In 2010, the needs of financing according to this organism in that zone were still majors, of 130 million Euros. The 105 million Euros that they would need for this year, at first sight astronomical amount, suppose a number smaller than many other questionable investments of state and local governments. The conflict of Libya costs to the USA 4 million to him dollars (2.7 million Euros) to the day, according to recognized the secretary of the American Air Force, Michael Donley, the past month of April. It is not necessary either to go away so far. For example, the rehabilitation of the building of the House of Post office in Madrid, now soothes of the City council, cost nothing less than 124 million Euros, according to the official numbers. Nourishing crisis the Organization of the United Nations for Agriculture and the Feeding (the FAO) anticipates an increase of the number of people that undergoes hunger in the Horn of Africa by the impact of the drought and the high prices of the food and the fuel. According to the agency, the high levels of chronic undernourishment are very extended in all the region and more than 8 million people they require of aid of emergencia in Yibuti, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia. For years, Unicef comes demanding to the local governments and western economic aid to avoid the death of tens of thousands of children (in 2006 they were considered more than 40,000) in the Horn of Africa. The week last, the humanitarian coordinator of the UN for Somalia, Mark Bowden, indicated the alarming index of malnutrition, " highest in the Horn from Africa when affecting to 30% of the infantile population of way aguda" , and it emphasized that the humanitarian needs in the country do not count on necessary the financial resources. Between the subjects that have caused the worsening of the humanitarian situation is, besides the political instability, the crazy increase of the foods, whose price has increased a 270% in the country from the year last, according to Bowden, that indicated that fact like " one of the causes primordiales" of the crisis.