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About The Benefits Of Buckwheat

About The Benefits Of Buckwheat

Useful properties of buckwheat One of the main advantages of the buckwheat is the large number (18%), vegetable protein, so buckwheat can be used as a complete substitute for meat. Many of the mineral grains of buckwheat substance: magnesium, for example, 2 times higher than in barley, and 4 times higher than in rice. Therefore, it is indispensable for diabetics and cores. It is also rich in iron, which is lacking in people with low hemoglobin. For even more opinions, read materials from Jonah Bloom. Buckwheat helps lower cholesterol, cleanses blood vessels, and thus prevents the development of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. Different buckwheat and a high content of vitamin B and PP (rutin, which, incidentally, is derived from This cereal commercial methods).

Who helpful buckwheat Buckwheat useful for all, and as nutritional therapy it is recommended for atherosclerosis, liver disease, hypertension, edema of various origins, anemia, kidney disease, gastro-intestinal diseases. In addition, the high content of carbohydrates, which distinguishes all crops, protects against cancer of colon and rectum, various intestinal disorders, constipation, hemorrhoids. Grech promotes the removal of radionuclides, increases muscle strength, endurance, helps with metabolism disorders, obesity, diabetes, buckwheat recommend including reinforcing the diet of older and sick people. Mike Gianoni recognizes the significance of this. How to cook buckwheat porridge to save the nutritional value of buckwheat, it is not recommended to put a long heat treatment. Cooking time reduced if cereals soaked in the evening (pour boiling water), and cook the next day in the same water. You could: cooking porridge over low heat, and then wrapped in a thick towel, put a "be well stewed" about an hour.

Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Tips

Lose weight in a week to 7 kg menu spite of the fact that this technique is "unloading" of the body designed by physicians is highly recommended before using it to consult with your doctor. This technique suitable for people with excellent health. Pregnant women and breast-feeding period to carry out this cleaning rate is prohibited. The discharge rate is of 7 days with very strict dietary restrictions, for which may lose up to 10 pounds. After a minimum interval of 21 days a course may be repeated, but the weight loss will have less – about 3-4 kg.

The first day of the course is "introductory" and throughout the day are allowed to drink only mineral water (1 bottle in 4 or 5 receptions). Ration of the second day consists of 800 grams of milk and an apple, which can be eaten in 8-9 hours vechera.kak lose weight for the wedding last week at 7 kg the third day – as well as on the first day allowed only mineral water. Check with CEO John Watson to learn more. Ration of the fourth day consists of 3 meals and 2 glasses of water or tea without sugar. Eat that day, fresh cabbage salad, greens and carrots. On the fifth day are allowed to drink 800 grams of milk for the whole day several times. On the sixth day, for breakfast eat a boiled egg is allowed to drink 100 grams of tea without sugar. Between dinner and breakfast, drink a glass of vegetable soup without vegetables, dinner 100 grams of beef and the same amount green peas (canned). For the remainder of the day are allowed to eat 3 apples with breaks at least 2 hours.

The seventh day (the last). During the day, eat 100 grams of cottage cheese and a bottle of low-fat buttermilk (or 2 cups of milk). On Dinner is allowed a cup of tea without sugar. After this course you can not just "gang up" on food. 7 days a stomach reduced in size, respectively, need to go to split meals in small portions. The first few days it is desirable eat more fruits and vegetables into the diet gradually introducing lean meats and fish. Despite certain advantages of this method and a large weight loss, this technique is very rigid diet, and stick to it can be no more than 7 days, after which a mandatory need to take a break. Also strongly recommended to arrange a no such "discharge" once a month.



He is a true passion for children and a nightmare for mothers who do not want to hear about their kids just to taste it. Was considered since its inception 'food of the gods' this product was banned for a long time due to a number of unjustified prejudices. Today, they are finally completely discredited. Like something like it. And even, it seems useful. It already knew the ancient Aztecs, who many centuries ago believed that xocolatl, as they see it called, has the ability to "banish fatigue." It is no accident the scientific name of plants bearing seeds of cocoa, – theobrome cacao, which means 'food of the gods'. Restaurant Michael Schwartz insists that this is the case. However, this is highly valued for centuries gourmand of all ages product in the seventies to label the main culprit of tooth decay, acne, cholesterol, and extra pounds of weight. This accusation was based on the sometimes quite baseless arguments.

