense movements, surrounded of contradictions, what, additionally, it demands that to trends, models, adopted positions and explicit and implicit intentions are identified, valuing at the different moments the steps given in the direction of the reinforcement of the democracy, of the improvement of the quality of life of the people and social justice. Today it is unacceptable that in any situations the manager defines for maneuvers and/or constaint of the entities, to intervene with the composition of advice, in the indications of the representatives of the civil society, being that the same ones must act independently in the social control. Practical other that it must if banished for acting in the contrahand of the exercise of the social control, is the pressure on the members of the advice, is representative of the public power or the civil society, so that they are lined up to the interests of the manager duly warned to suffer administrative, politics or exactly economic sanctions. Attempts of this nature, of neutralization of the action of the advice, are impediments important to be denounced in the MP and faced politically. Therefore, the public or agent agents of the civil society that acts in the structures of support of instrumentalizao of the social control, cannot, or she would not have to be able, to be displayed and tortured in its public and personal professional moral, therefore they play functions based on the Constitution of 1988, that is in established landmarks after-dictatorship, if seats in the idea of that how much bigger the participation of the society in the decisions on public politics, plus them will answer to the interest of the collective one. This, for consequncia, demands the overcoming and the repudiation of the traditional form of exercise of the governmental power directed toward a personal particular petty politics that, acting strong centered, is tied with the reinforcement of practical clientelistas and patrimonialistas.

Public Administration Services

Public Administration Services

The excess of rigidity in the control of the administrative acts ' ' engessou' ' the State, generating the inefficiency of the public machine in the rendering of services to the citizens. In order to recover its reason of being, to serve the citizen, the Managemental Public Administration emerges, whose focus is efficiency for intermediary of the reduction of costs and the increase of the quality in the rendering of services. The reform of the state device passes to be guided by the values of the efficiency and quality in the public rendering of services and by the development of a managemental culture in the organizations. is here that the concern with the constant evaluation of performance of its functional body appears that is, by the way, the subject of this work. The central point of this monograph is to answer as the correct job of the performance evaluation? application, aferimento of the results and adoption of corrective measures? in the public service, it can contribute for the improvement of the given services the population. To explore the subject better, the present monograph is composed for three chapters.

The first one of them, under the heading of ' ' Pblica&#039 administration; ' , she is destined to explain what she is the Public Administration. It is subdivided in three topics that detail each one of the phases of the treatment of the public thing in the country. The first topic deals with our first form of administration of the State: the patrimonialismo. Its origins, characteristics and the reasons are shown that had caused the transistion for a new model of management: the bureaucratic one. As the segment of this chapter brings the main marks of the alluded explicit model and the necessity of the change for the other most modern one: the managemental one. The last part, still of the initial chapter, is destined to the conceptualization and detailing of that it is the current method of administration of the public thing and that it deserves prominence for being what introduces in the public service the concern with the quality in the rendering of services to the society.

Greatest Energy

Greatest Energy

Memory is the greatest virtue of the higher brightness perception. And the longer the period in the amount of awareness on the force, expressing the joy, or strength of concern due to the outstanding nuisance. Since a person's attention is controlled mainly awareness, then, in case of envy it will be constantly kept annoyance, even if the focus switches to another, more important. The very same note is the channel bi-directional energy: radiation of the object or subject of destructive energy, and acceptance of them, in the form of spiritual theft, their positive energy. Thus, envious destroys something that jealous resentment, anger, indignation, displeasure. Instead saturated with positive energy, which can not be in it to settle down because of foreign generation, which has a totally different quality. It can temporarily develop envious imitation of action, resulting in the creation will be significantly underestimated quality relative to the object of envy. This is explained by the fact that he is not able to grasp all the subtleties of the process of creation, because of coarsening in essence, living in it by negative feelings.

Philosophy of envy is following: "I want to be better than others, because nature has given me the greatest ability. If someone has achieved the greatest success, in this case there is a cruel injustice. This one is not deservedly received for this opportunities and therefore per se injustice must be corrected immediately. You can achieve this only in that they destroy unfairly reached. For my ability to earn the highest possible. If me the opportunity not available, then they somehow switched it to another, which is also necessary to deprive them. If I do not have, then nobody should have. But I have the greatest ability, so I have a right to be better others ".

So envious need to ask forgiveness from those whom he envies because wittingly or unwittingly by the telepathic impact, either intentional physical actions, destroying their welfare and stole energy of creation, who created it. Usefulness of the ritual of forgiveness would be if a person will rejoice with the true to those to whom he envied and their creations. And moreover, the desire to make good the damage expression of remorse in his actions, radiation, the greatest number of emotional warmth, desire the highest success in all endeavors, even if they leave the envious in a negative psychological position. All that man does, it makes it primarily for themselves. Wishing others well-being, he creates this power in itself. Provided, however, that attention will be fixed only on other people. And not on themselves, with manifestation of the most positive manifestations. The more people give, the more you get. Must forgive all who turned out to be an object of envy at least for the fact that they do not want to intrude into the space life envious, and they may not be the culprit causing annoyance. To forgive them means not to forget them by the removal of the memory bank, and by letting go. The memory of them in the memory bank is impossible to remove. Release means the highest wish of prosperity and the withdrawal of their essence from the scope of awareness. If this is the closest people and friends with whom there is no possibility or desire to leave, then the need to realize each of their recollection, manifest to them, their activities and their welfare warmth and joy. The remaining paragraphs of the ritual are similar to the general conditions with a small deviation of this specificity.

Web Visitors

Web Visitors

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