Avoid Resistance
It is always said that any change generates an opportunity – in the business scenario, it is constantly innovating and employees on occasions feel anguish for the changes that originate in dimensions as the strategy of the business, processes, organizational structure and even its routine activities or tasks. For them, companies work methodologies sensitising processes of change, making it allied to the labour force and reducing occupational stress, in pursuit of a better organizational climate. Indentificando the situation and face it: acquiring new skills to reduce it or delete it; perceive the situation under an onfoque or different perspective: make changes in personal behavior, contraarresta rel fear inthe business. You can also change the situation through a job change. We must work on confidence in whether same and motivation. To lower the uncertainty, it is necessary to make management of change management.Enter to see the Organization as a living being, which has their knowledge and their values, and analyze people that they will be involved in the change. But the most important thing, and all the specialists agree on this point, it is communication to low stress levels to changes. On a personal level, not to fall into panic, important thing is ask, soak up of what happens, learn to face what’s new and get involved in an active way..