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Month: December 2012

Financial Education

Financial Education

If Ud study closely the curriculum of their children, you will find that they will acquire knowledge about many areas of life, but not the financial area. Why? It’s a good question, since it is assumed that the effort to teach them as much matter in order that might earn a living someday, should be accompanied with a minimum of instruction about what to do with that money once it is in your hands. (Besides spend it, of course.) However, my intention is not to question the system’s current education, but just to demonstrate that we as parents we cannot expect our children to learn something about the handling of money in school. Therefore, it is our task! And it is a matter of utmost importance. Just look at the level of indebtedness and poor preparation for the old age of the adults around us to understand it takes more than a good salary to ensure economically.

Do then we teach them about this topic if we ourselves have received little education in the area of management and investment of money? The easiest thing is to learn alongside them. Then give you several data that my husband and I used to prepare our children in the financial area: 1.-Since we were pretty ignorant on the topic, we started to instruct with financial books and shared what they learned with them. 2. Les count our way of planning our expenses since we had married and together with them we analyze our mistakes and our misconceptions. We carry 3 to Bank with us and teach them the language Bank: rates of interest, deposit term, mutual funds, etc. We also carry them to know our account executives to be able to ask them questions. We instruct 4 in the proper handling of the money. Always inspiring them to think how they can generate money instead of just spending it.

Immaterial Cultural Patrimony

Immaterial Cultural Patrimony

In addition, it is possible to mention the strong influence of the United States that, at least in border zones, is demonstrated with the presence of the well-known celebration like Halloween, which is celebrated every year with more frequency and in a greater number of homes. Of there also that exists a restlessness between own the Mexicans to want to preserve the Day of Dead like part of the Mexican culture on other similar celebrations. The certain thing indicates Wikipedia, cannot be denied is a Mexican and Central American festival, is also celebrated in many communities of the United States, where a great Mexican and Central American population exists. UNESCO has declared this festival Immaterial Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity. The Day of Deads is a day also celebrated in Brazil, like two Day Finados, although this festival does not have the same Hispanic roots that the Mexican festival. The origins of the Died celebration of the Day of in Mexico are previous to the arrival of the Spaniards. There is registry of celebrations in the ethnic groups mexica, Mayan, purpecha and totonaca. The rituals that celebrate the life of the ancestors realise at least in these civilizations for three thousand years.

In the pre-Hispanic era the practice to conserve the skulls like trophies was common and to show them during the rituals that symbolized the death and the Renaissance. The festival that became the Day of Dead commemorated the ninth month of the solar calendar mexica, near the beginning of August, and it was celebrated during a complete month. The festivals were presided over by the Mictecachuatl goddess, well-known like " Lady of the Muerte" (at the moment related to " the Catrina" , personage of Jose Put Guadalupe) and wife of Mictlantecuhtli, Earth Mr. of deads. The festivals were dedicated to the celebration of the children and the lives of passed away relatives.

Of America One

Of America One

Luiz Olympio Telles de Menezes. Kardec comments: ‘ ‘ .With effect, great courage of opinion to criair in a refractory country is necessary as Brazil a destined agency to popularize ours ensinamentos.’ ‘ Kardec still says: ‘ ‘ .For us, the Espiritismo does not have to tend for no definitive religious form. It is and must continue as a tolerant and gradual philosophy, opening its arms to all the disinherited ones, whichever the nationality and the certainty the one that pertenam.’ ‘ (grifo ours). Kardec extracted some tickets of this publication, which we could not leave to cite. There they go: ‘ ‘ The phenomenon of manifestation of the Espritos is wonderful, appearing and becomeing vulgar for all parte.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ Known since the most remote antiquity, we see it in full century nineteen today, renewed and observed for the first time in northern America, in the United States, where if it produced for uncommon diverse object movements, noises, really extraordinary collisions! ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Of America it passed quickly to the Europe and there, mainly in France, to the handle of some years it left the domain of the curiosity and entered in the vast field of the Cincia.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ New ideas, emanated then of thousand of communications, gotten of the revelations of the Espritos that if revealed, want spontaneously, want for mandate, had given place to the birth of an eminently philosophical doctrine that, in few years, gave the return to the Land and penetrates in all the nations, enlisting, in each one of them, so great number of proslitos that today are counted to milhes.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ The idea of the Espiritismo it was not conceived by nobody; consequently, nobody is its autor.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ If the Espritos if had not revealed, for spontaneously certain the Espiritismo would not exist. Therefore, the Espiristimo is a question in fact, and not of opinion, not being able the denials of the incredulity to take advantage against this fato.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ….. E, however, the Espiritismo is not exclusive privilege of nobody. Any person, in the privacy of its family, can find one mdium in some of its relatives, and then she will be able, if wanting, making its proper comments; but it does not have you make them with precipitation, to its way, nor circumscribe them it the circle of its prevention or of its preconceptions, it stops later concluding emphatically for the negation of what, by any circumstance, could not be studied, therefore, he was badly understood, it is before a test of levity of what of sabedoria.’ ‘ I recommend the published integral reading in the Magazine Esprita of November of 1.869..