Response Of Metabolic Balance To The Press Release Of The Consumer Centres
Consumer Central Thuringia, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Hesse criticize metabolic balance in press release of January 12, 2010 Dr. med. Wolf Funfack has worked with the engineer for nutraceutical, Mrs Silvia Burkle, developed the metabolic balance programme. As a therapist and nutritionist, the improvement of the health of the participants in the programme in the first place is for him. metabolic balance comprehensive strengthening of metabolism aims at, whereby the user weight regulation is a positive side-effect.
It is based on the assumption that every body in the position, to be able to produce all metabolism-related enzymes and hormones even if he gets the necessary basic building materials about the diet fed. For the creation of an individual nutrition plan, metabolic balance requires personal information, as well as current lab values. After many years of experience, Dr. Funfack can confirm, that the metabolic balance set goals actually be reached. The scientific data underlying the program development and studies were now empirically through the variety of our participants as well as documented in an evaluation study to our program (current projects\”). The Consumer Council warns consumers of our diet plans. It leads to a blood test could lead at all does not make sense to create a detailed food selection. Rules, like the last meal before 21:00 end or to forego oil in food preparation were also not scientifically justifiable.
From the blood laboratory values (and above) however is clear even after general medical agreement, which minerals and vitamins the body at the time of the blood needs and should be avoided which substances (see uric acid or sugar level). Starting from this state the plan vote individually the food on the participants. Also the statement that Participants of the food programme on oil must give, can so keep, since we recommend the strict phase only in the first two weeks of use no additional oil or fat! On the contrary, generally we advise our participants to avoid reduced-fat foods, because high-quality fats and oils play a crucial role in our diet plans.