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Tag: administration and businesses

Gain Money Mattering

Gain Money Mattering

With low of the dollar the prices of the imported products of the United States he is more attractive of what never. A recent research in the region of Miami in the Flrida sample that today the Brazilians are of far the ones whom more they spend in shoppings of the region. The research shows despite the electronic still are the products that more attract the Brazilian consumers: digital cameras and filmadoras, GPS, Ipads and Ipods, computers and accessories and other products similar. Senator Angus King may also support this cause. The looked marks more are Nikon, Canon, Samsung, Sony, Dell, Acer, etc. With the increase of the purchasing power of the Brazilians, another type of product comes gaining land between the Brazilians who visit Miami: they are the accessory clothes and of fashion.

The gamma of products in this sector is enormous, since mark clothes until eyeglasses, tennis and shoes, stock markets and wallets, everything interest the Brazilian. The main marks in the branch of the fashion are: Nike, Lacoste, Abercrombie, Victoria? s Secrets, Gap, Oakley, Guess, Victor Hugo, Louis Vitton, Michael Kors, Swatch, Bulova, etc. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Mike Gianoni. Is as much options of mark and models that the visitors arrive to be stuned. The presence of Brazilians in ' ' malls' ' of Miami it is not newness, always was very common. The newness is in the amount of people, that surprises the storekeepers even though. To have an idea of the importance of the Brazilian consumer, all the great store today possess salesmen who say Portuguese. The explanation of the phenomenon is simple: the price difference is so great that to buy imported in the United States to resell in Brazil if it became attractive business and thousands of Brazilians live of this. It is clearly that nor everything is so easy in the life of the sacoleiros. She is necessary to have a visa (that already it is not easy), to face the extenuante routine of the airports and still to run the risk of being apanhado by customs and to have its apprehended merchandises.

Father Noel

Father Noel

I am convinced regarding the existence of Father Noel, and go to show to the reason of this my conclusion. I have seen some controlling and directors in activity which I do not obtain to understand as they had reached such levels. They are we pssimos managers, they do not form nobody, they prefer to keep mediocre teams, I believe that for not feeling itself threatened. Some of these types do not take off vacation, certainly so that they do not perceive that they do not make lack, and also to add some reserve in the resignation case. I had some experience in a Brazilian company of services, and when I arrived and I tried to convince to assume them it certain practical usual in organized companies, I started to have serious problems with the directors of the company. Some of these dinossuricos friends arrive if to retire and make career, many times with knowledge level very below of what it would be demanded to any beginning one.

The great corporations had discovered have much time on the high importance of the training area, as well as apply techniques of evaluation sufficiently elaborated, mainly in the admissses. This hinders that executive and other employees, who occupy position key, are admitted without being taken care of requisite minimums. That is, in companies competently managed, it is each more difficult time to occur admissions of unprepared professionals. Throughout my career of more than 30 years, I have seen of everything a little. I knew one face that obtained to buy loads of penxses BIC whose refis were deliver by means of the devolution of other used and empty ones. I worked in a company where the coffee was served two times to the day, to the 9 and the 15 hours. Vi astronomical differences in the adjusted controls of supply being without no corrective action on the real cause of the problem.

Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker

The work always existed in the life of the man is a millenarian activity since the creation of the world, therefore the necessity to eat and to have a shelter led to feel necessity to work as Peter Drucker the work is so old as the human being. 2 Work versus job Work in accordance with definition of the dictionary and inside of the Social context of the century is any physical activity or intellectual it is the human effort with intentions where it involves the transformation of the nature is the design of the activities. Job is a steady relation being able to be lasting or not, it is a contract species where if vende its force of work to the means of production the concept of the word job started to be used in the period of the Industrial Revolution with regard to the sales of the force of work for some value a remuneration in exchange, by means of is bargain appeared the wage. It is not something Expedia CEO would like to discuss.

