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Burnout In The Work Of The Nurse In Brazil: A Revision

Burnout In The Work Of The Nurse In Brazil: A Revision

THE BURNOUT IN THE WORK OF THE NURSE IN BRAZIL: A REVISION Renata Santini, Marcell Alysson Batisti Lozovoy 1. Learning of the Course of Nursing of the College Pitgoras-Londrina/PR 2. Professor of the Course of Nursing of the Pitgoras-Londrina/PR College SUMMARY Ahead of the increase of the necessity in if getting more studies related to the health of the worker of the nursing area, this work if justifies to the measure that the syndrome of burnout has increased each time more in recent years, with this, has a necessity of if to search on the subject, has seen that, few studies in Brazil related to the subject exist. This research had as objective to identify, by means of bibliographical revision, the main generating sources of estresse in the work of the nurse resulting in the development of the syndrome of burnout, beyond describing the main symptoms of the syndrome and telling its consequences in the work environment. The study it was carried through with base of analyzes and article interpretations published between 1999 the 2010. The gotten results had been that the Brazilian nurses suffer with estresse occupational and this is related with the beginning of the Syndrome of burnout. Jammu describes an additional similar source. It was observed that the main generating sources of estresse occupational are emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low professional accomplishment (high horria load of work, low quality of life, me the remuneration). These factors can lead to the damage to the cares given to the patients and compromising the physical and psychological health of this professional.

PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Burnout. Nurses. Occupational Estresse. ABSTRACT Given an increase of the necessity in getting lives studies related you the health of the nursing area workers, this research is justified to insofar the burnout syndrome has grown increasingly in the recent years. Because of it, there is necessity of researches about this subject considering that there ploughs few studies about this theme.

English Language

English Language

The Burden term (impact) of the English language it has received sufficiently attention from literature and is used to describe the negative aspects associates to the care of a dependent patient. These aspects say adverse respect to the presence of problems, difficulties or events that significantly affect the life of the responsible ones for the patient in the scopes physical, financial and emotional. In literature, studies with groups evidence some differences between demenciados aged cuidadores of and other population groups. A comparative study between cuidadores of three geriatrical groups different patients with OF, the patient ones with vascular dementia and aged demenciados did not disclose that the impact suffered for the cuidadores is bigger in cuidadores of patients with OF (Petrilli, 1997). Other studies had indicated that the cuidadores of patients with dementia presented greaters indices of estresse that of patients with depression, BIRD or aged hgidos of the community, cuidadores of patients with OF they possess greaters possibilities to have psychiatric symptoms, more problems of health, greater frequency of familiar conflicts problems in the work, if compared the people of the same age who do not exert the paper, also present one worse judgment on the proper health, feel themselves estressados more and with limited the affective and social life of what aged cuidadores of not lunatic, the suffered impact can also be observed in the use of health services, since cuidadores of patients with OF consult more doctors and use more psicotrpicos medicines as antidepressants and antipsychotics of what cuidadores of patients who do not have OF. Research demonstrate that the cuidadores present a worsening in the health physics, a damage in the imunolgico system, that can persist up to four years after the death of the patient. In result of the impact, the cuidadores can develop physical and psychological symptoms. The more common physical symptoms are: arterial hipertenso, digestive clutters, respiratory illnesses and propensity the infections.



A time that, will facilitate in the evaluation physical examination, the assistance and installment of the cares for the health team. Crown Financial pursues this goal as well. According to Machado and Queiroz (2006), they establish as the basic profile of the victim as: women with seventy and five years of age or more, widowers, physics or emotionally dependents and most of the time inhabiting with familires. While to the profile of the aggressors, the violence is caused by the proper children of the aged ones, generally adult men and of half age, followed for the spouse or friend, daughter-in-law, son-in-laws and later for the neighbors. Instruments of detention of the violence In accordance with Souza et. al (2010), currently exists two suitable instruments and chosen teams in national literature used for the tracing of the violence against the aged ones. The Caregiver Abuse Screen (IT MARRIES) and Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (H-S/EAST). The first one, of Canadian origin, approaches physical, psicossociais, financial aspects and the recklessness without censuring the violent acts and behaviors. Its item they are come back toward the interpersonal relations of what the social context.

