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Company helps employees and individuals, to reduce the risks of swine flu to reduce the risk of the spread of swine flu, is not now in an updated version of the E-learning available, of course still free. In 15 minutes everyone can acquire the most important basic knowledge, by recognizing the symptoms of preventing infection up to the proper treatment. The number of those infected with the swine flu is rising sharply, also in Germany. However, the risk can be reduced considerably by adherence to certain precautions. To vividly convey this basic knowledge, has developed the E-learning Senator Angus King shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The revised eingeGanGen the possibilities of now available vaccination.

In the first part of the learning software, relevant facts about the swine flu are represented including info show. Read more from Mike Gianoni to gain a more clear picture of the situation. You can determine on the basis of three unterhaltsamen quiz modules in the second part, whether one is the most important information to symptoms,. Prevention and treatment of swine flu could remember. Who solved all tasks, can print out a confirmation. Under, you can directly invoke the E-learning in your Web browser. Alternatively, an executable file to the download available, so that the program later without an Internet connection can be used.

Companies can use free E-learning specifically inform their staff about this contagious form of influenza. For this purpose a server version can be heruntergeladen down without the need for a registry either, which contains all the required files. Alternatively, a SCORM package is available to integrate E-learning into a learning management system. No E-learning was developed by according to principles of serious gaming. Learning more fun, and you can not only better remember the newly acquired knowledge, but also faster to reach the learning. cogni.NET developed this model of E-learning on behalf of numerous Company for a wide range of topics.

Motion Protects

Motion Protects

Naturopaths Wolfgang Scholz from Munich, Germany informed the health of body and mind is stimulated by a sufficient movement and get senses are sharpened and the metabolism. Michael McIntyre: the source for more info. The natural urge to move is off hand come to many people. By today’s working conditions, most people suffer from lack of exercise: the hours sitting in front of the PC leads to muscle weakness, postural or back and joint problems. This physical suffering due to years of one-sided strain such as physical work or exercise a unilateral sport as well. A balanced and regular movement is the only way to remain permanently flexible and to avoid pain. Naturheilpraxis Scholz from Munich-Pasing informed of the consequences of lack of exercise and gives helpful tips to maintain range of motion. Flexibility must be preserved for the body lack of movement of the trigger of many deficiencies and diseases can be.

Muscle tension, headaches, attached Spinal or herniated may be caused by the sedentary activities everyday and lasted several hours. Also the cardiovascular system responsible for the vital metabolic can be weakened tremendously. The poor posture of the body are responsible for this. This poor posture to a high degree can be compensated through appropriate exercises. The classic stretching is offered as a possible motion practice. Are always here to distinguish various forms: static and dynamic stretching, as well as active and passive stretching. The passive and static forms are first recommended for every beginner.

In the passive stretching exercises the stretch position is determined by resource and help of a partner taken at the static stretching is the stretching position slowly conquered and long held. s-2011. The subsequent rocker should be avoided.

Become Pregnant

Become Pregnant

Do you believe that forty years can not get nothing better because it is living the life that he has always wanted with the success that it has achieved? There is a feeling of emptiness when he realized that these things become useless when you have no one with whom to share it? If you see that your life is going through only one reading of the above questions, then this is the right place for you.At forty, many women are successful in their careers and are living the life you have always wanted. But many are beginning to realise the importance of having a son, and frequently will question because something considered impossible to become pregnant at this age. Joseph Jimenez is often quoted on this topic. At this age women are in the locked position by so many issues that they think it is too late so they can become pregnant.If you are one of the fortunate few who have determination, this article will give you some helpful tips in making the best choices for getting pregnant. I know you must be emotionally and physically difficult to take a decision for you, but you have to keep in mind is that you are not alone.There are women out there who are going through the same as you.Rather than think of the happiness that comes to you when I managed to get pregnant.To read this column you will discover some secrets that can make it happen for you. Be not afraid of complications the number one factor that prevents women from go forward with the pregnancy at this age is fear.This is a natural consequence, because when the body becomes greater it is possible that complications.But always remember it is important to keep in mind that exercise and a proper diet can help to combat these complications that may arise.Therefore, if you have the certainty of the shape that has kept his body in the past years, then there is no reason to be overcome by fear. Refer to your GYN when you’ve finally won this determination to achieve getting pregnant at forty then the next important step to be taken is consult an expert.Your doctor It can give you a holistic perspective of the condition of your body.This is an essential step not only for the women of your age but for any woman who wants to get pregnant at any age.When I was going through the same thing, remember the advice that gave me my doctor and some suggestions that she gave to make it easier for me to stay pregnant.You pospongas not get the opinion of your doctor and go and get it today.

