Electronic commerce B2C is a form of sale with great potential in the long term; at present, they are developing to the sectors of article distribution of feeding and consumption to it. You may find relocation strategies to be a useful source of information. Thus, the great chains of distribution: supermarkets, supermarkets, department store already have own vestibules to the sale through Internet. B2C also is applied to financial institutions and any other type of company that establishes direct commercial relations with its clients through Internet. The success of electronic transactions B2C depends on the reliability of the payment systems, that usually are through credit cards, in other cases make possible other modes of payment like against reimbursement, in cash or the use of services provided by other companies like PayPal. In Colombia, an additional mode of payment to the credit cards is the debit online of the saving accounts and currents directly in the banking organizations. Advantages The following advantages can be emphasized: The purchase usually is faster and more comfortable. The supplies and the prices always are updated.
The centers of attention to the client are integrated in the Web. The telecommunications by broadband have improved the purchase experience Some challenges Wikipedia on the matter adds to us, that both main challenges that face B2C of electronic commerce are the creation of traffic and the maintenance of the fidelity of the clients. Due to the winner all the nature of structure B2C takes to it, many small companies have difficulties to enter a market and to continue being competitive. In addition, the buyers in line are very sensible to the price and easily are attracted far, reason why the acquisition and maintenance of new clients are difficult. A study of main companies B2C of McKinsey found that: He arrives the artists interpreters or executants have more of three times more of unique visitors to the month to more of the median.