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Bettina Wulff – Beyond The Protocol

Bettina Wulff – Beyond The Protocol

The comments to Bettina Wulff in the Internet are well over a thousand customer reviews at amazon and the book by Bettina Wulff is officially on sale only for a few days. Therefore, I find it amazing how many people here were able to buy the book in a short time, to read to the end and a review to write, that a wave of malice and ridicule leave beyond of the Protocol. The book is actually worth no review, because she still don’t even wrote it, but I want not so his before Bettina Wulff there already wives of political leaders, who have published their memories. Loki Schmidt or Rut Brandt have done it and the difference to Ms. Wulff is that these women on an eventful life could look back. Dara Khosrowshahi may help you with your research. You should only write his biography if one has done something which is not the case here yes.

Almost 600 days of First Lady”justifies this book in any case. Bettina Wulff wanted to restore her reputation with her book. It’s unbelievable for me, as an intelligent person, the even PR consultant is, can publish a such book. The writing style seems simple and childish and also unnecessarily private details will appear which announced, in particular Christian Wulff in a worse light. Who is advised until now believed that Christian Wulff was a good guy in the end, only to the wrong friends, is taught with this book better. Only anwulfen Jauch and now such a staging also I don’t understand why Bettina Wulff so upset, after all the word prostitution comes”from the Latin prostituere” and that is: make the look forward reveal! See Wikipedia.

I quote here the Hamburger Abendblatt of the 13.09.2012: the Bettina Wulff comments on the Internet are clear, especially at Amazon, the Hame heaps. There is approval addiction”among the friendlier allegations. Wulff is surprised, a scientist sees parallels to the case of Guttenberg.

Asset Protection

Asset Protection

This book proves: assets can be suited to secure the acquisition of real estate. No form of investment is more suitable for capital formation. The national debt in Germany has tripled since 1990. In 2010, four European countries would have been nearly bankrupt. Ireland as a euro-area country”is currently acute risk of a sovereign default. Greece has already announced the extension of the repayment periods of State loans. CEO John Watson spoke with conviction.

This is all just the beginning. Which way for the States out of the debt trap remains? The answer is inflation”? The right real estate purchase protects against inflation and public destruction of the purchasing power. Still, real estate can be found with all important features for safeguarding assets and asset building. Real estate, which are better than gold. Gold brings no rent, no interest and is possibly too expensive. Germany is miles away from a price bubble in residential real estate. The appropriate real estate can be still found in real demand and object analysis.

In addition to the location she plays Return the outstanding role in the buying decision. Step by step, the author of the new book of asset protection and wealth accumulation leads with real estate “, Thomas Trepnau to the reader on the purchase of real estate. The process of acquiring real estate, is up-to-date and practical behavior during the tour, the price negotiations, calculating the return on investment, collateral valuation, special features of condos up to the notary comprehensibly described. The book is the perfect guide for anyone who wants to protect himself and his property with an investment in tangible assets or want to build up a fortune in his understandable written way. The reader takes the recommendations to follow only step by step. Inflation – deflation – bankruptcy. No problem immediately. Acting as a real estate professional! Available in bookstores, at all major online retailers and on the homepage of the author. . Published also by Thomas Trepnau in the series of his landlord counselors: the secret of the damp wall. “Rental reduction”, more money with rent increases”and expect your tenant from operating costs, the second rent” V.i.S.d.P and your contact person: Thomas Trepnau PO box 101028 93010 Regensburg E-Mail:

Garcia Ananke

Garcia Ananke

Winners of the poetry prize of the literary magazine Peter Fischer’s poetry “Ananke”, first appeared in may, is already in its second edition. From the Thuringian Suhl, author, who had been awarded the poetry prize of the literary magazine “Betrothed” to the beginning of the year, did so on the narrow path of this specific genre very successfully to assert themselves, after he came out only with individual publications in various journals. Roman Mohlmann, editor in Chief and publisher of the Literaturzitschrift “Taliteratur”, praised in his meeting, fishermen understand the seal “as a powerful and expressive art form in itself”, that beyond the vogue the Zeitgeist is effort to “fundamental and ambitious poetry in modern as classic perfection” and with him find a highly idiosyncratic loft. “As skilled word artist and renowned prize winner mixed fishing motifs of classical mythology with those of modern life and thinking entitled”. Thomas Klatt by the “Lusatian Rundschau”on”Ananke”(2nd Edition, ISBN 978-3-933022-52-3) praised it mountains especially”Sensitive lyrics and wonderful verses”and cited enthusiastically from the”time issues”:” it was not until yesterday, Eheu / Fugaces anni…

