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School District

School District

School District new san Andres De Los Altos in the institution was formed by the best teachers. by the best rector and the best Coordinator. the Dean name is Alfred and the Coordinator is consolation. Ondot is often quoted as being for or against this. but I learned better things was because I didn’t want to, because my adolescence was like a horse without a brake. because you wonders the of reasoning had not conquered my soul. However always felt, that teaching is the most worthy of all of them, but the least appreciated by States of the Earth. many times I’ve asked myself the because philosophy, God’s gift to men, crossed in my life.

all started well, I had 15 years of age, just compliments. When the best teacher of all, and I have never forgotten that except for his surname, was I approached me one afternoon and my name is so it out onto your desktop. and with one you sweet and graceful told me: you remember the book which I told them that they read, the discourse on the method of the philosopher French Rene descartes. What answer you if Lady, then followed, is that most will not read, so read it. you weren’t more I conclude by saying. I went up to the place where were my colleagues, but that faith, that certainty of I as leeria, was the impetus to my soul.

to read such magnificent work, the first you see the lei, I understood very little, the second you see was better, and the third sacio my doubts. After fifteen days, seemed an entity, observing the behavior of my colleagues, whether realized the hypocrisy of the groups, since seemed to be together but were every time more alone. as the one ran in pursuit of the other, also I watched as the dough pushed many to act mechanically. a year later the trance sali. I started to interact with society, but the trial already critic anymore she is aparto of my. Since then I better choose each of my friends. I reflect, every time I try to think more and act less as said the wise I think therefore I am. not me I have away from practice so rich in elements. but that practice in mass. where overflows more force, than reason. bendita seas beautiful teacher. because since then I cultivate the science and letters. Yolanda is her name. and my name is orlando magno, known in all the Earth. I do not know If notice in my worthy qualities of the philosopher, or if maybe it was a coincidence. in any case, was the best gift that is received at the academic level. blessed the God of israel that makes wise to its philosopher.