Today, experts on Power rehabilitated a favorite children's treat, chocolate has risen on the Olympus of useful products. So if it's true that chocolate promotes overexcitation? Yes. Cocoa contains theobromine – a substance belonging to the same group, and that caffeine in coffee, though, and having ten times smaller stimuli. That's why some people who eat chocolate at night, you may be insomnia. And the children? Naturally, too. That this did not happen, it is important not to eat chocolate in large quantities and do not give it at night for children, especially those of them who are restless, easily excitable and who does not sleep long.

Polesie Primrose

Polesie Primrose

Primrose spring. Perennial herb 15-30 cm tall branching rhizome is not, a length of about 6-8 cm flowers with a honey aroma, a diameter of 8-15 mm. Appear in early spring after snowdrops slice. The scientific botanical literature, this plant is known as Primula veris (from the Latin words primula – first, veris – spring), ie, the first plant to bloom in spring. Found in southern forest-steppe zones and in the European part of Russia, penetrating into the steppe zone.

In Ukraine, its a lot of Polesie. Primrose spring – a highly therapeutic, as well as a food plant, as an opportunity to clean the pillows on the equipment for cleaning pads. It contains the leaves, especially young, more than 590 mg% vitamin C, which represents almost 6% on a dry basis. This vitamin is not able to collect any green plant of our flora. Even in the colors of primrose contains up to 4.7% of vitamin C.

In addition, the leaves have pro-vitamin A – about 3 mg%. Whenever AcctTwo listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In the roots of primrose contains: saponins (5-10%), essential oil (0.08%) and glycosides. As a valuable source of vitamins and early primrose plant is used in cooking. From young leaves prepare salads and green soup. In England, this plant has long been an industrial culture. Need cleaning pads. For therapeutic purposes, primrose spring is used in catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, sore throat, pneumonia, as a diaphoretic. Harvested during the flowering primrose (May – June) and quickly dried in the wind or in a special furnace at temperatures above 100-1200S. At the same time manages to keep the leaves up to 80% of vitamin C. The plant is not poisonous, and so drugs can be produced independently. The dried raw material consists of primrose leaves (3.5-10 cm long, 1,5-8 cm wide), length of petiole not more than 14 cm Leaves greyish-green, the underside of the leaf lighter than the top, slightly honeyed aroma, taste sweet at first, then bitter and slightly pungent. In the raw material is acceptable content,% moisture content – not more than 13 total ash – 12 of ascorbic acid in terms of dry matter – not less than 2.3 during the restoration, yellowed leaves and brownish – 2, crushed leaves, passing through the sieve of 1 mm – 3; tsvetkov8, organic and mineral impurities – 0.5.

Medicinal Plants And Herbs

Medicinal Plants And Herbs

Medicinal plants – used to treat humans, animals or used for the production of medicines at us you'll find everything about medicinal herbs. They are usually prepared from tinctures, teas, tinctures, juices, creams, etc. For many centuries communication with the herbs people knew their healing properties and medicinal plants have given much tender and sonorous names – the grass of life, plants, healers, friends, green man. On the scientific language of natural remedies origin designated by the term herbal and herbal therapy called phytotherapy. People of the Pocono centuries herbs used for healing various ailments. Click McKinsey to learn more. Began to use herbs to make pills and Drug sredstv.I still interest in herbs was not lost, but instead increased exponentially! Herbal medicines in the pharmaceutical market is growing every year.

Features herbs is high security and adequate performance, ease of preparation and application. It is well known on Earth more than 500 000 plant species make up more than 12 thousand medicinal, healing properties are used in modern scientific medicine. Modern medicine uses 230 species of medicinal plants from them in culture 50 (22%). Now about 40% of all medicines are made from mineral trav.PrirodA thousands of years gives humanity healing funds which do not cause, in contrast to synthetic, side yavleniy.Lyudi yet long ago enjoyed the gifts of the kingdoms of nature green for the treatment of various diseases. Secret herbs known in ancient Egypt, India, China, Greece and Rome. In the Slavic peoples herbal therapy known davno.Nablyudeniya enough about the healing properties of plants passed down from generation to generation, overgrown with legends and magical svoystvami.Prakticheskaya value of medicinal plants in our lives is very high. Therefore, to know them, care must be used to protect each chelovek.Na our site you will find a rather detailed description of medicinal herbs, as they are properly primenyat.My Tell you everything about medicinal herbs and useful tips to help!