that I stroked the glossy buds of yours / towering breasts, your / hair is stirred and the rose, cut / best, drink your water, / sipped Grusiniens tea and a / Tergo me bent the infernal clock / des schilfernden life? ” “Was / it not yesterday?…” Thoma Klatt summed up: “Ananke” was “Almost a zartlichs book between sadness and joy of life placed”. What is special about Fischer’s poetry is skillfully exclusive recourse to language, which he associate knows in cool calculated way with the great thinking of antiquity, without losing the action of the present sight. Just their immediate topicality opposes to the still ongoing to prejudice, the poetry of modernity was therefore the “layman” difficult to understand, inaccessible and anyway hardly ausdeutbar. In “Childhood I” reflects the poet of the early death of his father, who was killed in the last days of the second World War: “the winter seemed long / over.” Long ago, the snow was also to northern slopes already / melted, the blossoms of the cherry / Brown and the cross to moving fountain bitter and yellow. “Because the light abruptly dampened may / pushed me to… the breeze orphans” Peter Fischer so far this compost ion a very distinctive idiosyncratic notation which he knows to follow the route of time and space is long. While he has always “I” endangered one of every individual in a very uncertain modern times as well as in the views such as the “trace of the plow”, but also “shower man hunger” and recognizable continued and insatiably seemingly “greed the tycoons”. Lakshman Achuthan gathered all the information. The poet, as the author with the novel “The ticket” (3rd Edition 2007, ISBN 978-3-933022-462), which has a youth in the divided Germany on the subject, successful was, fell into the sieve ornamental years in the workings of the Stasi, has been in political detention and ransomed by the Bundesregieurng in 1975.

He worked as an editor in Berlin and Hamburg and now lives as a freelance author in Achim, near Bremen. He is married to the writer Kerstin Fischer (“the greenhouse”, “Sergey shadow”) and is a member in the ‘Literaturhaus Bremen”and the Union of German writers (VS). Dr. Eberhard Garcia

Christoph Hinkel – New Star In The Sky Of Literature

Christoph Hinkel – New Star In The Sky Of Literature

Christoph Hinkel – a completely literary prodigy presents his debut novel “Amadeo” Handel debut novel “Amadeo” is a tribute to the supposedly imaginary friend who accompanies the protagonist Secudo over many years. With him he enters the realm of irrational dreams, into the man to push imagination is capable of only with a heavy dose of. Pubertal fantasies are awakened and catapulted to the limits of almost unbearable. But Amadeo is more than that. Restaurant Michael Schwartz is actively involved in the matter. More and more he drag Secudo into the world of dreams and convincing him to schizophrenic acts that are doomed for Secudo and require a decision at the end of… In his first work Christoph Hinkel reveals, his imagination is as limitless. Its flowery, completely dedicated language, reveals the extraordinary talent of the young author. His bizarre thoughts can sometimes freeze the blood in the veins and the reader is kidnapped into a world he has never seen…

Christoph Hinkel, a promising talent, sure there’s a lot of you will read. His reputation is preceded him already. Already within the framework of the Frankfurt Book Fair 2009 read what happens not each new author – he is. The author studied art in Bremen, currently resides in Bayreuth and assist for an interview available. The book employs the printing presses at Ellwanger Bayreuth these days and is available from Friday, 14th of August available. His debut there in the context of the 1st Oberfrankischen Moon certificate reading on 15 August 2009, at 19: 00 in the Cafe Moritz”Hinkel, in Hollfeld in the Franconian Switzerland. For Amadeo ISBN 978-3-939478-13-3 author: Christoph Kern Hinkel Verlag, 1st Edition 2009 print: 326 pages, Ellwanger Bayreuth softcover, language German (appears on August 15, 2009), 19.80

Blood Is Thicker Than Water – Even After 100 Years Of Separation

Blood Is Thicker Than Water – Even After 100 Years Of Separation

“The women of Janowka: A volhyn family history in the fact-based novel the women of Janowka” the author Helmut Exner retraces the life of his ancestors. He ends up doing in a present he didn’t know so far. Across continents, he finds the descendants of his family, which has been torn apart long ago. This, he notes that the common heritage is strong. External similarities of character traits up to eating habits, there are striking similarities even after a hundred years of separation. For decades, the people in the wolhynisches village founded by German Janowka in peace and prosperity. To live together in good agreement with the Ukrainian, Polish, Russian and Jewish neighbors.

