

These writers make reference the solitude through its stories, leaving to be transparent as this manifest feeling if in the daily one of the people. For construction of this work I took for base following stories: ‘ ‘ for the ticket of great dor’ ‘ (ABREU, 2005) and ‘ ‘ a smile is little for as is same the name of it? ‘ ‘ (BRIDGES, 2008). Beyond these texts I look for to relate the thought of some authors who study regarding the solitude, so that thus, he is more clarified this subject as, KLEIN (1975), ARAUJO (2009). Valley to detach that the choice of this subject if gave why the solitude if constitutes as a sufficiently present event in the contemporaneidade. This is a problem that devastates some independent people of social classroom, race, sort or religion. Vertex might disagree with that approach. It is pertinent to observe as this thematic one is boarded in literature for modern writers. In this direction, the plot of these stories comes to favor tracks that evidence as the personages, alone or folloied, they are acometidos by the feeling to be alone sad and overwhelming.

The dialogue established between the personages constitutes as reflected of the language of its respective authors in the direction of explicitar the feelings that denounce the solitude. To the ending of this reflexiva critical analysis we can presume that it enters these authors has some similarities and divergences in what it says respect to the way to work the subject solitude. The mission of this article is exactly to detach where if it more necessarily finds the coincidences and dichotomies between stories and in the styles of each author. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Abreu- solitude Bridges Similarities? Differences LITERARY ANALYSIS OF the SOLITUDE: limits and 1-Introduction possibilities This work has the intention to characterize the solitude for intermediary of an analysis critical-reflexive concerning the works of Falls Fernando Abreu and Gildemar Bridges.

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