Intway Funds
You risk nothing by purchasing shares at a price you can afford, learning and acquiring shares. This is a good school. You learn feel the market is gradually learning to understand the daily charts, buying, selling, you accumulate valuable experience, you want to know more, you have the desire to read literature on this subject, because the first profits, even at $ 1, very impressive, and you begin to understand that there is another perspective view of the income. And after that we can not fall in love with this instrument, knowing that it is a sure source of profit. In addition, no one other exchange You can not start with one or ten dollars! For 2007 I am 60% profit on the shares.
But I have and less profitable stocks, and profit from it – it’s a matter of time. On the page of my site ‘exchange terminal’ You can read more official information, as well as practical advice for novice ’10 for safe gambling. ” I am sharing with you their experiences. I’d be happy if it you will be something useful. A leading source for info: Chevron Corp.. Where to invest money.
The second source my income that I want to tell you – it’s mutual funds (or trust funds), ie mutual funds. This is a long-term reliable source of income. Knowing that the bank rate does not cover the annual inflation, pay attention to this source of income. Here, as on the stock exchange, you can start your investment with a $ 1 and then they are constantly replenished. In addition, if you still hesitate to start earning on the stock exchange, then this source of income doubly interesting. To date, there are two funds: Intway Capital Fund (with the price of a share in $ 1) and Intway Properties Fund (the price of a share in $ 100). This closed-end funds only for partners of the corporation Intway. Funds consistently generate income. The price of the unit is constantly increasing in each of these funds. In Intway Capital Fund rate on deposits is 20.30% and Intway Properties Fund – 14,55% at the end of 2007. But these funds exist a little over 200 days. I have shares in both funds. On my income judge for yourself. I do not want to test your patience, a lot of talking about mutual funds, unnecessarily I believe that on the page of my site ‘Where to invest money’ is given full information. All the best to you, good luck and prosperity.