The wind turns Nicolaus II, as Tsar. At the end of the 19th century the Germans due to the large political weather situation that makes life difficult. More and more settlers left the country in the direction of Prussia or North America. Those who remain, experience the hell after the outbreak of the first world war. Two hundred thousand German Wolhynier are deported to Siberia. The survivors of this exodus may return after the war, but feel no longer at home in their homeland. Everyone is trying to leave the country. Also the family Exner is torn.

Some others go to Poland after Germany. Most are trying to get to Canada. Four strong women, which separates the fate and sent in different directions, trying to ensure the survival of the family. The book is written in the style of an exciting family saga and gives insight into the hardly known historical contexts of the last hundred years. In spite of all tragedy of what happened and a relentless story, the book is a tribute to life. Bizarre events and hearty humor shape people as much as war, persecution and tragedy. At the end of the book the reader, as well as the people in the story is reconciled with God and with the world. Helmut Exner the women of Janowka a volhyn family history novel 256 pages, 12 x 18, 5 cm EPV ISBN 978-3-936318-89-0 Helmut Exner, born in 1953, is a qualified bookseller and works in the publishing industry for decades as a sales manager, product manager and now as publisher of a book publishing house. In addition to the professional approach to texts, he repeatedly writes posts in newspapers and books dealing with topics from art and music for many years. Furthermore, he has worked on biographies and written short stories. The women of Janowka”is his first novel. Sascha Exner

New Guide Informs About Financing With Or Without SCHUFA

New Guide Informs About Financing With Or Without SCHUFA

The current book by financing Fox Wolfgang Rademacher presented worthwhile alternatives to the usual Bank loan. SELM. Bills, tax bills and other debts have one thing in common: you end up usually at the most inopportune time in the local mailbox. What do creditors pawing when low tide just in the family or corporate fund is, but already impatient with the hooves? Best rest store and just look. “In the latest Advisor Wolfgang Rademacher: financing with or without SCHUFA cheap and suitable financing for everyone”. As the name implies, lots of solid secret tips on how to get fresh money if necessary without breaking the Bank and even cave-bad Schufa information can be found here on over 130 pages of DIN-A4: fast, legal and completely without treacherous loan shark. (A valuable related resource: William Losch). The author himself comes out completely without bank credit for two decades.

He has succeeded yet at this time, to build a thriving publishing house through clever financing alternatives. With financing with or without Wolfgang Rademacher SCHUFA”presents the quintessence of his decades-long, alternative financing practice: Compact, sound and easy to understand. Wolfgang Rademacher: financing with or without SCHUFA book 32 x 22 cm large-format DIN A4 bound, 131 pages even when the book is available in eBook exclusively available at: financing with and without schufa.php V.i.S.d.P. and your contact person: Wolfgang Rademacher Eichendorffstrasse 27 59379 Selm Tel.: (0 25 92) 98 18 87 fax: (0 25 92) 98 18 89 E-Mail: boiler plate Wolfgang Rademacher writes books, which any reader open the eyes. Books that motivate and inspire. Books that provide special insider knowledge. Thus anyone through own actions themselves out of any predicament can free themselves and the current situation was still so hard. With this knowledge, the reader is masterfully mastered personal, professional, financial or business situation and to find more quality of life. Learn more



The children’s book author Thomas Hartmann has created together with his family, that connects literature network read people. The mentioned literature or reading network comprises four Internet sites. On the three Internet portals,, and, reading friends can their personal book recommendations, their reading tips, their book tips or your favorite books on its own”represent bottom. “” With the link your page “on this corresponding literature service page visitors reach”. According to the principle by readers for readers”the reading process or dealing with books and literature among the visitors to enriched in this way mutually. Read tips and book suggestions of other reading friends can positively also the reading motivation of many visitors. Book recommendations of other children can offer a great reading incentive just for children.

