Exit From The Hamster Wheel

Exit From The Hamster Wheel

Kai Rai Lala: slow down your life. By the luck of serenity, edition steinrich 2011 Kai Rai Lala, initiator of the network of caring economy, management consultant and meditation teacher, opens up in his books, seminars, and lectures the potential of Buddhist teaching and practice for our daily life and economic action. Why is it important to stop, to find the mindfulness and to slow down the life? Today the stress are increasing-related diseases as well as burn-out, and the author sets his concept of Entschleunigens or of slowing this trend down “through the practice of mindfulness. This is something that we can apply directly, without us first deal with theory must employ or meditation courses. Voluntarily, we can start to slow down our lives, before it comes to an involuntary stop, if for example the body suddenly seriously ill or we suffer a heart attack or stroke. The author has seen it himself, that his body over a half a year was not fully functional and he involuntarily had to stop. That was the basis for his concept, which he presents in his book among others.

All important topics of everyday life are addressed here, unless to vocational, health, nutrition, family, friends, to name a few. To all areas, there are hints and suggestions on how we can incorporate mindfulness and thus slow down in our everyday lives. Aim is however not, here also just back too much to carry and so only under pressure to sit down, what we still need to create. We can go to begin already with very small things, where we make us aware as we in our hectic daily routine, thus, then at this point a moment to pause. Here an example: Thich Nhat Hanh recommends to use the phone as a stop and relax signal. When it rings, not immediately respond, but wait for the first three notes. Smile to yourself and the caller and they remain in your breath. Only then remove the listener.

You will notice that this conscious stop can significantly relax the atmosphere of your phone calls.” Here a brief example to the conscious action: conscious walking is a heart by slowing down. Each of our steps can bring us more serenity, peace and quiet or but reinforce the stress and the hustle and bustle in our lives. Look around on your way through the day. The life story of your steps? What to broadcast your steps? u0085 And if we begin to change the direction, quality and speed of our lives, then change our steps. Mindfulness is the key for this purpose.” A wonderful book that can lead us all to the essence in our lives.

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