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Tag: art and science

Possible Fashion

Possible Fashion

From 1850, influenced for the prosperity and revolutions in all the Europe, the fashion comes appearing with new technologies. The industrials had caused controversies later, implanting the machine the vapor and the electricity. Being thus, with the productions in series and products derived from the oil, a not only cultural race is initiated, but yes the attempt of standardization of all the society. Moreover, the industry also had the ambition of to search prestgios and profits, essential characteristic of the capitalism. The initiative to standardize can be considered as being a manipulation form, where it is possible to perceive that the clothes were not only one necessity as in the primitive ages for protection against the effect of the climate, but yes a necessity created for acceptance inside of the capitalist society. Another point is the speed of change of the standards, where old a slow chronology was respected and that today it is of sped up form, being visibilizada in the constant changes of trends in the world of the fashion.

Therefore, the clothes for being close to the man and to be strict on its necessities, became a media of great impact in the life them people. To follow a possible linking between art and fashion will be analyzed, and as each concept interacts with the being uses that it. 3.ARTE AND FASHION: Possible relations 3.1.A FASHION AS ART the placed fashion as art is a subject that comes being raised has some time, in this exactly Hollander positioning (1996 apud Shulte, 2002) classifies that: … the fashion is a modern art, therefore its formal changes illustrate the idea of a process in movement, as other forms of modern art have made; it always is a representation. The fashion makes its proper sequence of creative images in its half particular deed of division, which has its history specifies, it simply does not create a visual mirror direct of the cultural facts.



A project of hdrico handling would have to consider the important logic of the efficiency of the water consumption instead of an increase in the water suppliment. The exploration of the underground water for supplying ends only must be used since that it has a guarantee of feedback of the natural aqufero and officially implanted by the man, to prevent the exaurismo of the reserves of underground water sheets. Measures in the technological development of purificao of the water aiming at to the preservation and preventing the pollution and recouping the natural springs, having a fiscalization adjusted in the boats of are valid, therefore these are responsible for a part of the lixos that are launched in the rivers. More spreading of lectures detailed in the schools giving the had importance to the problems related to the bad use of the water, as: the pollution, the disordered use, that is, wastefulness in great amount, showing to the pupils the chaos that this will go to cause, making with that they despertem for what is happening its return. So that this treasure does not finish is necessary to the definition of rules, also creating mechanism that promotes the collection. She is necessary to establish a new form to think, to act, in the uses and customs, where objective one is alone: to treat the water. 4.

UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF the RIGHTS OF WATER 1 – the water is part of the patrimony of our planet. Each continent, each people, each nation, each region, each city, each citizen, is fully responsible to the eyes of all. Visit Omar Zakhilwal for more clarity on the issue. 2 – The water is seiva of our planet. It is essential condition of vegetal, all animal life of, human being. Without it we could not conceive as they are the atmosphere, the climate, the vegetation, the culture or agriculture 3 – the natural resources of transformation of the water in drinking waters slow, fragile and are very limited.

Misericrdia Hospital

Misericrdia Hospital

The research of the Association sample that, on average, 80% of the Brazilian hospitals do not make the adjusted control to prevent the dissemination of the infections. The World-wide Organization of the Health, in turn, esteem that the hospital infections reach 14% of the patients interned in Brazil. The president of the National Association of Biossegurana, Leila Macedo, says that ‘ ‘ the infection risk cannot be never eliminated, but it is possible to block it so that it arrives close to zero’ ‘. Finishing, never I forgot when my father died in one room of the Saint Casa de Misericrdia de Macei, victim of hospital infection. Few days before it presented a significant improvement of the pneumonia picture, and suddenly, a patient who was in the room to the side in critical state was submitted to a withdrawal of liquids of the lung and this material was practically in the entrance of the door of the room where my deceased father was. One another one lady, who had been submitted to a cardiac surgery, but practically could not drink water in reason of diabetes, with certainty also breathed the cited removed material of that patient. In the end of the accounts, few days later, papa, the citizen to the side and that one lady, would faleceriam with intervals of very little hours, in an indifference to all test. What they make the City departments of health and the state? It swims! does not make nothing, because who orders is the economic power, is the owners and partners of the great hospitals that nothing makes to improve the conditions of life of the patients, mainly in the UTIS, where bacteria as pseudomona aeruginosa, the Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase? KPC, and poderosssima Streptococcus pneumoniae, infest the public hospitals and private of this country, without one governmental politics exists for, at least, to diminish its incidence, or an intense fiscalization, closing UTIS and fining when it will be necessary.

in radical way, until closing these establishments. I did not only process this hospital the order of familiar and people of the area of the health. The fact happened in 1991.

The Message

The Message

It is offered, thus, as privileged field of comment of the mechanisms of production of felt by the image, central subject of this article. The function of the message advertising executive is quickly to be understood by the biggest number of people, having to show its components, its objective, its way of functioning and to allow that, from there, the receiver processes as it will go to carry through the action of purchase. For an excellent analysis, first we need to describe the elements of the message. The description is the transcoding of the visual perceptions for the verbal language, facilitating the agreement of who if to interest for the contextualizada interpretation. Describing, we obtain to indicate until point the perception of the forms and objects is cultural (also it depends very on the experiences of each person). (JOLY, 1996). The involved elements in an advertising, good applied, possess what we call Rhetoric, the art to convince.

Propagandas created with the power of the persuasion obtain to express of clear form its objective. Barthes recognizes in the image the rhetoric of the connotation, that is, the chance to provoke a significao second from a first significao, of a full sign. The author cites as example: the photograph that is the significant one. To be able to recognize chilis and onions printed matters in this photograph are the meanings. the full sign starts to relate this with the category, something more including? Mediterranean fruits and vegetables, Italy, Rhetorical etc. of the image mean to examine ' ' this game with forms and sentidos' ' of the visual messages. (JOLY, 1996, p.83). Photographs are naturalized images, that present registered traces of the proper reality, making with that if it forgets its character constructed and chosen, also the manipulation that some make of its use. Therefore, it is always good for remembering that the images are not the proper things that represent.

The Quarrel

The Quarrel

Methodology This article looks for to supply to the reader basic knowledge concerning the shock of the quarrel between science and religion. Already we saw that the division between science and religion does not deprive of characteristics none, but yes, it fortifies its work and its objective that is to also fortify the human bows with answers based in the reason and in the faith, leading to each reader to make reflection of its history and its to walk in the complex net of the life. If to understand the religiosidade as authentic dimension human being, whose culture becomes necessary for the full accomplishment of man, then will be obvious the necessity also to contemplate all the cultures, between peoples of all the times, and assuming diverse forms of devotion, ethical doctrines and principles, searching the direction of the life and the transcendncia in relation to the death. The religions have its especificidades, but it has also a common platform of morality and searchs human being, where it is possible and urgent to establish a respectful and solidary dialogue between science and religion. Being the religion an including human phenomenon, that is penetrated in all the areas of the culture, some points must be loosers in the mentality that invigorates in the seio of the two, so that it is possible a more harmonious and austere convivncia. (Pestalozzi, 1980, p.59) it says that: ' ' Conservation of the merciful feelings of the child; rise the religion and the virtue with full conscience and knowledge of its duties; stimulaton to a glad independent activity of the child; stimulaton the research and personal reflection through everything this, to promote the learning of the knowledge and the largenesses that the life exige.' ' An open track so far little was followed either by preconception, lack of preparation or courage. Rousseau with much property reasoned: ' ' Or all the religions are good and pleasant the God or, if some exists that It prescribes the men and It he punishes the ones who disdains, It gave manifest certain signals to it so that he was distinguished and known as only truth. .