Brazilian Language

Brazilian Language

thus we treat the Brazilian Portuguese, the Portuguese of the bootblack, the salesman of Apolo, the laundrywoman and the cook. We deal with the Portuguese said for the majority the population of delayed , indecent murderous, adjectives that more tend to subestimar and to menosprezar the language of an entire nation, and above all, discloses a deep preconception social. In general, the lingustico preconception is exerted by the people who occupy the dominant social classrooms, that had had access to formal education e, therefore, to the prestige norm-standard. Thus, they believe that its way of speaking is more correct , more formoso that of the people without formal instruction or with little escolarizao. In the truth, the lingustico preconception is only a camouflage for an intense social preconception: it is not the language of the person who is discriminated, but the proper person in its individual and social identity. Following this reasoning, Bagno, (2005) it says, the less sanctioned socially is an individual, the more low it will have in the pyramid of the social classrooms, more crassos errors (and errors) the members of the privileged classrooms find in the language of it.

When we speak of lingustico preconception e, over all social, he is because we perceive how much the Brazilian people is menosprezado concerning its speaks, and some grammarians make this without a minimum of responsibility, and worse, without cause knowledge, treating the language in the majority to its grammars as homogeneous and instrument of use only for cultured people. (RASP, 2002) To sound, (2005) tells that the writing is a different process of speaks, even so to these two abilities human beings strict are articulated. It speaks, reading and writing is domnios of the human being which obtained to develop a more sophisticated language of what other animals. Although to be presented entailed, the act to write demands more complex abilities of what the act to read and to speak.

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