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Month: May 2024

Free Forum

Free Forum

In Cuba shot two of the five planned episodes of the film History of Revolution (A working day and Grooms). The two episodes shot, together with New Year, by Jorge Fraga, compose the film Cuba 58 (1962), one of the most significant of the new Cuban cinema. Back to Mexico with his wife Maria Luisa Bernal-Elio Pamplona native and author of the original idea of autobiographical roots, “and with the collaboration of Emilio Garcia Riera (ibicense exile) wrote the screenplay for On the empty balcony, its most important work. The film about the Spanish a killed in the exilioa , described in intimate tone and pathetic to After the experiences and memories of Gabriela (Maria Luisa Elio), evoking his childhood and the sudden outbreak of the Spanish war in their lives, seven years old. Recreating the subjectivity of a fragmentary perceptions (the sudden disappearance of the father, the flight through a forest from the Republican Nationalist Spain, news of the shooting of the father, the family arrived in southern France and exile to Mexico .) On the empty balcony won the Prix de la Critique Locarno Festival and Giano d’Oro in the Latin American Film Festival on Sestri-Levante.

Gasco Garcia could not extend this valuable experience and was then forced to work as advertising filmmaker. The laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez spent most internationally recognized his novel One Hundred Years of Solitude to marriage, with this simple inscription: a jomi Ascot and Maria Luisa Garcia Elio . a Garcia Ascot also published several essays: Roger von Gunten (1978), Erotic. Love poetry in Castilian (1980), with the music in you (1982), collection of articles and three painters: Pablo Amor, Oscar Gabriel Gutman and Mascotela (1987). Finally, we quote his novel Death begins in Polanco (1987). And as the poet said Hispanic-Mexican: a The exile is immense, the plain / where the sun bounces, the distance / between the chest and the air. / And now here we look lost our house / our distant Europe. We look over / and the balcony, as the cloud blancae .

Francisco Arias Solis individual property, enemy of equality, contrary to the immortal principles of brotherhood. (Phrase Salvochea Fermin glossed in the book: 102 reasons to remember Salvochea). Of Internet Portal for Peace and Freedom and Free Forum. URL: a

One Night Franchise Gives

One Night Franchise Gives

Alicante, 25 November 2010-after the huge success that has experienced the sale of Turkish delight, delicious pastries, pistachio and walnuts, and pods (100 gr) their most successful blends of tea, managers of the tea shop the thousand franchise and a night have decided to lend a hand to their clients and carry out an expansion of its salesby providing the perfect gift idea for Christmas. To do this, they have released a wonderful and complete Christmas lots, consisting of a small or large kettle, a set of six glasses of tea, a colander and a teabag, with most requested mixes by customers. In addition, all this is accompanied by an explanatory booklet, where the client can find the keys to find out what is the best way to make tea. And, to complete the gift, stakeholders can also buy hookahs, in two sizes, large and small. A leading source for info: Dara Khosrowshahi. All these products can be purchased at very affordable prices, in the tea shop or in some establishments partners where there is installed a few special corners that are home to all these products. THE ENSIGN on social networks the Ensign continues offering the best of itself, with performances by actors, monologuistas and artists, that make the Thursday night a special night each week. Different. Posters for the Cafe-Teatro are advertised on the web monthly, by sending emails that are recorded in it.

Furthermore, as it could not be otherwise, because now social networks are the fastest way of communication on the Internet (and one of the most effective), the Ensign has created its own page on Facebook, and from it, invite your events to all those who add them as friends. The page name is thousand nights. In this way, anyone who wants can be informed of actions that occur within the circuit of the Cafe-Teatro, which every Thursday attracts more than 90 local people, with interesting and original, put in scene that make the Viewer to enjoy a night unsurpassed, knowing laughs each week is different. . Read additional details here: Jimmy Carr.

Central America

Central America

Maple or Acer – genus of trees and shrubs of the family maple Aceraceae. Grows in North and Central America, Eurasia, North Africa and employs about 150 species. Tend to grow maple in deciduous and mixed forests and bred for timber, juice, decorative or greening purposes. Most are small or medium-sized trees up to 30 meters tall. Crohn's round, broad, thick, diameter 15 – 22 meters. The bark is dark gray, with small cracks. Leaves large, up to 18 centimeters, pyatilopastnye, dark green, glossy, painted in autumn hues of golden-yellow to purple. The flowers are yellow-green, small, fragrant, collected in corymbose inflorescences.