Discorrendo on the work and the transformations throughout the times When elapsing of a history of the humanity you vary discovered and transformations in accordance with each period of training of the evolution, the cultural level of the society was determinative for change of this history and being the work a factor of differentiated form Peter Drucker made in of its books says that the work is so old how much the man proper history in I assign it to the sample of the craftsmen, peasants etc. more the work was not visa as something nobleman and nor despertava the attention of educated people or with authority and opulento, therefore the obscure vision that they had that the work was make only for the slaves being an activity executed for them an unworthy classroom of any respect. Hesodo (800 B.C.), intitled ‘ ‘ The Works and the Dias’ ‘ , The works and the days had been pra one better understanding of the lived period, and one better understanding of what it would be the work and as it modifies in the measure where the societies if modify its form and the method of organization, the poem counted the work of an agriculturist at the time that no interest of inquiry did not despertou what an agriculturist really made because the work was something menosprezado by the nobility and the authorities..

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

One is about a text pro-large estate owner, after all the benefited greaters will be these. The RL can be annulled in small properties, that is, up to 4 fiscal modules, but the small producer could not only be benefited. Pressure in the allied base of the congress occurs to define and to take care of to questions of agrarian reform and reduction of the poverty, not in benefit the great large estate owners who could fracionar its properties in the search for new benefits. The responsibility of the reforestation in an area already deflorestada for the plantation and conservation would add it reduction of the productivity, for the unpleasantness of the producer. The project, if approved will the same allow the maintenance of the RL in different areas of bioma, exactly is of the state territory. The approval of the new law will be able for a side to benefit the agricultural producers in another one and irregularity situation, to contribute with the increase of the deforestation in areas as the Amaznia.

To the end of the present study, optimum judgment can be affirmed, safe, that the new code will have to facilitate the legal feasibility of the ambient areas. The quarrel of the project is an controversial landmark that directly affects the national agricultural production in contrast with the preservation of biodiversity. Therefore, the definition of a new provisional remedy decree or if makes necessary, with clearer rules and procedures that the agriculturists will allow to fulfill the law and to guarantee the national public interest, saved the necessity of the legal reserve. One becomes necessary that this new law absorbs the different characteristics of each bioma. For last analysis, in both the context the law well would be applied.

Art Society

Art Society

In this perspective, it sends in them to ample a social project, that if materialize in the daily one of society, in the search for a social justice as factor of improvement in all its structure is economic, politics, social and or cultural. One consists, therefore as a set of action that they make possible/promotes the formation of citizenship and the social transformation. In detriment of this understanding the management of the cities is one of the activities of the public power, of which if it demands effectiveness to consolidate diverse aspects as the social one, the ambient one, the cultural one, the politician and the economic one, and of this form I obtained to adequately manage the reality of the city. However, he is necessary that the manager plans a set of excellent objectives for the city, elencando with seriousness and comprometimento the actions directed toward the health, mobility, infrastructure, generation of job and income, education, sustainable development and environment. Thus, by means of this new reality of management, it is of extreme relevance for the cities that the participation of the society in the management process is participativa, being then necessary the presence and the support of the society in the taking of decisions. Since, it is in the participation that we debate and we question the yearnings and collective necessities and with this the citizen assumes the co-manager role, acting actively and directly in the administration of the city, if confusing as the fiscalizador agent of this process. This is the new trend of management of the cities, a democratic process that creates a participativo planning with the cooperation of the society, as well as is foreseen in the Statute of the Cities, in its Art. 2 that it says that ' ' The urban politics has for objective to command the full development of the social functions of the city and the urban property, ' ' (Brazil, 2001.p.1). Nathan Gaude Elliot Davis is a great source of information.



