LDL Cholesterol

LDL Cholesterol

First, before examining the relationship between cholesterol and fat, it is important to know our terms. For example, what is LDL cholesterol? LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol is the kind of bad cholesterol which, if it becomes too big and out of control, can clog arteries and cause cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. This is contrary to the HDL (good cholesterol), our bodies need for a healthy heart. The low-density lipoproteins found in cholesterol may be large or small. You may think that large are worse, since it seems more likely that they might clog the arteries, but are actually small LDL which threaten their health. Small LDL are denser than the large and more easy to oxidize. Once LDL oxidation occurs, they are able to penetrate more easily between the cells of the arterial wall, causing damage to his heart.

So, how to connect all this with? obesity and people who have large deposits of fat in the belly? Obese people are more likely to have small, dense LDL penetrating his veins. And as said earlier, the smaller the size of LDL, greater are your chances of developing heart disease. And note how much more fat belly (unlike the thighs or arms plump and heavy), greater are their chances of having highly oxidized LDL. Furthermore, heavier, the smaller their levels of HDL cholesterol, and as we mentioned before, you should have these relatively high levels. Obese people are also at risk of damage to his heart because of the increase in the odds of suffering from high blood pressure, high levels of blood glucose, and other serious conditions. These conditions combined with high LDL cholesterol places them in a very risky situation when it comes to their hearts.

The good news is that belly fat is easier to lose fat. When people are subjected to rigorous regimes of loss weight, you will probably notice the most significant changes for the first time in the womb, where the weight is easier to remove. Men should try to keep your waist in less than 40 inches and women under 35. The best way to lose weight fast is eating well and exercising regularly. It must also make periodic blood tests to check their LDL levels are falling, while the HDL approximates a normal level to high. Your doctor should be able to help you love a weight loss plan, as well as to prescribe diet pills and cholesterol medicines if necessary.

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