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Of America One

Of America One

Luiz Olympio Telles de Menezes. Kardec comments: ‘ ‘ .With effect, great courage of opinion to criair in a refractory country is necessary as Brazil a destined agency to popularize ours ensinamentos.’ ‘ Kardec still says: ‘ ‘ .For us, the Espiritismo does not have to tend for no definitive religious form. It is and must continue as a tolerant and gradual philosophy, opening its arms to all the disinherited ones, whichever the nationality and the certainty the one that pertenam.’ ‘ (grifo ours). Kardec extracted some tickets of this publication, which we could not leave to cite. There they go: ‘ ‘ The phenomenon of manifestation of the Espritos is wonderful, appearing and becomeing vulgar for all parte.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ Known since the most remote antiquity, we see it in full century nineteen today, renewed and observed for the first time in northern America, in the United States, where if it produced for uncommon diverse object movements, noises, really extraordinary collisions! ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Of America it passed quickly to the Europe and there, mainly in France, to the handle of some years it left the domain of the curiosity and entered in the vast field of the Cincia.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ New ideas, emanated then of thousand of communications, gotten of the revelations of the Espritos that if revealed, want spontaneously, want for mandate, had given place to the birth of an eminently philosophical doctrine that, in few years, gave the return to the Land and penetrates in all the nations, enlisting, in each one of them, so great number of proslitos that today are counted to milhes.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ The idea of the Espiritismo it was not conceived by nobody; consequently, nobody is its autor.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ If the Espritos if had not revealed, for spontaneously certain the Espiritismo would not exist. Therefore, the Espiristimo is a question in fact, and not of opinion, not being able the denials of the incredulity to take advantage against this fato.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ….. E, however, the Espiritismo is not exclusive privilege of nobody. Any person, in the privacy of its family, can find one mdium in some of its relatives, and then she will be able, if wanting, making its proper comments; but it does not have you make them with precipitation, to its way, nor circumscribe them it the circle of its prevention or of its preconceptions, it stops later concluding emphatically for the negation of what, by any circumstance, could not be studied, therefore, he was badly understood, it is before a test of levity of what of sabedoria.’ ‘ I recommend the published integral reading in the Magazine Esprita of November of 1.869..

Brazilian Family

Brazilian Family

For this article it was carried through a bibliographical research for the conception and development of the subject by means of diverse authors. The basic conclusions indicate that even so the many happened human mistakes in the palcos central offices where if it confers the religious phenomenon, its importance for the society as a whole, go beyond an influence of the mentioned phenomenon that tends the restringiz it the temples. In the truth if it extends until the institution, currently in decay: that she is the family. The presence of the religious fact centered, calm and coeso has presented intense benefits and supported definitively the construction of the Brazilian family. Words Keys: Society; Religion; Perspective ABSTRACT This article was performed in to order you achieve the rational way you building the society through the help of the religious phenomenon passing through the family and the individual. Article will be this literature search was conducted will be the design and development of the subject by various authors. Central The key findings indicate that although many human errors that occurred in the stage on which it gives the religious phenomenon, its importance you society a whole, beyond the influence of the mentioned phenomenon that tends you restrict it you the temples.

In fact extends you the institution, now in decay, that is the family. The presence of the religious-centered, peaceful and united has had intense and sustained definitely benefits the construction of the Brazilian family.