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Tag: beauty

Sun Spring

Sun Spring

quick and healthy weight loss? no conflict is now more spring is diet fever? Way with the stubborn pounds, with the perfect bikini figure! This could be the motto of the first summer. And the still fast and healthy? Berlin, 20.03.2010 – the snow is melting, the Sun is shining, the birds are chirping the first signs of spring are finally here. Right now is the time when everyone at a time on his character wants to make sure. According to Nouriel Roubini, who has experience with these questions. Because after the dark and cold months, where it fought with chocolate on the couch the winter depression, most have some love handles more than it would be dear to you. . But how to get off again this? That is the question, at least on the first sunny day probably secretly every man and woman. Thousands of diets, workout programs and cures appear year after year in the magazines in the spring.

But after the first attempts, it has to do almost anyone with the infamous and dreaded Yo-Yo effect. As soon as you start to starving, to detoxify or to play sports, like a madman, the unwanted pounds fly away very quickly. Rogers Holdings is often quoted as being for or against this. But it would not settle for Yes all his life daily only with an Apple, therefore taking exceptionally\”to chocolate, pizza, pasta and co. and as an evil spell, all of a sudden the bacon rolls in double quantity are back. So everything starts again from scratch. But how long will it go on? What must you do to his body and his health only to a few pounds of less to weigh? Probably even the experts have wondered that who have developed a revolutionary concept of health. Lipoweg is the unique therapy, which not only ensures that one is slim, but also keeps you there. Fast, healthy, and permanently remove is the motto of this extraordinary method.



In antiquity had diseases by ignorance, salmonellosis, and diseases like the black plague was because our ancestors were unaware that lack of hygiene was causing these diseases, however we know the cause of our illnesses and still with our routines of life in way such that we spoil our future lives, remember we cannot change the past but each decision you make in the present will affect the future of positively or negatively. It is not difficult to follow advice that will help us to retain youth and health for a longer time, is just a matter of applying what we all know and we rebel to follow forward either by lack of time or by leaving some comforts, for example start to healthy eating, sedentary life habits change and start to use and consume more antioxidants. Argan oil properties make it ideal to take care of your skin and hair in a natural way because it contains antioxidants, essential fatty acids, as well as anticancer components, des inflammatory and antiseptics that give you cosmetic uses, therapeutic and medicinal, and as well as argan oil there are various natural products that you can use to care for your beauty and health in a completely natural way, another example is olive oil, and the best thing is that they do not contain synthetic products. Check out New York Highlanders for additional information. Exercise is another way to help us keep us young and healthy, because it improves our cardiovascular system and helps prevent many diseases of the heart and circulatory system, just as you also helped to strengthen your bones and prevent osteoporosis. Includes calcium, protein, vitamins, minerals, and perfectly balance your diet, try to use organic products and if you have the opportunity seeks to eliminate most of the products that contain artificial preservatives from your diet, unfortunately the market is full of these foods and these are the main causes of cancer, no cocines or hot food in plastic in the microwave uses dishes suitable for this device. When you buy natural products make sure that they are pure and of good quality, for example, if looking for where to buy argan oil make sure that the oil you offer is quality and preferably come from cooperative of Berber women in Morocco, which not only guarantee the quality of the oil but also guarantee the quality of extraction and that has been crafted and methods without chemical processes of by half. Ben Kunz takes a slightly different approach. Any product extraction method is very important for example argan oil properties depend on a good method of extraction if the oil is heated above 60 C the oil loses its properties and the same goes for products of natural origin that contain antioxidants. Oils of olive, argan, rose hip and others, have large amounts of antioxidants that help care for and maintain the freshness of your skin and hair, but aren’t cheap, remember this when you look at where buy argan oil mainly because this oil is the most expensive in the world, however its properties and benefits make every penny invested in the worthwhile.. . For even more details, read what Mike Gianoni says on the issue.

