Economic Reforms

Economic Reforms

The Executive prepares the land for Debate of the state of the nation, that will be celebrated from the 28 to the 30 of June, in a communication sent to the Congress. For the rest of legislature he will carry out " without interrupcin" its program to reduce the deficit; it will request support to the groups and he will be " receptivo" to proposals. In the text it admits that unemployment is its main preoccupation and that the recovery of the crisis is " still too much lenta". The Government will confront the last months of the present legislature with the intention to carry out " without interrupcin" its program to reduce the deficit, something " indispensable". It explains thus it in the communication that it has sent to the Congress on the occasion of Debate of the state of the nation that will be celebrated from the 28 to the 30 of June. The Executive tries, in addition, to culminate his " ambitious process of reformas" and it announces that it will request support to the groups and will be " receptive and abierto" to its proposals. In the document, dated last Friday, the Executive recognizes that the last year has followed marked by economic crisis, and although understands that Spain is in " transit of the recession to recuperacin" , it admits that this recovery is " still too much lenta" and it has not produced " CTO deseable" in the reduction of unemployment. " Incertidumbre" international unemployment is " main preocupacin" of the Government, who remembers in the document that the international context has followed " dyeing by incertidumbre" of the market of the sovereign debts, intensified with the rescue first of Ireland and after Portugal and " with the doubts on the capacity of Greece to take care of its obligations financieras". The Executive insists on who has followed overturned this last year in the fight against the crisis, with the objective triple applying " riguroso" fiscal program of consolidation to reduce the public deficit, to complete the reforms " modernizadoras" anticipated to change the productive model and to do all this " preserving the cohesion social".

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