Work In Azerbaijan
The most profitable area of activity is the work of foreign oil companies, which offer more than capable of competitive wages. This is the western 'monster' oil sector economy, such as BP, Exxon, as well as companies, contractors, operators, such as Baker Hughes, Schlumberger, Halliburton, BJ, Duetag and others. The average salary 800-1200 USD Pros: – High monthly fee – Education through an employer – a real opportunity for career – the possibility of travel / work outside of Azerbaijan – free insurance for a worker and family (sometimes with a small extra charge for family members of 5-20% of the amount of insurance) – in most cases, free lunch. Cons: – often irregular work schedule – meets bias against local cadres. Translating private firms providing public services differ and be more correct to say that the high salary – it is more the exception than the rule. However, this is the most powerful social segment, which employs up to half of the population. Because, sometimes, poor working conditions and wage replacement skilled workers is constant.
The average salary of 400-600 dollars Pros: – many vacancies – no need to have a college education Cons: – limited career growth – difficult to obtain / improve decent wage retail trade an established niche, which employs migrants from villages and small towns population. Often difficult working conditions (up to 12 or more hours a day), in most cases without contracts and obligations of employers. The average salary of 150-250 dollars Pros: – Sometimes it work for you. Cons: – In most cases there is no simple guarantee to the employee (vacation, management experience, etc.) – oblong-time without financial compensation – work on weekends without financial compensation – the almost complete lack of career growth (80-90% of cases) The public sector will not consider, because sometimes 'cons' compensated for corruption 'ins'. This short review is statistical. Written to help those who are planning to change or choose a new job, or vice versa – to settle on an existing. If you are young and just decide what zone of activities to choose, we hope that the information will be useful occasion for reflection and action.