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If it were predictable, it is not worth living life. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Estee Lauder. If everything is as you would like it to be and if everything was a certainty, you’d not be a man, you’d be a machine. Osho have perceived and forming daily to express facts that if we are awake, attentive in the role that they perform, obtain information, which increase our learning and experiences that invite us to reflect on the important thing is to know the opportunity that is given to us, to grow personally and spiritually. In every action that we participate we generate changes, we are fostering dynamism which allows us to evolve, amaze us that we both know to leverage our time. We know, that the fact of being live, is because we are in continuous movement, all of our systems, organs are movements, integrated in such a way that keeps us alive, what matters is that management of our energy, all stimuli which assure movement and lets us know take the time that is given us to remain in this dimension.

Osho reminds us in this regard, that precisely the life is to live. It is not a thing, it is a process. There is no way to know what is life more than living, still alive, flowing, flowing with it. Reminds us and invites us to bear in mind, that if we look for the meaning of life in any dogma, in a particular philosophy, in theology, it is almost certain that we will lose what is life and its meaning. Life, says Osho, us is not waiting on any part, is happening. Not found in the future as a goal that has to achieve, is here and now, at this very moment, our breathing, in the our blood circulation, in the beating of our hearts. Anything that we are is our life and if we start to look for meanings elsewhere, we will lose it.

Reality National Reform

Reality National Reform

In turn, the socialization of the proposal has generated confusion that must be cleared in time to prevent that they divert attention and bog down discussions that are really required. From March 10, 2011, the national Government decided to put the proposed reform to the law 30 of 1992, before taking it to the Congress of the Republic for consideration of Colombian society. The objective of this methodology is to build a project that meets the needs of quality, relevance, coverage, modernization and internationalization of higher education. Although the presented text (164 articles) would have a direct impact on most aspects of the Colombian higher education system, the main concerns and confusion against the initiative have focused on the financial issue, which has various implications for both public universities and private. (In this regard, the Ministry of national education (MEN) has raised four major strategies: 1) increase resources to the public universities; (2) expand the number of beneficiaries of the Icetex credits; 3) manage private teaching and research resources, and 4) authorize the establishment of private for-profit universities. U public, without sufficient resources Moises Wasserman, rector of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, based on studies by the UN and other universities in the country, has made several comments to the proposal for the MEN. Against the financial plan for the public universities, he noted that the current Government maintains the one presented by the former Minister of education, Cecilia Maria Velez (2002-2010), increase the budget base of these institutions 1% of current resources in 2012, 2% in 2013 and 3% between 2014 and 2019. This offering, formalized in the Bill submitted to the Congress in May 2010, had already been rejected by the rectors of public universities. Since then, has been considered that these resources are insufficient and do not respond to financial calculations that public universities have done before their budgetary problems.

Photography Studio

Photography Studio

Professions such as stewardess and model are inevitably associated with the image. Requirements to work in these posts are as varied as the number of people dedicated to them. Presented in an agency with a professional photo book however, supposes a great advantage over the other candidates. In fact, in many offers of employment they requested the models that presented with his book of photos. Chosen once a Photography Studio that adapts to the needs of the model or hostess must prepare the photo shoot. As we have already said on other occasions, it is usual that different price packages depending on your number of photos, digital retouching, changes of costume, make-up, hairdressing, etc. offer While the models have to demonstrate his versatility against the camera through the book of photos, the hostesses have to take into account the style of events that interest them go.

Each event type has an associated image, some times more serious and some more informal. With this clear part goes down to the selection costumes, make-up, hairdresser and style of pictures then begin the photo shoot. After the photographic realization is done the digital retouching of photographs and the delivery of the book’s photos for models and hostesses. From that moment it has the perfect cover letter to agencies.

