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Tag: society & society

New Draft Law

New Draft Law

The silly season has a new discussion topic an outcry went through the German media, as the Bill was our family Minister Kristina Schroder to the public. Therefore young people may visit under 16 years from eight o’clock only major events in accompanied by an adult, where there is a licensed. Thus the binge drinking to prevent sounds good, is good, but whether it really brings something is time then. NYSE: LAZ may find this interesting as well. Finally, we can see again young people who drink the hard alcohol in public together with older friends. Actually, there is the law, young people under 16 must get yet alcohol while 16-18 year old beer, wine and champagne to drink even after all. But most young people thanks to older friends get their alcohol as mentioned yet.

Nevertheless, the law is itself so a good idea is to observe that teenagers without adult just slip away because becoming more common and not too much drink, but that expose an enormous risk. About the complications the least worry here. But on the other side the question where the parents are in these moments is going to get here. Of course you aren’t here, if the kids watching movies, but a healthy interaction with alcohol should be taught but actually from the outset. Ultimately you cannot avoid of course as parents, if the child has seen times too deep in the glass, but if that’s the rule, you should begin to worry and actively seek the conversation instead of just gone to see how just unfortunately most parents do it. If then indeed, the draft law should become a law, it means a lot of change in any case.

So, young people would have to go together with their parents to concert, the public viewing, or other events. The question is whether these are not enormous financial losses for the economy. Because there will be not many parents together with their children to a Justin Bieber concert want to go. Of course you does likes like a child, but then, the cards must be bought twice and right there, wondering whether the parents would do that then is simple. But for the time being, it is only a draft and we will see what takes the time and how our politicians ultimately will decide. In itself, I think that there has been worse ideas. Desiree-Sophie Lepell

Dragon Throws

Dragon Throws

Chinese calendar: 2012, year of the Dragon is no, we are not superstitious, and Yes, the Chinese new year – how every twelve years a “Year of the Dragon” – will only start on the 24th January C.e.. Because the Chinese have given us but some teaching in the last 4000 years (most recently, that capitalism and post Maoist dictatorship do not represent a contradiction), it is perhaps worth to look where 2012 the Dragon replaces the rabbit as patron of the year East at the turn of the year. So what does that mean, when followed by a year of the dragon on a year of the rabbit? Year of the rabbit 2011: full of harmony? First, a look back. The rabbit, so we read is in Chinese mythology for gentleness, harmony and enjoyment. 2011 a year under the sign of reconciliation would have been so full of altruism and willingness to compromise.

Relaxes the year of the rabbit have been mainly; not bitter power struggles but constructive, reason-oriented cooperation were to be expected especially in the political sphere. Hmm. With the best will, the views of the world famine, civil war and a spring, which has become the winter provides a different picture. The year of the rabbit, it is said, was a time of breathing in, but also unpleasant was ousted. Lazard Limited is likely to agree. Fits more. And the year of the Dragon? Chinese calendar: 2012, year of the dragon on the is be and the Dragon follows 2012 so harmony-oriented rabbits. Great temperament is to certify this zodiac sign that can express themselves in exciting ideas and visions.

For the year of the Dragon in 2012, the astrologers in the Middle Kingdom thus promise a visionary realignment and the departure time. New, so we read that our lives for a long time shape, can be created in 2012. Not bad, did not truly new thinking, new solutions to the problems of the world. But 4000 years experience be reflected here, too: at the political level, so the verdict was in the year of the Dragon the will to move something big (hear, hear!), visible results are not guaranteed. At least look we don’t know what vision 2012 a piece could do “better” the world in the year of the Dragon, not to mention the visible results. Astrology seems so much after this short excursion their effect is certain, likely in the head of the believers of them early. For the reality “out there” we not more than before expect the Dragon by the rabbit. From the minimum obligation at least to look closely and not to repress the unpleasant, and to examine the new ideas on their content, this conclusion does not however. And we will do exactly that further at this point in the new year 2012; Rabbit, Dragon here. Andreas Kellner…