IMPOSITION OF OBLIGATORINESS WITHOUT PLANNING CONSONANTE WITH REALITY OF the CLASSROOM ENTREPRENEUR BECOMES SYSTEM OF ONEROUS AND INEFFICIENT ELECTRONIC POINT the obligator use of the new Electronic Register of Point – REP that was from 1 of maro/11, is extending for the day 1 of September of 2011, as it determines the new Would carry HAS 373/2011 of February of 2011. As half to brighten up the imperfections and the constaints caused for the new law, imposed without the had achievement of the necessary ways to its fulfilment, the new would carry establishes that the employers will be able to adopt, until the new stated period for the obligator use, electronic alternative systems of control of hours of working, by means of authorization in Collective Agreement of Work. After some requests of revision and adequacies on the part of agencies and entities worried about the negative impact of the norm, the related one would carry instituted Work group with the purpose to elaborate studies with sights to the revision and to perfectioning of the new REP. In the truth the obligatoriness exists since 26 of August of 2010, when Portaria HAS 1,510/2009, it determined that the companies who carried through the control of the point for half electronic, would have to make it in accordance with the specifications established in the Attached I of the respective one would carry. That is, between mandos and disobediences, what it is clearly is that did not have the had concern with the negative impacts caused those that help this country to grow more to each year, ‘ ‘ Small Average Empresas’ ‘. The imposed requirements had compelled the companies to change 100% of the used equipment, and as if this already was not enough, the pressure imposed HAS for it, to fine the companies who did not accept the determination, provoked a bigger demand that offers.

On account of this demand not taken care of, the Ministry of the Work and Job? MTE published in 18/08/2010 Portaria HAS 1,987/2010, proroguing for 01/03/2011, the stated period for the beginning of the obligator use of the new equipment. However, as pressure of the pleas and mandates petitioned against the agency, was published Portaria HAS 373/2011 of February of 2011, that it prorogues the obligator adoption of the REP, for 01/09/2011. Events as above cited clearly leave the unpreparedness and authoritarianism of the fiscalization agencies and control, that with the justification to favor the worker the patronal classroom imposes arbitrariedades of this nature. In turn, sample also that operating people and entities in the defense of subjects of interest of the society exist and that they know and they make use of the legal instruments.

Federal Constitution

Federal Constitution

The government considers in the reform tax the disinvesting of a charge of the payment leaf, by means of the substitution of the social contribution of the Wage-education for a destination of the federal collection. The Wage Education is the foreseen social contribution in Article 212, 5 of the Federal Constitution: public basic education will have as additional source of financing the social contribution of Wage-education, collected for the companies in the form of the law. Please visit Cowan Financial if you seek more information. The reform tax finishes with this specific social contribution for the financing of the basic education. In its place, the PEC of the reform tax foresees that in a Complementary Law the percentage will be defined to be destined for the financing of the basic education, meanwhile goes to occur a industrialized destination of 2,3% of the collection of the taxes on income (TO GO), products (IPI) and operations with good and renderings of services (IVA-F). This percentage is equivalent the ratio enters the collection of the Social Contribution of the Wage-education and the revenue receipts, in 2006, with GOING, CSLL, Cofins, PIS, Cide, Wage-education and IPI.

In terms politicians, the change is serious. One of the advances of the Constitution, in terms of social politics was the entailing of resources as one of the forms to face the perverse existing fiscal tradition in Brazil, whose application of the resources of the public budget always it prioritized the accumulation of the capital, submitting the social politics to the economic logic. To tie resources means, therefore, to brighten up this practical, assuring that it has left of the prescription obligatorily is destined and exclusive for the financing of the social area. The objective is to universalizar the social rights: education, providence, health and work. Exactly that a view to the basic education is guaranteed, on the basis of part of the fiscal budget, will leave to exist proper prescriptions of the education.