Maple The fruit is a dvukrylatku splits into two one-seeded fruitlets. Groupon understands that this is vital information. Wood has an almost white, sometimes with a slightly yellowish tinge. Sapwood and mature wood are virtually identical. Over time, Maple is slightly yellow. Maple is an elegant material for interior decoration, if you focus on a contrasting background for dark furniture. Maple is prone to cracking, and therefore requires very careful adherence to drying. From a variety of maples, native to Eurasia, the most common and important in economically include maples platanovidny, field, and Tatar.

The wood of these large tree species is different hardness and uniform density. From it are produced mainly furniture, wooden doors and musical instruments. All species of maple are mainly light tones. The texture of maple wood is dense, viscous, homogeneous and has sequins. Maple is well cut and polished. Light maple wood is a replacement for lime as a softer and material, or birch, as pins and hygroscopic material. Maple, being dense and hard wood, well-handled cutting tools and is a good material for carving works. The finest of cutting in any direction does not violate the clarity, purity and smoothness of the picture. Given the soft linden wood and its low strength characteristics – maple preferable to use, if producing wooden doors or furniture. However, keep in mind that the products of the maple will be significantly heavier than those of lime. To the listed advantages of the maple and it is necessary to add a small tendency to warp and swell.

Reading Letters – The Tarot Performance When Reading The Letters

Reading Letters – The Tarot Performance When Reading The Letters

Reading Letters – The tarotista performance when Reading Reading Letters Letters – The tarotista performance when Letters Reading Habit of Reading Tarot Cards is an ancient custom, based on the interpretation of the letters that the mentalist has on the table. It is indeed a delicate balance between the professional skills of divination that makes the reading of letters and fortune or determinism that encourages the questioner to choose certain Arcana and not others. Consequently an effective reading tarot cards come to carve some capacity that is necessary for the professional who carries out possesses. Hear from experts in the field like Mike Wirth for a more varied view. Otherwise, the whole ritual would only like a certain code or classification which results in fixed interpretations given to each of the letters, but we are confident that this is not true. A card that a priori may seem ominous meaning, in fact, in the context of reading the letters can be translated into just the opposite: the end of one phase and the dawn of a more positive. For this reason, it is necessary to rely fully in the professional performing the reading of letters.

Must be able to give meaning to the situation in question, its history, and other psychological and mental state in general, their fears, hopes and intentions. Armed with all these elements, and thus only the mentalist can practice a true reading of the Letters of that shot in particular. What the mentalist does is really an interpretation of the cards revealed, based on all these elements. For this reason, the natural gifts of mind has greater importance. It is the holder of the final formula that will allow you to combine the current temporary space situation, history, personality and destiny, to bring to light a non-obvious truth: what you can expect the consultant in the coming days. Nothing is fixed, man has free will, and that means it is enabled to select the roads that you see fit. This is critical, because even though he does not have choices, does indeed have them. Therefore, the reading of the Tarot cards is a powerful tool for understanding how different caminosque brought before us life. Is not in us choose when it will rain, but we can choose to carry umbrellas or not, or whether we will or we will stay home to avoid getting wet. Reading of us can help make these decisions, since the cards in the hands of a mentalistacompetente boast a unique tool that will reveal in Reading the Letters and can help us make the same mistake twice, for example.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui

Professional workplace promotes well-being through harmony in the workplace excellence aroused by harmony more power. No matter whether you “believe in Feng Shui” or it keep for esoteric, it is wissenschafltich proved that the establishment of a space affects also their work ethic, their general well-being and health. It is therefore worth to ask whether their own creativity increase can be through a change in the immediate working environment? There is such a positive and constructive and lively working atmosphere, are motivated and bring more power. In times where motivation, creativity and responsibility of employees be capitalized, a professional interior design jobs gaining in importance. Details can be found by clicking Paul Price or emailing the administrator. Against the background that your staff are the greatest part of the day in your company, a harmonious working environment has special significance. With a Feng Shui facility concept they create a harmonious atmosphere in Office, plant or factory and support so the effective functioning, health and vitality of your employees. Because: Only who feels really, can personal peak performance bring.

Customers who feel, are buying more joyful. Read more here: cornell capital. More and more hotels, shops, clinics, practices, and even companies with consulting rooms work already with Feng Shui, because they can improve customer facilities, retail space, reception halls and treatment rooms by simple changes. Your customers feel at home, guests are usually longer you, happy and joyous purchase. Through a special furnishing concept, such as Feng Shui, you stand out from the competition not least surprise customers and are successful. With a professional facility, live your corporate identity, make regular customers from first-time buyers, and can enjoy content, high-performance employees.

