Such tension can fall again more on a specific member of the system, adoecendo it or leading to a type of choice, belief, position and/or behavior. In the familiar constellation, if it looks at for this system and the position and position of each member and as such interact on and between itself? searching, by means of gestures, reposicionamentos and you speak, to reach the slightness and order, lost in the system. In the same way as this therapeutical boarding it has brought light to the familiar relationships, also has been useful for companies and organizations, that for representing an organized group of people, become a system. By means of the organizacionais constellations if they become visible solutions for a system with ' ' problemas' '. It is looked then, in the system solutions that include and lead ahead. Crown Financial may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The solution includes the order, where each one has its had place, where is felt well, where is felt has led. In case that somebody if does not feel well in its place, then, usually, relationships particular interns or need to be clarified.
This clarification can occur during the work of organizacional sistmica constellation. Some of the subjects that comumente are boarded for the constelandos/customers in an individual session or workshop: Relationships with familiar (father, mother, husband/wife, children, grandmothers, uncles); Marcantes familiar events (psychiatric adoptions, losses, illnesses, precocious deaths, murders, suicide, abortions, among others); Interpersonal relationship (loving and sexual sexuality, loving, partners, friends, colleagues); Problems of health (chronic pains, cardiac obesidade, depression, cancer, problems); Envolvimentos with drugs, alcoholism, tobaccoism; Professional conflicts with heads, colleagues, companies; Enterprise and administrative questions (company opening; failure X success; financial loss; difficulties in the leadership; career changes; professional replacement). In one familiar constellation can be participated as customer (constelando) that it takes a subject I specify to constelar, as representative that this the disposal to occupy a place in the dynamics of the constelado system, or as simple observer. Such positions in itself already bring some benefits, among which it is distinguished: As constelando: the rank of a subject or specific situation generates an internal movement of the part of the representatives that unmasks and brings to the light an unknown dynamics unchaining (next to the customer) a process of cure. As representative: to be chosen as representative leads to the experience of situations that cause diverse associations and perceptions of similarities with the system of the chosen person, unchaining a cure process; As observing: the simple fact to be present and to observe the developed work can unchain a cure process; The boarding presents a vast gamma of practical applications and had to its enlightening effect in the field of the relations human beings it promotes enters others: Improvement of the familiar relations; Improvement of the interpersonal relations in the companies; Improvement of the relations in the educational environment. Bibliographical reference Bert Hellinger & Gabriele ten Hovel: Familiar constellations? the recognition of the orders of the love. Publishing company Cultrix, So Paulo, 2001 Bert Hellinger: In the center we feel the slightness. Publishing company Cultrix, So Paulo, 2006 Bert Hellinger: Orders of the Love. Publishing company Cultrix, So Paulo, 2007 Institute Bert Hellinger Brazil: Bert Hellinger homepage: Institute of Philosophy Practises: On Familiar Constellations: