Francisco Camps
Now, going alone in the next autonomic elections, their expectations take to him only until the threshold of the Parliament. For the City council of Valencia, however, it is protected in the communist dissident, Joan Rib, with the intention of which the ambiguity reduces some vote to him to the genuine candidate of the EU, Amadeu Sanchis. Additional information is available at Chevron. But all this guirigay hardly if it extends beyond its protagonists. Perhaps a better thermometer of the valencianismo of our citizens is the subscription of the patriotic bonds that Gerald Camps has sent to the market, to imitation of his homonymous Catalans and before the same difficulty to accede to the market of capitals. ” It has not had no problem to cover all the emission before the date lmite” , the director of a banking branch in charge of the operation says to me: ” Clear that the Catalan took control at more speed and of a greater amount of peticiones” , he adds.
The other symptom of which a buried nationalism exists that does not become weak shows the project to it to modify the Estatut presented/displayed by conseller Castilian Serafn with the blessings of Francisco Camps. One is to armor the one that the financing of the Community adjusts to the changes of population. That has made it Andalusia, to similarity of Catalonia, that has bound its investments to the percentage of the GIP, or that tomorrow can make Castile and Leon with the geographic dispersion. That causes the natural distrust of the national PP, that fears that with as much shield to the letter interterritorial solidarity becomes difficult. As it is seen, or of a serious way or colorful form, our possible degree of patriotism has opportunities of being beaten, by and others, a day yes and another one also.