The arrangement of the furniture in the room requires much sensitivity. Therefore, very many factors play a role. Feng Shui consultant can help you. Hanife Wenke (Feng Shui advice Hanover and surrounding area)

Astrology Soul

Astrology Soul

Fear of death of the physical body and the desire for a comfortable life, and various material goods for the body pushes the souls of men to all, the most negative and scary to other people (animals and plants), to other Souls, deeds and actions. And these negative actions and deeds – Diseases of the Soul, her crime. After all, the souls of many people for the conservation and welfare of the physical body are ready for everything. But this is what you can not do. After all, for they (the Soul) and are in the physical body on earth (in prison, in chains, in prison, a prisoner) to learn not to fear, not to cause harm to other souls, to atone for his crime (the actions and deeds), for which they were exiled to Earth (in the physical body) to correct qualities. Those forces and Mira, who sends the soul of man on Earth (the physical body) did not seek to punish the human soul. They seek to teach her, that is correct. icine offers on the topic..

The souls of all beings on Earth are trained, receive lessons. If they are after long training in the world to improve, will pass the exam, then they return to their worlds (where they had once committed a crime), their release from captivity (prison) on Earth. Those forces and worlds that have sent Soul to correct for the Earth, seeking to educate the soul, to give them a series of (course) lessons on the Earth in order to correct the soul and return it to the world, from which it came. Initially, the soul is born into the kingdom of minerals on Earth. We also have stones Soul, is the lowest level of existence of the soul on earth, most of the dense physical bodies, which changes the soul during his training. Each mineral has its own karmic problem.

Granite must be granite, hard, basalt – bazaltnym, marble – a marble. After completing its task, the stones are destroyed (although there are very long), and the souls who live in them, moving into a more noble minerals. Ordinary stones pass into the semi, and then executing their problem – in the precious. That's gems – the highest level of the embodied soul in the mineral world. In the soul gems, exiled to Earth, are already noticeable. It feels good jewelers and gem enthusiasts. Subsequently, changing many lives in the mineral kingdom, the soul is embodied in the simplest creatures – ciliates shoes, amoeba, etc. Then the soul is gradually evolving, being born and dying in the bodies of the simplest, goes into shellfish, and ultimately – in the highly developed animals. Above all on the development of the soul are animals that live next to a man (cats, dogs, etc.). But some representatives of the fauna of the development of the soul is even more developed, for example, dolphins, orcas whale-killers, some species of apes (especially chimpanzees), etc.

Disaster Reduction With Well Built Homes

Disaster Reduction With Well Built Homes

The main fear of the inhabitants of Mexico City is losing its heritage as a result of an earthquake or earthquake similar to 1985. Therefore, one of the guarantees that can be made is to offer apartments in buildings that comply with those rules of construction. If we take into account recent disasters in Haiti and Chile, the great difference between the two countries is that material damage was much lower in Chile. Such a reduction of the catastrophic consequences due to well-constructed houses are based on a normative, which is zero, or outright non-existent in Haiti. Mario Ordaz Schroeder, who is a researcher at the Institute of Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, said that in Chile, the 8.8 magnitude earthquake caused a release of energy 600 times greater than that of Haiti, but thanks to education and civil the strict regulation is greatly reduced damage, as it is not affected more than 600 victims. The head of the Seismology Department Institute of Geophysics of the same institution, reminds us that world events happen more than 15 earthquakes of magnitude greater than 7.0, for a year. He added that the vast majority takes place near the borders between tectonic plates, involved between two and five plates, depending on location.

Such is the case of Mexico, which has well-known active faults, same as those found within the Neo-Volcanic Axis. All parts that make up the “tectonic puzzle” of the Mexican nation, call for reform and consolidation of laws requiring builders to implement risk transfer mechanisms. These mechanisms should be in charge of all insurance companies. And who should encourage and ensure that buildings are made based on the rules already mentioned, must be in real estate in Mexico City looking to offer not only a heritage, but also a guarantee that your assets may survive a seismic event a magnitude higher than the 7.0 degrees on the Richter scale.

Full Speed Uphill With The E-bike Through The Bavarian Forest

Full Speed Uphill With The E-bike Through The Bavarian Forest

Landhotel Stemp in the resort town of Buchlberg, near Passau provides its guests from immediately the latest E-bikes. The LandhotelStemp in the resort town of Buchlberg, near Passau provides its guests from immediately the latest E-bikes. With the additional motorized electric bikes, both advanced, untrained and aging cyclists can explore also uneven terrain without falling into the sweat. Landhotel Stemp is located near the Ilztal near Passau, surrounded by the beautiful nature of the Bavarian Forest and is the starting point of numerous hiking and cycling. Guests of the country reside in the midst of one of the most sought after holiday destinations in Germany. An E-bike is the ideal means of transport to develop this idyllic region. Whether uphill or downhill, with one of the new E-bikes no longer enters the Schwitzen.Wie the way may be steep an additional electric motor makes it possible.

