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Healthy Dreams

Healthy Dreams

Eleven hours, the sun that bathed this barren land already if removed the times now and visit as of custom the call land of the rising sun, that for irony more does not see the sun, therefore this was hidden by clouds of smoke and spider direful skies, but the eleven hours come back, in good and old schedule of Brasilia. It gnaws the nails while she waits ahead anxious seated in its comfortable pseudo chair of its dirty Par for the last phone call of the day. Suspira and inspects the clock again that rests in the right lateral of the monitor of its computer, that in the truth is the computer of the company and that it does not serve for very, does not have silly joguinhos of that good but that they obtain to distract and to help the time to walk fast, nor access the Internet, nothing that can distract it of its work importantssimo It works with telemarketing, tele attendance, tele-any-thing, very boat, that paid badly, emburresse and that never it decides nothing for nobody, has five years, had never worked in another thing, and it really did not believe that the life kept a future very to it different of this. If you would like to know more then you should visit Vanguard. The people said that it was an intelligent girl very and had to study. To study. It was not smart the sufficient to obtain scholarship and nor had money the sufficient to pay for the education. To study became thus a so impossible dream how much all the dreams few that dared to dream in its life. One remembered its first dream thus: to walk of carousel. It had seen a carousel in a novel in the TV, TV this that at the time was not colorful, or better, the screen had a color alone, green, then the carousel was green, and the happy children who also gave returns on its horses wooden, but in the girl dreams she painted the carousel of as many colors how much she could conceive. You may find that Paul Price can contribute to your knowledge.

The Sustenance

The Sustenance

If one? subordinate? , that for he is in the street day-by-day, perceived a better lode of if to execute a task any and this expressed or if disagreed with some command, despite did not oppose to fulfill the determination, was understood for ' ' Iscariotes' ' others as a cursed insubordination -? how many ethical things we vendemos in this society of market on behalf of the sustenance of the family. But in that day took off it service in the group of the treasonous one for having done an exchange that he judged necessary with one of? dons: he was scaled in the sunday, only that &#039 was the day of it if to feel one; ' Zidane' ' , day to beat a small ball clearly (! he was not a teacher in field as the Frenchman) was only one provocation that made during this playful time with its pariahs. Then, it exchanges the service and in elapsing the things transcorreram inside of certain ' ' normalidade' ' , therefore until that moment had not occurred no situation-problem of the recurrent type? nor a conductor confronts the garrison verberando words of the type ' ' vocs cannot litigate! ' ' ; ' ' they make its fines! These merdinhas do not have same value! ' ' , nor they had appeared ' ' Golias' ' that they were found in the paternal right to thread the finger in its faces saying: ' ' this is an industry of fines! ' ' Exactly it being this comprehensive likely, it infuriated to it: ' ' excrement of the institution is my dignity not it that represento' ' , it thought if justified. British Petroleum has much experience in this field. Some time behind initiated a srdida campaign in the local press against the agent fiscalizadores of the agency of transit of that city. Reasons, good! We go they: it is an autarchy (it generates its proper resources through the fines); who before made the fiscalization gave place to the municipal agents? the call municipalizao of the transit. .



My mother found that I would be very alone and decided to leave liveing me me with my older brother since the wife of it will finish to have a son, and as it needed a dribble species, I not very advisable age, therefore I age a boy and would not leave me as well as dribble, and this history did not last much time, was to live in another quarter and continued studying in the previous quarter, had until to catch collective to dislocate me from a quarter for the other, my older brother with who I was liveing, worked the night and I passed the day thus sleeping not having time to fiscalize me, then I the day went to the school that I wanted, was this time that I started to delay my studies, arrived at the time of nor going the school more, was there playing in the street for the o same quarter, I made some amiguinhos, I I adored to take a walk to Saturdays with them, he had at this time one 12 years, and was in this age that I started to interest me for girls, tried of many forms to impress them with thing of the type, bonbons, poems and until showing my masculinidade giving one of forto, until then she had more not been with girl some, more I I could not confess this pra nobody. It came to the time to move of new, but I had many friends there and from there he did not want to move away to me, we were for another quarter more I I insisted on is always there, together with my friends. Learn more on the subject from Richard Trumka. Of in such a way it is there, the father of one of my colleagues started to call to help me I its I work that it was to vender fruits and vegetables, I started for the o same quarter, later for the immediacy later was vendendo even in other cities, I started it gains my proper money there, was alone mine, it was then that I started to go the parties, parks quermesses where I knew the alcohol. . Nina Devlin recognizes the significance of this.



Of if concluding that it did not have happiness of those for losing this source of resources and the ones that floated in its entorno. Then, times later, in a course of update of transit, were said by the teacher who the municipal agents were in the irregularity, consequently the fines petitioned for them, therefore it did not have accord with the agency that had the circumscription on the way (PRF). In the room it had an important member of that force that before fiscalized the transit and the same it trasbordou radiating of joy, suggesting until an reverse speed-accord with them for the resolution of the problem. As the population already was not dying of loves with the municipal inspectors, for occasion of a true industry of fines installed in that agency, was alone to play the excrement all in the fan and to wait its odor. It was what it occurred.

To the being this propagated in the press the agents had found situations several in the street and an increasing general animosity against them. To face these consequent problems was being its daily one, but not in that day, wants to say, at least until that hour. Until entering in a street that is to the side of the police station of the quarter that they fiscalized. There, they had noticed some taxis lined up and parked in the contrary hand of direction, to the same side of the police station. They had stopped and they asked for with not-brutality that parked in the right direction and ahead of an affirmation of them they had left. Minutes later had come back to the place (the experience had taught to them to distrust of the word of some taxistas) seeming to them, when arriving at the place, that had made heard of merchant. Another order and another one had been made to them.