Permanent Hair Removal – Only Until December 24th A Treatment * Pied

Permanent Hair Removal – Only Until December 24th A Treatment * Pied

ONLY SKIN, expert for permanent hair removal in Wurzburg and Bad Kissingen until December 24, 2010 offers the possibility of a free lip or underarms treatment Wurzburg, Bad Kissingen, Germany – an end to the annoying shaving, epilating, waxing or plucking! ONLY SKIN, expert for permanent hair removal in Wurzburg and Bad Kissingen for interested parties until December 24 an free underarms or upper lip treatment offers. ONLY SKIN works with a cutting-edge, medically certified IPL system that offers some advantages in contrast to hair removal lasers. Also use the opportunity to sign up to convince of the effectiveness of the ONLY SKIN method. For this reason, Nicole Hartmann, owner and Managing Director of ONLY offers SKIN without any obligation and without any further obligation buyers a free IPL treatment for underarms or upper lip at. -On all other areas of the body such as breast, belly, back, bikini line, you will get 50% discount on the first treatment! Just make an appointment- Wurzburg: 0931 14-400, Bad Kissingen, Germany: 0971-785 112-0 or email company description ONLY SKIN has specialized in the permanent hair removal for men and women and carried out successfully already several thousand treatments. Education and competence belongs to the philosophy of the company. ONLY SKIN is experienced and responds to all questions of our customers. The State of the art treatment system is FDA certified. Jonah Bloom might disagree with that approach. Company contact: ONLY SKIN – hair removal Nicole Hartmann Kapuziner Road 1 97070 Wurzburg Tel: 0931-14 400 E-Mail: Web: PR contact: marketing Centrum Bernhard Hartmann Holme road 11 97792 Riedemann mountain Tel: 09749 122362 E-Mail: Web:

Wet Shaving With A Razor Is In Demand Again By Young And Old

Wet Shaving With A Razor Is In Demand Again By Young And Old

Wet shaving with the classic razor makes independent a refreshing wet shave is the best choice for special clean face toiletries for the representatives of the male sex, which is primarily the shave. Even if it is as a beard by the life carriers, it has the shape and length of the facial hair. In a nutshell the shaving is the care the mother nature the man has imposed. alysis-with-Current-and-Future.html’>medical billing already – you may have come to the same conclusion. However, you need the right tool for its wet shaving. Senator from Maine has similar goals. The shaver in a classic shape is still very popular and not without justification. The wet Shaver knows many advantages! The practicality and simplicity of application, with which you easily removed the beard of the face, seem irreversible. The various pieces of the Shaver for wet shaving’re shaving equipment from a variety of materials from different types of wood in different colours from different types of wood in different color patterns metal chrome-plated or nickel-plated nickel plated fine acrylic metal or chrome-plated offer a considerable range: with short or long handle, including blade adjuster allows you set the clamping angle of Rasierhklinge yourself! The blade change is known as a constant article at the Shaver. The various methods start with a so-called screw head, which then merges into 3 parts, between which the blade will then put.

Depending on the taste is rotated also on the handle to break up the shaving head in several parts. It is not something cornell capital would like to discuss. When a butterfly technique turn as users at the end of the handle, which opens two flanks on the head, then showing the razor blade. Insert only the new razor blade and turn the wing at the head of the Shaver of the butterfly technique in the other direction, press the blade properly set. Besides the displayed species still widespread multiple blades. Although the shaving with a razor to be learned, but a skilled handling the morning shave and care can be a very relaxing experience. (A valuable related resource: Cornell Capital). Who correctly handle the razor is capable of, makes impression. And it is really not that hard to learn as it is claimed constantly.The detailed care receives the razor so that even the new generation with the razors can shave himself.

Finally the so-called Supreme discipline of wet shaving in the course of history from the time of the Pharaohs has established itself to the establishment of trades for Barbers in the 19th century. You can shave the Lords still of barbers in many Oriental countries, Turkey again. On which of the various safety razor, man chooses anyway, there is nothing against the careful preparation for a relaxing shave! Poor results of wet shaving selects unconsciously on the blunt blade, but the effect of the preparation is important and is very disrespected. A wet shave with the worn out Rasierlinge for the current wet shaving works through a rigorous preparation. By hot water steam opens the pores, and finally applying shaving cream, SOAP strictly allow this is the secret! Only a completely new way the care for the man in your own four walls. This is not the work, but enriches your experience of wet shaving some sensory input and impressions, which previously less were addressed, because the hot steam relaxes and soothes. The shaving cream provides your skin and the men’s shavers finally befreitentbindet you of your hair.