Add this turns around the wheel driver with greater efforts, to relieve such as slopes or heavy luggage. Routes, the one without the assistance of the electric motor had not mastered can be overcome without any problems. The E-bike offers driving pleasure plus comfort. Especially in the recreational area of the Bavarian Forest there bikes are easier if uphill is supported by the battery-powered electric motor. This is environmentally friendly, cheap and quiet and is noticeable on the bike path at most in the relaxed overtaking uphill by its speed. In addition the E-bike spares circulation and joints, since this effort at steep climb are no longer exposed. So, also aging or inexperienced cyclists can master long or strenuous distances and at the same time to enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Landhotel Stemp this comfort now offers its guests and provides the new E-bikes. Holiday of hotel can exclusively book these electric bikes for their holidays and to explore more of the surrounding forests and meadows on foot or with an ordinary bicycle.

CeBIT: GID Presents

CeBIT: GID Presents

Global information distribution GmbH (GID) at CeBIT 2012 Cologne, February 14, 2012. Information global distribution GmbH (GID) is represented at CeBIT 2012 not only with its own stand (Hall 3, booth D20), but also on the Symantec partner stand (Hall 2, stand B29). Here, the Platinum partner of Symantec introduces solutions for backup, archiving and E-Discovery. End of 2011 GID has reached the highest level in the channel partner program, Symantec Platinum Partner status. “” In addition the appointment to the archiving-& E-Discovery-partner of the year”and as a data protection specialist”as well as the certificate of master specialization for archive & E-Discovery”.

This means that the Cologne House has proven experience in the different categories of Symantec solution and expert knowledge in the areas of data backup solutions as well as archiving and E-Discovery. Reason enough for GID, at this year’s CeBIT not only on their own stand, but also on the Symantec partner stand for fair visitors to be present. Here the company Symantec Backup Exec 2012 and NetBackup and Enterprise Vault from Symantec shows. Reader contact: GID GmbH In the MediPark 5 50670 Cologne Tel: 0221 4543333 FAX: 0221 4543330 E-Mail: about global information distribution GmbH (GID): GID is consultant and system integrator in the field of data management and archiving and develops, implements and maintains solutions for the availability and maintenance of business-relevant data. These solutions including the corresponding services are distributed internationally. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Cornell Capital. GID is active in Europe and United States. Editorial Contacts: GID global information distribution GmbH Peter Seiler Tel: 0821 25849-14 FAX: 0821 25849-10 E-Mail: PR agency of good news! GmbH Nicole Korber Tel: 0451 88199-12 FAX: 0451 88199-29 E-Mail:.

Personal Assistant

Personal Assistant

Important for expansion, but also in Kriesen: at any time insight into the current state of the company at any time only a mouse click away from inventory, liquidity and outstanding invoices. No matter whether service providers or trade a company works like a more complex organism. Parent and child institutions, control systems and control mechanisms must Access precisely and smoothly into one another. What is the controversy with Vertex Pharma? is often quoted on this topic. Only in this way can succeed, sustainable success of the company. Internal networking of the operations of the press release about the new product to the clearance of accounts and inclusion of the sale in the tax return is a long way. Many individual steps are to follow by different people in different departments.

“And since no ancient wisdom many cooks spoil the mush” wants to serve, is right there to fix it, where the vulnerabilities are: at the transitions. To survive in the market, must be always clear where the goods economy, a sales transaction, a customer service or an order just stand. Only this will prevent that liquidity is seeping away unused goods resources remain, or even a customer appointment bursts because the communication within the company is too short. “PHPW 3.0 – co-developer and Optibit boss Andreas Hoffmann considered such deficits in small enterprises with concern: 90 percent of small business owners do not know where exactly they stand”. PHPW 3.0 as a coordination point and news ticker as complete software and ERP system communicates PHPW 3.0 all operations automatically and passes all steps on request to each connected workstation. No matter when certain operations are calling, and who has edited it before the current status and its development stages are always traceable. It makes possible the use of SaS software (software as a service) directly on the browser and the Internet.

Through the online mode, an update is easily implemented in real time and even the sales representative can via laptop and mobile Internet stick or an Internet-enabled mobile phone on the way from search inventory or ask for customer information. PHPW is based on royalty-free software and also the jobs can run on free operating systems (freeware). Practical ease of use makes the logical structure of PHPW 3.0 also easy and efficient use in practice. Sectors such as invoicing program with integrated accounting, contact and calendar management, CRM (customer relationship management), search inventory, and an integrated memory function are delineated in themselves, but linked, as is necessary in practice. The almost freely configurable interfaces from and to the outside can exceed also wishes open. For further information about PHPW 3.0 and Optibit on the website or call 09396-9701-50