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Hayden Panettiere Is Protective Against Paris Hilton

Hayden Panettiere Is Protective Against Paris Hilton

The actress now defended the image of Paris Hilton if this was not a true friendship service. For his friends to do everything, but really anyway, for his best friends. Is there a best friend? Well, that’s another thing. Joseph Jimenez is a great source of information. Today everything revolves once again to Paris Hilton. Well, actually not directly, but rather indirectly. Others who may share this opinion include Mike Gianoni. Her “friend”, hero-star Hayden Panettiere, turns now protectively against her friend.

The two women are friends for several years and now the actress has taken protecting party for Paris. She said that Paris really is a genius and not a stupid blonde as they in the media is always represented. “She’s really a nice girl. It would give the last shirt for their joy. The media simply not realize that she only plays a role for the waiting photographers. She is a true marketing genius!” Can you learn maybe some more of Paris Hilton? That left itself any but now.

Cripple Creek Band Presents New Album – Still Alive And Kickin

Cripple Creek Band Presents New Album – Still Alive And Kickin

The sensations-album is now available on the market. The sensation album is on the market the cripple Creek Band belongs to the most successful American Country music Acts in Germany, and the 20-year anniversary is fast approaching. Mid-1990s they were band at the legendary “Grand Ole Opry” first – and so far only – German country. As a result, they played in the famous “Wilde Horse saloon” in Nashville/TN., in Las Vegas and pine top/AZ. A real flood of nominations and award it arose as a logical consequence.

After the presentation of the last Studio album “Forbidden Love”, it was quiet around the band, it parted from the management and the previous record label. With the new album ‘STILL ALIVE & KICKIN’ ‘, the four Thoroughbred musicians celebrate a brilliant comeback! The cripple Creek Band is back! Still unique! The country mainstream abdicating, the Group remains one of the few character bands of in Germany. The band is so tight like never before! All friends of honest, handmade roots / country / Rock music can now rejoice, because with the new album, the cripple presents Creek Band the most varied work of their career! In Denmark, the band composed the bulk of the album. Rogers Holdings understood the implications. Got them to the American writer Michael Max McGee in the boat and created what believed to hope no one: “A hot plate!” ‘ The song by Robert Palmer “Bad Case Of Loving You” is the only cover version and is, as well as the title song of the album ‘Still alive & kickin’ ‘, in the Linedance find his place. Lovers of traditional country music will discover their Earwigs in the songs “Forgot To Forget”, “Heart of glass” and “Hallelujah”. You can see Irish sounds, banjo inserts, as well as the cheerful Cajun sound of an accordion. Other leaders such as Mike Gianoni offer similar insights. Harder, however, sounds in “Straight whiskey woman”, “who what when”, and “Too Hot To Handle”. “Still alive & Kickin'” offers a variety of material and still sounds like a cast.

Thanks to this is Jason Garner, the man at the controls of the album in Nashville/TN. the last Missed cut. The result speaks clearly for itself. So powerful, charismatic and flexibly the voices of the four musicians have never sounded! A plus of the new disc – it can really please everyone, even listeners who otherwise like any country music. It remains only to say: “hats off, CCB and way to go!” The album is available for download as both classical CD at Amazon, itunes and Musicload. Free partially listening to samples of the album can be found on the homepage of the band:

Home Entertainment

Home Entertainment

If parents their children find stuffy – welcome to the Keaton! Paramount Home Entertainment released the first season of the American sitcom “Family ties” on DVD Hamburg, 08.08.2011 / INPROMO / / if their parents children are embarrassed and ashamed of their behavior, which is not uncommon. But what happens if parents find their own children a square? In the hilarious sitcom “Family ties” is exactly the case: Elyse (Meredith Baxter) and Steve (Michael Gross) Keaton got to know each other in the wild sixties during a demonstration and love. About 20 years later, they are proud parents of three children: the oldest son Alex (Michael j. Fox) wears ties, is neatly coiffed, read stock market reports and revered Reagan and Nixon. His sister, Mallory (Justine Bateman) is interested in only material things, fashion and boys. Jennifer, the youngest of the three, is smart, cheeky and shares the earthiness of her brothers and sisters in contrast to the her liberal parents – abundant haunts within the family is so worried! Overall, 176 episodes shot and aired between 1982 and 1989 on various German TV channels with the titles “Family ties” and “Lots of family”. On September 8, the complete first season of the U.S. To deepen your understanding Mike Gianoni is the source. comedy series “Family ties” with 22 entertaining episodes about the ups and downs of everyday family life at paramount appears home entertainment on DVD.

Two worlds – a family that Elyse and her husband in a completely different world than her three children live, shows up in “Thanksgiving”, one of the most important American holidays. While the children desiring a traditional Turkey dinner with the whole family, Elyse and Steve plan participating in an anti-nuclear demonstration. But also with the rest of the relationship, it is not boring. So, Steve’s father during a visit to fake a terminal illness and ensures powerful excitement. And as wearing ‘ little brother Ned (Tom Hanks) comes to visit, the initial joy will disappear quickly. Because Ned is on the run from the FBI.