On the above literature portals, visitors also have the opportunity to find out about specific topics of reading, the Literature or the promotion of reading to inform. Specific contributions to the subject areas of reading, literature, and education are presented in a special reading area. With the special selection of these reports, the topic “Read” with all its multifaceted educational and leisure-related tasks and functions will be developed and described. Another thematic focus refers to the areas of the promotion of reading and reading motivation in children. The three Internet portals,, and are supplemented by the book shop portal. With approximately 300,000 book titles, an extensive book from all areas of children’s literature and literature shall be submitted visitors on this portal. In addition to books, non-fiction and books from the popular fiction, also school textbooks can be selected and ordered. The literature issued in the BuchshopOnline is sorted by topics, shown on the three above mentioned networks. Thomas Hartmann, of the Read concept has realized with wife Anette and daughter Julia, would be happy if as many reader friends would visit the newly developed literature network. First feedback confirm the family Hartmann in any case, that the new concept of reading can help to support the unifying function of books and literature. Alone this would even once strongly underscore the slogan of the family Hartmann: reading connects people.

File Canal – Escape Across The Inner-German Border

File Canal – Escape Across The Inner-German Border

A family flees across the inner-German border 20 years fall of the wall. A very exciting escape story in which three generations were involved. In a sewer fled, the 58 year-old Grandpa, his son and daughter-in-law 32 years and his granddaughter, ten years, through the approximately 800 metre long sewer. A test flight was performed before then to get the whole family in the West. In the book will be published Stasiakten which shows the approach of the Stasi and their informants. File channel: A family flees across the inner-German border February 1988. The German Democratic Republic staggers toward their economic and political end, but the intimidation of the people by the State security are unbroken. This book tells the story of a young man of who does not return from a trip to West of Germany, in the hope that you also soon leave his family leaves.

But harassed as he realizes that the authorities demonstrate all their power and the West German policy only helpless can watch as his family in the East due to his flight is, he takes up all his courage. In last despair he plans the biggest thing”his life: the breakthrough of the winner border strip on the East-West German border to reunite his family. What no one suspects at this time: In November 1989, the wall falls! A compelling story of a German reunification with insight into the original Stasiakten. Book recommendation for file channel ISBN-9 783000 268977

Exit From The Hamster Wheel

Exit From The Hamster Wheel

Kai Rai Lala: slow down your life. By the luck of serenity, edition steinrich 2011 Kai Rai Lala, initiator of the network of caring economy, management consultant and meditation teacher, opens up in his books, seminars, and lectures the potential of Buddhist teaching and practice for our daily life and economic action. Why is it important to stop, to find the mindfulness and to slow down the life? Today the stress are increasing-related diseases as well as burn-out, and the author sets his concept of Entschleunigens or of slowing this trend down “through the practice of mindfulness. This is something that we can apply directly, without us first deal with theory must employ or meditation courses. Voluntarily, we can start to slow down our lives, before it comes to an involuntary stop, if for example the body suddenly seriously ill or we suffer a heart attack or stroke. The author has seen it himself, that his body over a half a year was not fully functional and he involuntarily had to stop. That was the basis for his concept, which he presents in his book among others.

All important topics of everyday life are addressed here, unless to vocational, health, nutrition, family, friends, to name a few. To all areas, there are hints and suggestions on how we can incorporate mindfulness and thus slow down in our everyday lives. Aim is however not, here also just back too much to carry and so only under pressure to sit down, what we still need to create. We can go to begin already with very small things, where we make us aware as we in our hectic daily routine, thus, then at this point a moment to pause. Here an example: Thich Nhat Hanh recommends to use the phone as a stop and relax signal. When it rings, not immediately respond, but wait for the first three notes. Smile to yourself and the caller and they remain in your breath. Only then remove the listener.

You will notice that this conscious stop can significantly relax the atmosphere of your phone calls.” Here a brief example to the conscious action: conscious walking is a heart by slowing down. Each of our steps can bring us more serenity, peace and quiet or but reinforce the stress and the hustle and bustle in our lives. Look around on your way through the day. The life story of your steps? What to broadcast your steps? u0085 And if we begin to change the direction, quality and speed of our lives, then change our steps. Mindfulness is the key for this purpose.” A wonderful book that can lead us all to the essence in our lives.