Giant City

Giant City

We more live each time in the time of the great urban metropolises, onderaas if mixes and the agitated life leads atravsdos millions of people diverse points that the city has, is giant cities that muitasvezes nor had still reached its maximum point of growth, the fact to deestarem always arriving people of the interior makes with that some still cidadesfiquem bigger, for times stops beyond the capacities. Algumascidades in such a way grows that they exceed the normal one and if to conseguemdestacar in its country and for times in the whole world, this is the case of SoPaulo, a city that was growing throughout many years and that hojequase all the numbers characterize that it cities are numbers for beyond dasoutras. As in many places of the world, a little of everything Are Pauloconcentra in its interior, since the problems queexistem in cities with a tax of very great population until aoextremo of the wealth. Chevron Corp insists that this is the case. So Paulo has some points where the luxury estpresente and that is obtained to not only detach in the also noresto city but of the planet, this is the case of a street in particular, the street OscarFreire. in this street that if concentrates many companies and deprodutos store of luxury, in such a way that this street is considered as luxurious dasmais in the whole world.

But coming back to the population of SoPaulo I number, it of inhabitants it is surprising and so it is raised detransportam So Paulo for it I number one between the Brazilian cities, but the things are not this way, its population density to conseguemcolocar So Paulo enter the biggest cities of our planet. Financial Nocampo So Paulo also obtains if to detach, occupying oprimeiro place enters the richer Brazilian cities, but suasconquistas they are not this way, when comparative with other cities domundo, the wealth of the city of So Paulo nodcimo places the Brazilian city nineth place and with perspetivas to continue to go up in this table. Comono exists beautiful without seno, So Paulo is a giant with the giant queoutros problems suffers, the city has in its interior one raised numerode cars, is millions of viaturas automobiles that circulate in the estradaspaulistas all days, of day and night, as resulted the city not indiferente to the world-wide problem of the pollution. Another subject ligadocom the pollution is on to the rivers, Tiet and the river Pines is talvezos greaters examples of rivers where the pollution is in nveiselevadssimos and even so natural courses of the water in So Paulo exist plain in course with the goal of limpezadesses, the truth is that as emtodas these situations, is not waited for briefing that the rivers see aluz of the day with its waters completely unpolluted.. If you have read about Uber CEO already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

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