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Icons Behind Life

Icons Behind Life

That’s a life that I have discovered and I would not like to change it to any other. If. Surrounded by icons is possible for everyone, because it is simple and easy for who has decision. and by money or worry about it is a way that your pay and you spend if you want that everything depends on you and nothing more from you. Chevron Corp gathered all the information. Surrounded by icons behind a screen life is a life where your you can wake up to the time that you want and you can start working anytime that your can be your own boss and handle everything at your leisure from your home without having to go through the hard time of the traffic in the morning and see him face boring to your boss when he asks you to give him a report on Friday that still not have you finished but you have to finish by that if it is not you get fired. For these reasons, bar people and I’ve taken the diction of a life of icons behind a screen and sitting at home with their families. And best thing that has this job earn money online is that you can check everything from your home by Internet, by which your accounts, your hundreds, the ups and downs of the market, everything it can check from the Internet that not have limits and your not.

My job is easy so to speak by a friend of mine and I have several websites where one of them sell several books that we have written together and have good results. And to achieve all this did not have to pass the bad time of the transit or negotiate with people who only want to deceive you and live you and your money. Internet things change so that everything may be in a way that you can decide without that nobody put any pressure and much less deal in any way in the midst of a breakfast in the morning or a coffee to negotiate. In Internet just have to make sure that hurdles to buy whatever trust and good reputation by several large of the business you want to put on the Internet. But know the best that has the Internet than your you can ask for a demon (a free part of the product) before purchasing any product or program and have the opportunity to ask for refund. Les boy to suggest something very important for shopping on the Internet, do not buy the product without having a refund that as in the the business life in streets in the Internet also there are scammers. Thank you for listening to me and I ask that you try even a pinch of that comment. The author teaches how to create a website online totally free without the need to buy a product. By please visit try it!



When I participated in the world economic forum for Latin America, asked: given the current financial crisis, is to save capitalism or mankind? The answer is apparently obvious. Then the synonyms? For one simple reason: there are many who believe that outside of capitalism humankind has no future. But he had perhaps last? In nearly 200 years of dominance of capitalism the balance is excellent if we consider the quality of life of 20% of the world’s population living in the rich countries of the northern hemisphere. And the remaining 80%? Excellent also for banks and large companies. However, do we explain, in the light of the most elementary ethical and humanitarian principles, these UN and FAO data: six thousand five hundred million people that inhabit the planet today, nearly four thousand million live below the poverty line, of which 1.3 billion below the poverty line.? And 950 million suffer from chronic malnutrition. If we want to get some advantage of the current financial crisis must think about how to change the course of history and not only how to save companies, banks and insolvent countries. We must go to the root of the problems and move forward as quickly as possible in the construction of a society based on the satisfaction of social needs, respect for the rights of nature and of popular participation in a context of political freedoms.

The challenge is to build a new economic and social model that put finance at the service of a new democratic system, founded on satisfaction of all human rights. The current crisis demands new paradigms. If the medieval period had as a paradigm faith and the modern period the reason, the postmodern cannot commit the mistake of erecting the market paradigm. We are all in the midst of a crisis which is not only financial, but also food, environmental, energy, migration, social and political, and that the way to produce, trade and consume it puts in check. .

Silver Financial Success Tools

Silver Financial Success Tools

The value of the gold and silver has risen consistently over the last 10 years, making them reliable investments especially in times of uncertainty and change.Gold and silver are almost immune to the volatility of the U.S. dollar and can offer exceptional appreciation of price and gain over time. Considered by many to be the safest way to invest money in the world, gold and silver are a proven way to protect your savings against an unpredictable future. It protects your savings historically, gold and silver have acted as a store of value in the long term. Thus, they are considered an excellent way to preserve the value of purchase. For example, today almost the same amount of silver you need for buying a gallon of gasoline, like 40 years ago.

Comparing this with the current fiat currency the U.S. dollar 40 years ago gasoline cost 35 CTS. per gallon. Today it costs almost $3.50, which means that fiat paper dollars in what refers to gasoline have lost almost 90% of its purchase price in that period of 40 years. To preserve the value of purchase, savings should be kept in a form of money that retain their value over time.Gold and silver are recognized around the world as forms of money can not be created from nothing.

Unlike the fiat currencies, which easily come and destroyed its purchase value by the inflation generated by uncontrolled printing paper by many Governments. Are insurance your savings in a bank? The threat of a possible devaluation in the world, it is very likely and in a scenario of global economic crisis, could be the possibility that the closure of the banks can be declared globally. If this were to happen, the bank accounts are frozen, ATMs won’t work in parallel – shares or holdings of shares simply will be frozen in the accounts and devalued their currencies. In such a scenario, physical gold and silver could multiply several times its price. It takes the necessary measures to ensure the financial future of your family Finally, each one of us has the responsibility to recognize the realities of declining currencies and take steps to protect ourselves as well as our families. Save gold and silver is a powerful way to safeguard against the inherent loss of purchasing power that is generated with a fiat debt-backed currency.