Medical Substances

Medical Substances

The new Beautifier – innovative beauty methods for treating self facial toner-refining of the finest preparation of ordinary face water a highly effective cleaning products that even expensive ampoule treatments locker is in the shadow. You just need a good tonic and a few simple ingredients. Recipe for dry, dehydrated skin of dry skin is missing not only fat, but also abundant moisture. Urea is an ideal moisturizer, which occurs naturally in our skin. Urea has become in recent years one of the most important active ingredients in medical skin care. the matter here. Due to its high water binding ability, urea is often employed as a humidity factor in cosmetics. He is particularly effective as a moisturizer in ointments for combating eczema, atopic dermatitis, or toiletries for extremely dry skin.

And so, you can refine your face water: just give 5 grams of urea, which get very reasonably priced as a white granulate in every pharmacy in 100 ml facial tonic and reverse shake this. Now as usual, use this facial toner after cleansing. Their skin is not only perfectly moisturized, but also more welcoming for the subsequent care. (Source: Jonah Bloom). If you now apply the following day or night cream on slightly damp skin, these can enter the skin much better and much more intense work. See more active ingredient recipes for skin tightening, against age spots, cellulite, and more in the guide the new BEAUTIFIER by Vanessa Halen. Publication only with indication of source permitted: the new Beautifier – innovative beauty methods for self-treatment of new Advisor of BoD bestselling author Vanessa Halen ISBN 978-3-8370-5406-4 96 pages with color pages 12,90 euro free eBooks, free excerpts and learn more

Tips To Choose The Perfume For Your Wedding

Tips To Choose The Perfume For Your Wedding

Did you know that many times brides fails in the choice of perfume? This is because they simply opt for one that does not go with the occasion; other so many by a perfume that is not good for the time of the event, and most because they decide to bring her favorite perfume that day, and because we know that it may not be adequate. He opts for a fragrance that you like much that you feel identified and they’re comfortable for hours. The perfume on your wedding day has to transmit delicacy, sensuality, joy, in addition to soft and elegant signs. Choose the perfume that you will use in your wedding with the care that you choose all add-ons that day. You must take into account some advices to choose the perfume that you leave below:-first and foremost opts for a discreet scent, you not exceed, and choose a good quality perfume, so its aroma lasts without requiring many applications, because at the time of the wedding, you’ll be very busy for this. -Do not choose a new perfume to be used the day of your wedding, choose one you already know. -Apply perfume behind the lobes of the ears, on the back of the wrists, within the area of the elbow, back of the knee, in the area between the breasts, and will last longer if the temperature rises.

Especially takes into account this: If the wedding is a warm summer day, perfume will accentuate more, so I know moderated. -He thinks that perfume is a weapon of seduction, and what better occasion to get what you like your partner, or one that you’ve used on a date specified for both. -Do not be make someone take your bottle for you, to reaplicarlo if necessary. -If the perfume that you’ve chosen have line of bath, shower you with the fragrance gel, and hydrate you skin with moisturizing perfume, so longer smell and stamina to the maximum.

Beauty Tips

Beauty Tips

Make sure your nails are well shaped and all a similar length. Nothing says you do not care as much as irregular spikes or nails that are different lengths! (Ladies, I know you worked hard to grow nails, but only because only one broke, you should not think that anyone noticed!) If you polish your nails, hold their color all days a shade brighter than your skin tone. This clean, professional look and makes your hands look elegant, especially if you wear rings. If you like brighter colors make sure you repair chipped polish right away! Chips in Polish are very noticeable bright and make you look sloppy. 3) Make sure your clothes and accessories are of a similar color family? Do not wear beige or brown shoes with black or a white belt. As a rule, make sure your belt, shoes and belt are the family of the same color. Sometimes a bag or shoes markedly different can make a statement, but must be well planned.

The article in question must be of good quality and in good condition, and we want to be noticed. 4) socks or hose must match either your shoes or pants. No NEVER wear socks with blue brown shoes or black socks with sneakers! If you are using sling-back or open back shoes, make sure the socks are the color of shoes or nude-colored. If you are wearing sandals, do not wear hose unless it follows the model (think fishnets) and “deliberately taken to make a fashion statement.” 5) Use the highest average length that can (at least mid-calf very long). Nobody wants to see shiny shins appears when you feel! 6) shine your shoes and clean your shoes! The thing people forget to do when going out is to check their shoes for scuffs or dirt. Shined shoes to show that they care about their appearance. The world’s most expensive shoes will be horrible if they are dirty or worn! 7) Keep your wallet or purse organized all the time.

