Government SHB

Government SHB

The State breaks down over the low interest debt, the policy of central banks leads to an expropriation of the savers. “Weirs can be citizens, however, the monetary investment real estate, which it with the appropriate funds, such as about the SHB innovative fund concepts AG also batches” are. The debt crisis will cost German investors every day millions of euros. Because the money markets with cheap money are literally flooded, there is already no interest more, that even remotely could keep up with the inflation for investments in fixed-income, Government securities and savings. Hans Gruber, real estate expert of the SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG), detect here a clear strung trend: by the central banks push interest rates, it comes at the end not only to real interest rates partially below zero. They help the States as it were by the way, to reduce their debt burdens.” Actually a covert tax will levied on this way for savers and investors.

Another aspect is it fatal. By steadily stricter requirements, such with Solvency II, banks and insurance companies be forced, the money of the customers always more conservative, so first and foremost to create poorly-yielding Government securities. “Hans Gruber of the SHB Immobilienfonds sees some day message because even with rather mixed feelings: when forward Finance Minister Schauble that the Bundesbank could again place a package treasuries at zero interest rates, because the big investors see Germany as stable debtor, including, for example, the future return of life insurance suffers.” She’ll be already now increasingly unattractive. “And Gruber added: pure financial investments with reasonable returns at reasonable risk there is virtually no longer.” This understand increasingly the citizens themselves and becoming more and more interested in real estate. The booming demand for residential real estate has for the entire German construction industry in the first half of 2012 to a revenue growth of 0.5%. The rate of increase was significantly higher, such as Hans Gruber in pure housing “explains real estate expert of SHB innovative fund concepts AG: here there was even a rise of 6.5 percent.” However, so he restricts could not everyone afford an own property. A share of a property but quite. “Hans Gruber explains: in concepts such as the SHB fund a manageable amount of money sufficient to benefit real estate from the dominance of the monetary system.” In addition, investors have the advantage that the SHB funds invest in a variety of objects and different types of use. With an investment of such asset you could decouple loose from government intervention and ultra-low, explains the real estate expert of the SHB.

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