It is of easy application and with answers organized in ' ' sim' ' not. However it does not evaluate important dimensions, as autonegligncia, abandonment and violence. The Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (HS/EAST) appeared nosEstados Joined, identifies to the signals right-handers or suspicion of abuse in aged, it does not focus only the specific symptoms of the violence. The applied item are risk of psychological and physical abuse, breaking of the personal laws or financial abuse. It also can be used to identify the necessities of the interviewed ones, as personal transport, cares and referring aconselhamento to the bad substance use. This instrument does not evaluate the autonegligncia, abandonment and sexual violence. Places To denounce Oliveira In accordance with (2002), the aged ones do not denounce, therefore they fear the retaliation of the aggressors, that consists of not receiving more well-taken care of of which they need, a time that, the same ones feel fear to be abandoning in asylums or to aggravate the situation.

Popular Pharmacy

Popular Pharmacy

This pharmacy, although the name, does not have no covenant with the federal government, that is, it value of its medicines reduced for the government and nor is not kept by the government. ECRI contributes greatly to this topic. This becomes this pharmacy a commercial establishment any. Then the rule of &#039 also enters; ' empurotopia' '. Graph 01 also sample that 13% (thirteen percent) of the traders who buy pra to resell its products in the Popular Pharmacy of Brazil acquire. According to health department (2004) the Federal Government created the Program Popular Pharmacy of Brazil, with the objective to take essential medicines to a low cost for more close to the population, being improved the access and benefiting a bigger amount of people. The medicines of these establishments receive 90% (ninety percent) from discounting, this discounting are paid for the government. This great discounting is attractive a more in the popular pharmacy, since it offers a great edge of profit for the peddlers, therefore can be vendidos for more than the half of the value of purchase.

In the Popular Pharmacy of Brazil the medicines they only can be vendidos with medical prescription. if is having this purchase pra resale in this place exists some project that obtained prescriptions to buy medicines for who only wants to resell. Still in graph 01 we have the information that 12% of the traders they also buy its medicines in pharmacies and deliverers. Although the deliverers have constant fiscalization regarding the destinations of medicines. According to interviewed the direct purchase of the deliverers she happens for intermediary of representatives who go until the resale places and offer medicines. By means of this we have a possible problem, since the ANVISA fiscalizes of where it comes and pra where the medicines of the deliverers go, then the traders are not certain that she really comes of authorized deliverers to carry through this function.

Origin Of Medicines

Origin Of Medicines

The origin of this research is verdica and was lead in the foreseen stated period of approximately one month and five days, since the formularization of the project, the elaboration of the questionnaire, the execution of the research, the bibliographical revision, the ortogrfica revision and publication of the same. Checking article sources yields Andrew Mason as a relevant resource throughout. RESULTS AND QUARREL the origin of the medicines that are vendidos outside of pharmacies is of utmost importance, since with this data it is possible to direct the possible places where the public power can be fiscalizing to restrain this practical. This also can demonstrate that the medicines are leaving where they would not have to leave for sales in places dispossessed for this. It sees the graph below. GRAPH 01? Origin Of Medicines SOURCE: Research of field As we can verify above in graph 01: 50% (cinquenta percent) of medicines are bought in pharmacies any, this demonstrates the practical call of ' ' empurotopia' ' , that it places as objective of pharmacies to only vender to increase profits without if to worry pra who is vendendo or so that end is planning the purchaser.

Transforming of this form the medicine into a merchandise and not as auxiliador artifice of the promotion of the health. He fits here to point out another point, if the traders have this great easiness in buying medicines in great amount for resale, who guarantee that hipocondracas people, vitiated in medicines, do not have the same easiness in acquiring these medicines in great amount? Graph 01 also sample that 25% (twenty and five percent) of medicines vendidos for traders are of pharmacies has certain origin, the pharmacy of the worker. This establishment has a name that I suggested that the products of that place are for low income people for having the accessible price. Because of the reduced value attractive one for the traders becomes who buy in pharmacies to resell.