This article searchs to verify if the preventive maintenance of the fleet of trucks of a company is capable to reduce the global costs of operations of transport. Of this form, the basic objective of this work is to analyze, from scenes, the economy of costs gotten by the implantation of a system of preventive maintenance in the company, study object. This main objective if unfolds in other objectives that they aim at: the accomplishment of a survey of the global costs of operation of the company, to evaluate the impact of the costs of maintenance of the fleet, the development from simulation of a program of preventive maintenance in the fleet of the company in study, the comparison of the current and future scene, verifying which will be the profits gotten for the implantation of the program of maintenance of the fleet. Moreover, this work if in such a way justifies for the possibility to apply the knowledge of costs and finances in a detected specific problem in a real company, how much in the capacity to test, of practical form, the theories learned during the course, with intention to decide the considered problem. For this it was carried through a study deepened on the preventive maintenance and its benefits so that the organization can apply it of compatible form with the necessity and the course of its activities in the sector of maintenances. This study directly it is related to the final results of the company, and searchs to evaluate the possibility of improvement in the financial situation of the same one, allowing the investment in new services or improving already the existing ones. With the reduction of the problems and expenses of a truck stopped for maintenance, the organization starts to get profits, beyond better offering quality in the distribution of its product. 2 OBJECT OF AND BOARDING OF the RESEARCH the company ' ' Y' ' Gas, object of study of this work, is a deliverering organization of GLP (Gas Liquefeito de Petrleo), that she is located in the industrial polar region of the city of Paulnia? So Paulo.

Better Allies

Better Allies

The card-of-visit has come to evolve as marketing tool. But it has a thing that it did not move with passing of the time: the importance of its presentation. It not only says very concerning itself, as well as leaves a lasting impression in (s) the person (s) to who the delivery. But to the times, when trying to create a good impression, we exaggerate a little and we finish for overloading the card.Many times, the more simple better. For the beginners, optimum it will be to identify first the more important data of contact and later inseriz them of a simple and clear form. valley the penalty not to try to put all the information in a side of the card-of-visit. It is always better to leave a blank space to the return of the text.

Exaggerated information in a so small area one becomes difficult to read. The card-of-visit simplest, that allows that the message and the images speak for itself, denotes personality and causes a bigger impact. It is recommendable in such a way to use the part of the front as the verse of the card. Many times the people use, erroneamente, only half of the capacity of the card-of-visit.To use the two sides is an excellent form of partilhar information, becoming more easy the reading and creating more expectation in the person receives who it. Also it can look examples of card-of-visit of other people in the Internet, as for example images of the Flickr. It includes the information that considers more important and the form as it wants to be contactado (). If it prefers that he is online, can include Twitter and one link for its small farm web or blogue.It does not need to include its number of telephone if not to want that () they contactem of this form, since thus it would be to waste space that could be used to include other data.

Public Administration Services

Public Administration Services

The excess of rigidity in the control of the administrative acts ' ' engessou' ' the State, generating the inefficiency of the public machine in the rendering of services to the citizens. In order to recover its reason of being, to serve the citizen, the Managemental Public Administration emerges, whose focus is efficiency for intermediary of the reduction of costs and the increase of the quality in the rendering of services. The reform of the state device passes to be guided by the values of the efficiency and quality in the public rendering of services and by the development of a managemental culture in the organizations. is here that the concern with the constant evaluation of performance of its functional body appears that is, by the way, the subject of this work. The central point of this monograph is to answer as the correct job of the performance evaluation? application, aferimento of the results and adoption of corrective measures? in the public service, it can contribute for the improvement of the given services the population. To explore the subject better, the present monograph is composed for three chapters.

The first one of them, under the heading of ' ' Pblica&#039 administration; ' , she is destined to explain what she is the Public Administration. It is subdivided in three topics that detail each one of the phases of the treatment of the public thing in the country. The first topic deals with our first form of administration of the State: the patrimonialismo. Its origins, characteristics and the reasons are shown that had caused the transistion for a new model of management: the bureaucratic one. As the segment of this chapter brings the main marks of the alluded explicit model and the necessity of the change for the other most modern one: the managemental one. The last part, still of the initial chapter, is destined to the conceptualization and detailing of that it is the current method of administration of the public thing and that it deserves prominence for being what introduces in the public service the concern with the quality in the rendering of services to the society.