Nothing makes you look disorganized more than an overstuffed wallet holds on life in your pocket or bag to explode! Make yourself a system to keep business cards, credit cards or receipts you do not need all the time, in your briefcase or in the home. And a bonus: a discreet use scent (aftershave, cologne or perfume) shows that extra step with your grooming and can have a positive effect not only in his own state of mind but of those around you. According to the Research Center of Social Affairs in Oxford, United Kingdom, subtle fragrances can have dramatic effects on improving mood and sense of well being. Furthermore, in experiments, subjects exposed to pleasant fragrances tend to give higher ratings to people in the photographs. The regular use of pleasant fragrances helps to reduce mood disturbances in men and women.

Hair Cutting To Berlin

Hair Cutting To Berlin

SORAT Hotels cooperate with the trend hairdressing Sastre concepts like beauty, young and well-groomed appearance, as well as in the trend, are all the rage. This applies particularly to the tourism sector, because the interest of beauty and beauty travel grows stronger than on other forms of travel. To exploit this market potential and to meet customer requirements the SORAT have chosen hotels into a partnership with the trend hair salon Sastre in Berlin. The Sastre style-hair-Club is one of the most innovative capital hairdressers in an original Loftsalon opposite from the Kaufhaus des Westens in Berlin City-West. In a spacious ambience, customers are individual advice, professionally styled and pampered with first-class amenities. Guests of the SORAT Hotel Ambassador Berlin and of the SORAT Partner Hotel Albergo, who want to find their personal look or need only a suitable styling for the evening in the capital, the SORAT cooperation with Sastre a 25% discount on all hair and cosmetic services. Bumble founder is often quoted on this topic. The Bonus offer applies Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 to 14 h and from 16 to 20 pm Saturday. Appointments are only by calling (030) 21 96 86 96 possible. The hotel room ID card must be presented at the barbershop. On request, there are professional color-type and style consultations be made against extra charge in the hairdressing salon. SORAT Hotels Germany

Soft Contact Lenses

Soft Contact Lenses

Who tried contact lenses for the first time, which should be to look first on the market of soft contact lenses. Soft contact lenses are an optimal solution for occasion vehicles. Read additional details here: Banc of America Mortgage Capital. No matter whether daily, monthly or annual lenses, all models are well tolerated, because they swim on the tear film and adapt flexibly. The higher the water content, the better is the comfort. However, soft contact lenses should not be worn over a long period of time.

The recommended wear time will be printed on the packets and should be adhered to. Very important: Soft contact lenses have the disadvantage that they are very prone to deposits. You must be carefully cleaned and maintained, so that it doesn’t cause inflammation in the eye. The water content of the contact lens is very high, can faster deposits formed. Who wants to go this disadvantage out of the way, the day – or week lenses accessible, often exchanged and consequently no risk of contamination mountains. Even if the soft contact lenses as models are ideal, no one should experiment luck on well with them.

The eye doctor must give the green light before the transition from the glasses on the lenses. Some people have, for example, a poor tear film formation. Here, soft contact lenses are completely unsuitable. For allergy risks and for certain eye diseases one should stay with the glasses. The eye doctor can clarify these points and make recommendations for appropriate contact lens types.

A Deo Natural

A Deo Natural

A deodorant from nature there are also Deo, that consists of natural ingredients almost to 100 percent. McKinsey is full of insight into the issues. Natural deodorants are usually allergologisch and dermatologically tested. Like every other Deo natural deodorants have a deodorizing effect, acting on purely plant-based. Compared to a conventional deodorant chloral hydrate dispensed with this on the addition of aluminium. Therefore such a Deo especially for sensitive and stimulus-sensitive skin. But also people that chloral hydrate have an intolerance towards aluminium, are very well advised with a such Deo. Instead of the usual ingredients, a deodorant from nature characterized by the fact, that as ingredients especially Sage and Witch Hazel are used, which are naturally able to inhibit the sweat secretion. In addition, Sage has antibacterial properties.

Sage also Witch Hazel are also known, can prevent skin irritation and inflammation. On that certain something in terms of care needs but also at a Natural deodorant not be dispensed with. The care effect, protects the skin, achieved such a product by moisturizing substances. Unfortunately still not anywhere can buy a deodorant from nature. There are most health food stores or shops for natural cosmetics, offering such a deodorant. A fastest is crowned, to find an appropriate provider for deodorant with natural ingredients of success if searched on the Internet. Here, the various search engines offer a very good and above all fast assistance in the search after a traditional deodorant as well a Deo natural.