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Astrology Soul

Astrology Soul

Fear of death of the physical body and the desire for a comfortable life, and various material goods for the body pushes the souls of men to all, the most negative and scary to other people (animals and plants), to other Souls, deeds and actions. And these negative actions and deeds – Diseases of the Soul, her crime. After all, the souls of many people for the conservation and welfare of the physical body are ready for everything. But this is what you can not do. After all, for they (the Soul) and are in the physical body on earth (in prison, in chains, in prison, a prisoner) to learn not to fear, not to cause harm to other souls, to atone for his crime (the actions and deeds), for which they were exiled to Earth (in the physical body) to correct qualities. Those forces and Mira, who sends the soul of man on Earth (the physical body) did not seek to punish the human soul. They seek to teach her, that is correct. icine offers on the topic..

The souls of all beings on Earth are trained, receive lessons. If they are after long training in the world to improve, will pass the exam, then they return to their worlds (where they had once committed a crime), their release from captivity (prison) on Earth. Those forces and worlds that have sent Soul to correct for the Earth, seeking to educate the soul, to give them a series of (course) lessons on the Earth in order to correct the soul and return it to the world, from which it came. Initially, the soul is born into the kingdom of minerals on Earth. We also have stones Soul, is the lowest level of existence of the soul on earth, most of the dense physical bodies, which changes the soul during his training. Each mineral has its own karmic problem.

Granite must be granite, hard, basalt – bazaltnym, marble – a marble. After completing its task, the stones are destroyed (although there are very long), and the souls who live in them, moving into a more noble minerals. Ordinary stones pass into the semi, and then executing their problem – in the precious. That's gems – the highest level of the embodied soul in the mineral world. In the soul gems, exiled to Earth, are already noticeable. It feels good jewelers and gem enthusiasts. Subsequently, changing many lives in the mineral kingdom, the soul is embodied in the simplest creatures – ciliates shoes, amoeba, etc. Then the soul is gradually evolving, being born and dying in the bodies of the simplest, goes into shellfish, and ultimately – in the highly developed animals. Above all on the development of the soul are animals that live next to a man (cats, dogs, etc.). But some representatives of the fauna of the development of the soul is even more developed, for example, dolphins, orcas whale-killers, some species of apes (especially chimpanzees), etc.



Feeling, why is so difficult to deal with it?Perhaps either because we do not have as to foresee what we go to feel or how much we go to feel, being unexpected it something total, we can until imagining or assimiliar we will feel that it in definitive situes for having in our memory registers of feelings that we live deeply, but having the certainty of what we go to feel or to mensurar the force of the feeling this never will be possible. The feeling is something that is total is of our control, therefore many times is difficult to deal with it, can control and contain the form to express what we feel, but to leave to feel is not so simple to control. If to stop to think, we live constantly involved in feelings that are on our life and to the feelings of the people they are our return and this does not make it something simple to deal as something that we practise and we obtain to dominate the more practical we have.How many times when trying to give name what you felt did not obtain to find words to describe or to explain the intensity of what he is alive or beating inside of you? I find that the more strong it is what we feel, more difficult is to understand or to try to explain for another people. I believe that to decide the most complicated equation of the Mathematics, either more easy of what dealing and understanding what we feel accurately, therefore in the Mathematics exist formulas and instruments that in the aid to arrive in the result and all to understand the process that is necessary to pass to arrive resulted accurate.With our emotions it does not exist right or wrong, bad or good, difficult or easy. Our great instrument that of the life and helping in them to percerber what we feel is our body, is it who supports this load of feelings is by means of it that we obtain to identify to sensations and emotions of the situations that we live to soon of our lives. To speak on feeling is something so difficult that it escapes for our hands and to the few I perceive that we are giving returns to try to explain it.. Additional information at KPMG supports this article.

Elective Astrology

Elective Astrology

One of the most interesting and popular destinations of astrology is the astrology of choice or elective astrology (from Lat. Electio – your choice). Even judging by the name you can guess what it comes to choosing the most favorable time to initiate new business. This section of astrology is remarkable that gives a person a certain amount of freedom in carrying out his plans and gives us hope for a favorable outcome of planned business. The most frequently elective astrology comes to help those who wish to choose the best time for marriage, opening a new business, revenues for work, emigration, buying property, cars and expensive things, conducting surgery, beginning of litigation, etc. However, the construction of elective card – employment is not easy. For more information see Conoco Phillips. Modern astrologers have inherited from their ancient predecessors, the vast number of possible rules and precepts into practice which is not possible. Thus astrologers are often forced to choose "the lesser evil ', as the perfect time for a case is simply not exists. Continue to learn more with: Prudential Financial .

