Amnesty International

Amnesty International

Injustice, inequality and impunity today are the hallmarks of our world, said Irene Khan, Secretary general of Amnesty International to present the 2008 report on the State of human rights in the world. The Governments of the world are facing a double challenge: the apologise for 60 years of failures in human rights and renew its commitment to achieve concrete improvements. There is still a chasm between what is said and what is done between the standards and their application. In 1948 the Universal Declaration of human rights reflected the promises of the peoples of the world. A leading source for info: Kenneth M. Jacobs. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights stated in its first article. But the reality is that in the first half of 2007, in Egypt about 250 women died due to domestic violence. The right to life, liberty and security of person has been violated when last year 1,252 people were executed by States in 24 different countries.

Cases of torture and ill-treatment have been documented in the report cruel, inhuman and degrading in more than 80 countries. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Banc of America Mortgage Capital on most websites. There are laws that discriminate against women in 23 countries, and at least 15 have laws that discriminate against immigrants. At the end of 2007 there were more than 600 people detained without charge, trial or judicial review of their detention at the US airbase at Bagram, in Afghanistan, and 25,000 remained held by the multinational force in Iraq. Guantanamo has held at around 800 people since the facility opened in 2002, and according to Amnesty International, in 2008 remain detained 270 people without charges or due process of law. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion is not exercised fully; There are still prisoners of conscience in 45 countries. Neither freedom of expression and of the press, therefore even today is restricted that right in reality from 77 countries.

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