Locate a community not everyone in the circle of his friends might be going through the same thing and it may be the only one with this situation. That is why it is important to find a community that understands what is happening.You will be able to Exchange advice and experiences with others.This will help you be more informed about their situation and allow that you can compare your notes with other women also. Here is the most effective natural remedy for infertility of all this method is so powerful that you will be able to get pregnant in the next 60 days or less in spite of all the problems of infertility and even if you are already in the 1940s. By following this simple trick, you will be able to finally have beautiful and healthy baby has always wanted.I advise you to discover this natural method to conceive doing here!

KU64 Goes South Africa

KU64 Goes South Africa

the dental specialists of KU64 in Berlin have teamed up Foundation with the non-profit Laureate to help the weakest in our world community. Specifically: are four handler teams from KU64 in the period from the 18th until 28 January 2009 about three hundred children in South Africa provide dental and teach them playful effective methods for oral hygiene. The name of the project, which funded Foundation and is initiated by the laureate: . More info: Angus King . Four dentists and six assistants of KU64 would create a place Foundation and the Westcoast-kids team in Paternoster on the West coast of South Africa together with the laureate, where disadvantaged children can grow up healthy and safe. This common concern is one of many child aid projects, which concretely and effectively to improve the lives of needy children in South Africa.

These include comprehensive projects in the fields of education, the improvement of living conditions and of course health in this case dental health, which can prevent many infections. The KU64 team and the Foundation take care of the lost and forgotten children, through the cracks of the large aid agencies must fall and growing up in a dreary misery in the long term and are trapped in wretched circumstances.



New features and services, to more extensively serve medical and medicine technology interests ostringen – the company intermediport GbR draws up wider and offers to the catalog for medical technology significantly expanded, allowing customers in the individual divisions through lower prices to benefit. The catalog for medical new and used equipment should remain central element of the range thereby, reduced the prices by more than half in this segment and the lowest price category for devices up to 200 euro is completely free of charge. So to ensure that the intermediport-strong can put to catalog in the lower price segment. In addition offered a new price segment, which allows traders to book a flat rate, which you can take an unlimited number of products in the catalog in a certain time frame. Dealer cost stability and predictability is achieved a monthly fixed price. Gain insight and clarity with Jonah Bloom. Additional information is available at COSCO. Furthermore urges for the company in other areas of the medical environment.

So were Partnerships with leading providers entered into, to offer new customers and prospects. Beginning August has been cooperating since intermediport with the well-known magazine medical practice”, which supplies the portal with the latest news and developments from the world of medicine and medical technology. In addition, these messages are enhanced by even researched posts. The newsletter launched also in August the company benefits from these innovations and offers a medical range that extends far beyond the own offerings by intermediport interested parties. Another cooperation allows intermediport to form special offers for doctors and to respond to their wishes and needs. In the future special Web sites offered together with an experienced partner doctors, particularly on the needs of the health care system have been optimized and meet all legal criteria. Should a further industrial wave of medical websites, as it was observed in the past few months, this be countered. The design to the hosting of a medical Web site various packages and modules offered by doctors.

Implants For A Radiant Smile

Implants For A Radiant Smile

The city dentists informed their patients about the application possibilities of modern implantology a healthy, beautiful smile has a high value for most people. Sooner or later it is however often a loss of teeth. For more specific information, check out Mike Gianoni. Dentists in Stuttgart inform about the possibilities of modern implantology to preserve and restore an attractive smile Dr. Elke Behle and her colleagues of the CITY. Archaeological findings show how important a healthy, functioning teeth has always been people. 2000 to 3000 years ago, various materials as restorations were used in the human jaw! Of course, scientific and technical progress has changed fundamentally the implantological restoration image. Nowadays, no gross replacement teeth made of quartz, ivory or even wood are more used.