Julen Benda

Julen Benda

JULIEN BENDA (1867-1956) do more to stay in the line that drew us these elder brothers, continue in the direction of the true intellectualism, contributing, with all our soul, the tribute of our accession to the Government of Republican Spain, which today lies the tragic honour to represent the cause of Justice and freedom against the eternal powers of obscurantism. Julien Benda. Speech at the II Congress of writers. THE voice of an intellectual loyal the writer and philosopher Julien Benda, famous author of La Trahison des clercs (treason of the intellectuals, 1927), along with Andre Malraux, Andre Chamson, Louis Aragon, Claude Aveline, Tristan Tzara, and Rene Bloch, were the French representatives who attended the II Congress of writers convened by the International Alliance of antifascist intellectuals that gathered in Valenciain July 1937, Jose Bergamin, Corpus Barga, Antonio Machado, Pablo Neruda, Fernando de los Rios, Ramon J. Sender, Vicente Huidobro, Octavio Paz, Carlos Pellicer, Jose Mancisidor, Juan Marinello Vidaurreta, Nicolas Guillen, Alejo Carpentier, Raul Gonzalez Tunon, Pablo Rojas Paz, Cayetano Cordova Iturburu, Elena Garro, Bertolt Brecht, Ludwig Renn, Theodor Balk, Willy Bredel, Egon Erwin Kisch, Heinrich Mann, Maria Osten, Anna Segher, Kurt Stern, Gustav Regler, Erich Weinet, Ilia Ehrenburg, Ernest Hemingway, Cesar Vallejo, Rafael Dieste, Rafael Alberti, two John Passos, Martin Andersen-Nexo, UStephen Spender, Emilio Prados, Maria Teresa Leon, Arturo Serrano Plaja, Juan Gil-Albert, Herrera Petere, Lorenzo Varela, Miguel Hernandez, Ramon Gaya, Pascual Pla and Beltran, Jef Last, Malcolm Cowley, Fedor Kelyin, etc. The Mexican writer Elena Garro told us: -guys, sorry. ‘ We walk very scarce accommodation and how they are the youngest – and led us to a hostel, in which the rooms were divided by hanging sheets. Get dressed as God intended. Ponte necktie!, le said at peace. Tie?, do tie? You are going to cause me fusilen, you answered. It was an opinion. Vicente Huidobro, Julien Benda, Andre Chamson, Claude Aveline and up to the same Ilia Ehremburg wore tie In his famous work, Benda denounced what have been called the betrayal of the clercs, i.e. of intellectuals, since this betrayal is the fact that many among them had completely unknown the true values of intellectualism, to serve purely temporary interests, in particular nationalism and the interests of the bourgeois classes that, in a Word, had made policy in the low inintelectual of the word sense. Julien Benda was born in Paris on December 26, 1867 and died on June 7, 1956 in Fontenay-aux-Roses. Son of a Hebrew family was not linked to the religion of his people. He studied arts and Sciences in the school of Arts and crafts, although later, he entered the Faculty of letters, preferring, finally, by the literary studies. At the end of his life Benda leans toward left-wing parties. At the time of issue Dreyfus published in la Revue Blanche the Dialogues a. Byzance (1900). Later the French writer we say: our great novelist Emile Zola, during the Dreyfus affair, not nor betrayed his State of clerc to throw his famous I accuse to the face of the birds of prey. With his first novel the ordination (ordination L, 1912), published in Les Cahiers of the quinzeine, reaches his first success. Then publishes Le Bergsonisme, ou a mobilite (1912) philosophie, Une philosophie Pathetique (1913), Sur les succes du bergsonisme. Precede d une Reponse aux defenseurs of doctrine it (1914), works in which was opposed to Henri Bergson, defender of intuition, clearly betting on rationalism. During the first world war exercises as a journalist and published in 1917 Les sentiments de Critias and, a year later, Belphegor: essai sur Esthetique l of the presente Societe francaise. In 1927 his best-known work is La Trahison des clercs, whose theories being consolidated in subsequent works, among which we highlight two political essays Discours a la nation Europeenne (1933) and the grande epreuve des democraties: essai sur principes les democratiques: leur nature, leur histoire, leur valeur philosophique (1942). In his speech to the European nation, the work of full today, tells us: great merit of Europe, in my opinion, would be to allow that one ever greater number of French – although the rule applies, of course, the Germans, the Italians, the Spaniards, can say: I’m not French but European of French origin. Also writes some autobiographical works as the jeunesse d a clerc (1936), a regulier dans le siecle (1938) and Les cahiers d a clerc, 1936-1949 (1950), and as said the loyal intellectual: left men can declare their aims, the men of right not. Francisco Arias Solis future WINS, gaining freedom. For peace and freedom and Forum free Internet portal. URL: Original author and source of the article.