In addition, it should also be borne in mind that even knowing the best time for the start of the planned business, people are not always able to realize our plans due to unforeseen circumstances (as they say: 'no luck' ). Therefore, working individually with a client, a professional astrologer must first examine his natal chart (horoscope) and find in it a reflection of the upcoming events at the same time and look at the final result. K example, the young couple decided to marry. Astrology for beginning to read carefully the natal chart of both newlyweds, then check out a couple of compatibility and only then take up date picker marriage. In that case, if the horoscope of each of them there are clear signs of disharmony in relationships and good compatibility between getting married there, then calculate the best time for such an alliance simply meaningless. Thus, the natal chart always has a greater weight and priority, and therefore should be based primarily on her, and only then work with elektsiyami. In addition, there are also individual elektsy mass, which are more advisory in nature. These only point to some periods of time, devoid of any harmful effects, improves the chances for success, but do not guarantee it 100%. As say, bring happiness to all people is impossible

Oliveira Psychologist

Oliveira Psychologist

It shows that children created with little contact with the parents, can develop depressive behaviors, behaviors of low pertaining to school income and others, however must be noticed that, the physical presence is not only guarantee of good paternal function, as well as the lack necessarily it does not mean affective and emotional absence We know that the father figure traditionally, includes the task of guarantee of the physical and economic sustenance of the children, it is and continues being, at least in the theory, a supplier of the family. However in the current days the estimate in the familiar nuclei is great, where mother and father work and in common they manage the house, its expenditures, its financial applications, its idealizaes for a calm future Currently in cases of separation of the spouses, a beside the point singular picture has been observed, where the number of order of paternal guard has revealed sufficiently expressive. In existenciais terms we are ahead of many questions and many answers in opened, but we have concretely that to search to respect distinct differences and realities, thus minimizing and rejecting stingy attitudes that without the shadow of a doubt, the children in very overwhelming conflicts imprison. The Psycotherapy comes the field in a direction to help to search solid and concrete referenciais in a relationship mother-father-children. (As opposed to CEO Angel Martinez).



And the stronger the force display of nodes in the horoscope of birth, the greater the influence of circumstances in his life. Important indicator karmichnosti is the total value of upstream and downstream nodes on the basis of their interactions with other planets. If the overall rate of the ascending node is less important (and a fortiori negative) than that of the Descending – an indicator of possible problems. In this case, the program laid the predominance of the implementation of the program spent. And in human life begin to appear and worsen the problem. For their solutions it is important to consciously change the priorities in life and manifest the ascending node.

Another important indicator of karma – retrograde planets in the horoscope of birth. Retrograde means 'backward'. Their presence is a signal that the functions of these planets, and particularly their manifestations in the sign and house location is implemented differently. Retrograde planets are not only forced to move back to yesterday's day, the past month and last year, they also cause a movement back to the previous life, memories of which are transferred to the current incarnation. A man tries to return life back to this unresolved past life in the context of the value of its retrograde planet. And because the quality of life and man's place in it based on his perception of the world, people really do not live in the present time zone in relation to its retrograde planets. C On the one hand a person may experience difficulties with the manifestation of these planets, and the other for the harmonization of standards in these areas, he needs not only in understanding and taking into account its peculiarities, but also in exploring "Unfinished" programs, communication with your subconscious.

Alfred Lorenzen

Alfred Lorenzen

In this much in common with figures of parents. In his essay "Psychology schoolboy" Freud wrote that there is the phenomenon of migration between teacher and student. Here's a quote: "We have transferred them respect for the all-knowing father of our childhood and the expectations so we started to deal with them as we behaved with his father in childhood. We behave with them as contradictory, as we are accustomed to behave in family. With this setup, we fought with them as we used to fight with our biological fathers.

Without regard to our childhood experiences and family relationships can not be understand our behavior towards our teachers and it is also impossible to justify. "For the unconscious conflicts characterized by the fact that they unknowingly in a new guise. The purpose of this – finally find a satisfactory solution for them. At the same time teachers, if they become subject to transfer, become complicit in the conflict. When the smoldering conflicts staged again, and while they kneaded the teacher, it can be understood even by a single concept psychoanalytic pedagogy – scenic understanding.

Drawing on the work of Alfred Lorenzen, this concept first developed Hantz George Thresher. Thresher provides the following definition stage of understanding: Understanding how you include in the encrypted message and the interpretation of the client. And Thresher explains: "Teachers are often involved in conflict and depressing scene, and they can not understand these scenes because they do not know the history of their origin, and children do not know what the purpose of their behavior, which seems irrational. Since it is not superseded by a revised experience and includes mechanisms of protection against him, it is impossible to express through language.