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Love Egyptian

Love Egyptian

Egyptian Tarot cards are widely age-old, allegedly the oldest ones that exist. It is therefore interesting to analyze the role of love and women in a society that considered them very differently than today. In the middle ages, cradle and origin of the mass popularization of the tarot, the concept of romantic love very slowly emerged in Western civilization, for example, through the Provencal poetry, who idolized the figure of the Lady. But for Egyptian culture, the consequences of the tarot of love were completely different. A first approximation to the Egyptian tarot deck tells us that the arcane VI, for the Gypsy tarot lovers, there was the deck of Indecision. Medieval tarot of Marseille, although its name has already changed, figure that illustrates the Charter saves still echoes of the Egyptian tarot. There, a young man must decide between love of 2 women, what is, in reality, a metaphor about the need to choose between the carnal and the spiritual life. Something that disappears completely in the more modern Rider Waite tarot, where the illustration of the arcane celebrates the meeting of the lovers.

It is in the Egyptian tarot the arcane 19th, inspiration (the Sun of the Gypsy tarot), which rescues the idea of union between the principles of feminine and masculine as the source and engine of the universe. This deck speaks to us of the couple as a company and complement; someone who allows us to achieve the fullness, completing us. This idea is taken up in the arcane XXXIII of the Egyptian tarot, the Alliance. Although it is a letter which speaks of alliances in general, not only for the couple, also deals with her. This arcane teaches us to enjoy the love of youth, but a privilege of adulthood. Once again, the notion of the pair as a companion, as the other half that supports us and full is displayed. Predictably then, the figure of the woman for the Egyptian love tarot focuses on the roles of wife, mother and soul of the household. Something that is clearly reflected through the arcane XXIV, the Weaver. This deck speaks of an honest woman, who knows to keep his good name and works diligently for your home and your family, thus obtaining all kinds of rewards to his modesty. Original author and source of the article.