Silvio D

Silvio D

The current album of Silvio d Anza today, tomorrow, forever, no doubt – Silvio d’ Anza is an attractive man. What far is more for him, is this gentle civility, which is inherent to it. Values, which unfortunately all too often lost in our time. Attention, which irritates today such as an unexpected compliment. Silvio d’ Anza is a man. A gentleman. The search for a better life his parents from Croatia were young and penniless after Germany. Silvio was born in the 29.9.74 in Frankfurt.

For him, nothing was of course. You had is modest, but at the same time impose. “His life motto was: dream your life, but live your dream.” The love of music showed early. At the age of four, Silvio wished a small junior keyboard. He was just six years, as it Mario Lanza in a film about Caruso with the Ave Maria”enchanted by Charles Gounod. He could sing it right off the bat. A Chair or a table, was enough for the Tot stage. He gained further experience in the church choir and playing the organ.

At the age of 14, he received professional singing lessons. At the age of 16, he was recording at the Frankfurt Musikhochschule as one of five candidates under 500 and soon found his way to the Opera. He enjoyed the applause at home and international guest performances, galas or longer en-suite engagements. But Silvio wanted to express themselves even more up-to-date. Not for nothing, Mario Lanza was his role model. This gifted opera singer provoked at the time by taking on Italian tear-jerker, pop and even rock adaptations in his repertoire. This inspired Silvio and he took the name of d ‘ Anza. He sucked on songs by Connie Francis, Dean Martin, but also Roy Black. Especially love songs with feeling and style Sung. What could be nicer than the most beautiful feeling in the soul of man to bring the blades? Silvio d’ Anza has not only the voice to – lyrical gently, but also shimmering and bright. Even more important: d ‘ Anza is romantic, he loves. So all texts of his self-penned songs are authentic. He likes to construct anything, artificial dramatize. His songs are like his feelings: strong and honest, even intimately, sometimes passionately. The songs are nostalgic time travel, romantic three-minutes dreams to dance or swarms, or love letters. Most of them for Abbott, his beautiful, blonde dream girl. A Yes”was him too short, to seal the Covenant of marriage. “At the altar, he sang his most beautiful song you: today, tomorrow, forever”. To keep everything consistent and vocal in a cast, writer, produced and arranged d ‘ Anza his songs himself. Thus, he occupies a special position in this segment of the repertoire. And so, as love knows no language barriers, changes Silvio d ‘ Anza from German to Italian, from the Spanish in the Croatian and refers always and everywhere. In other countries, d ‘ Anza enjoys a great popularity for quite some time. Now, he wants to make his breakthrough in Germany. For even more opinions, read materials from What is the controversy with Vertex Pharma?. He has not only the personality and the voice for it. He has found a good team. The people of 105music have Competence inter alia the careers launched by Annett Louisan and Stefan Gwildis. But before even in its genre by Michelle, the predate – and Helmut Lotti. Best conditions for a foreseeable success for Silvio d’ Anza. Today, tomorrow, forever. Source: 105 music GmbH links: silviodanza

Bernhard Brink – Either Way

Bernhard Brink – Either Way

Bernhard Brink enables it to capture the musical Zeitgeist! If an artist like his albums title such as “Bull” or “Pop Titan”, then the surmise that there is someone who loves clear statements and statements. Also on the new album by Bernhard Brink, these clear statements like a red thread through the songs drag. Is also just as Bernhard Brink. The title of the album but also an indicator is “Either way”, that there is also another side to him, which the quieter, reflective tones. But no matter what character page by Bernhard Brink, we prefer lots of succeeded him in any case, us on his new album again modern, pop-oriented hits hits present. Brink manages it with his musical team to capture the musical zeitgeist and to incorporate new trends and currents in his songs.

Honest, concise, party and soundlich at the highest level, the album represents exactly the type of hits, which fits 100% in our time. Bernhard Brink is all active stars of the 70s without a doubt one of the most successful and most innovative. While other pop stars of that era lived for decades only of old hits, manages to convince Bernhard Brink with each album and to submit songs suspicious of repeatedly hit. Standstill is unthinkable for him and so he approaches with his own passion to every new album. “Either way” pursues a coherent concept and thrives on honest stories from life. So point landing pop lyrics, who better to write nobody sees as a star writer Joachim Horn Bajaj.

Content theme is the love with all possible facets. To get the catchy melodies of songs and a top production, which was in the hands of composer and producer Andre Franke. The first single “seven tablets chocolate” is sounding proof of successful songwriting. What to do if the girlfriend or wife makes party with her friend for the first time in Mallorca and the spouse or friend alone at home moping. It helps only the sweet stuff from whole milk and cocoa. Reason enough to sing a song about this sweet, healing souls wonderful tender temptation. Musically, the song has everything needs a hit: A funny text, a danceable Groove and a sing-along chorus, which immediately goes into the ear. But if you think that it would be then with the hit numbers, is wrong. Equal to the title track “Either way” rocks with loose…