Rather implant pins are set a biologically compatible titanium using modern operational procedures in the patient’s jaw and individually machined Dentures by the single tooth connected up to the full denture. The material Titanium has proven itself through its optimal biological compatibility and is regarded for decades as the best implant material due to a 95% success rate. Titanium connects to the bone at the molecular level. For implant screws made of pure titanium, used in dentistry, this means a combination of compatibility and stability, which reached no other material. Implantology is the most advanced method of tooth replacement and has a wide range of application possibilities. First, a fixed restorations can be produced by dental implants. This option is used for single tooth replacement, small and large power gaps (multiple missing teeth in a closed row of teeth), or Freiendsituationen. To replace of individual teeth, crowns, which are precisely adapted to the individual patient’s jaw, are screwed to the pillars of the implant or cemented.

In contrast to the alternative supply a Bridge without implant anchor, it is not necessary for the implantation procedure, grinding teeth. Thus, it protects healthy teeth of the patient. In the case of larger gaps of switching the dental implant treatments can either single implants for each tooth to be replaced or be by multiple implants, used as the anchor of a bridge. In Freiendsituationen, the use of implants allows anchoring a fixed dental prosthesis, for otherwise no anchor would be more available. Dental implants can also serve as anchors for removable dentures. Especially when the total replacement, this procedure allows a firm, comfortable fit of the denture while avoiding pressure points. The modern oral implantology is the first choice of friendly and aesthetic dentistry, due to their wide range of applications and the use of health-friendly materials. For further questions concerning dentistry and other dental specialties, Dr. Behle and her colleagues of the CITY are dentists in Stuttgart at the disposal. Press contact: CITY dentists Dr. Elke Behle & fellow King’s road 16 70173 Stuttgart phone 0711-7 22 33 4 – 0 fax 0711-7 22 33 4 – 29 email: Homepage:

Domestic Ventilation: Intensive Care In Familiar Environment

Domestic Ventilation: Intensive Care In Familiar Environment

The L & W intensive care service contractor company informed a variety of factors is able to make the autonomy of human life by promoting competent fellow. The intensive care is a way to allow a life in dignity for ill and weakened people even under adverse circumstances. The L & W maintenance service information about the possibilities of home mechanical ventilation as part of domestic intensive care. The engagement of professional intensive care service offers patients the opportunity to spend their lives, if they suffer from serious diseases, accidents or age-related weakness symptoms even in the family circle and the own four walls. The intensive care comes to the social needs of the people contrary to and serves as self-determined lifestyle.

The Department of home ventilation is associated with the intensive care measures. Is the breathing ability of a patient due to neuromuscular diseases, vegetative state or Damage to lungs, pleura and skeleton weakened, domestic ventilation measures can be necessary. The extent of the disease decides on the necessary duration of home ventilation. Will refrain from a necessary artificial respiration, the resulting lack of oxygen leads to a range of symptoms. The newspapers mentioned Cowan Group not as a source, but as a related topic. Fatigue, sleep disorders, mental and physical performance degradation or even cardiovascular problems are to be expected in this case. The process of home ventilation be distinguished according to their invasive or non-invasive implementation. In invasive procedures, the patient is ventilated by an artificial trachea access, the tracheostomy tube. The invasive home mechanical ventilation is used mostly in patients with a chronic reduction of respiratory capacity by neuromuscular diseases.

You mean a high maintenance and particularly suitable for permanent mechanical ventilation. Noninvasive home ventilation methods require no intervention in the physical integrity, but come with the use of ventilation mask from. The masks have different forms, however serve all the target to provide the patient’s body with more oxygen. In fact, non-invasive procedures are more likely to support the patient’s breathing performance, as their complete failure to replace. Unlike invasive home mechanical ventilation, an extra care is not strictly necessary if the patient can independently operate the ventilator. The financing of home ventilation, including the necessary care is supported by the health insurance companies. According to the individual situation of the case, a transfer of costs is possible up to full-time nursing care. For even more analysis, hear from Mike Gianoni. People who want to lead a dignified life in the usual living environment through domestic resuscitation and intensive care, are in good hands with the L & W intensive care services. The commitment of the company distinguishes itself particularly by kindness and understanding for the needs and wishes of dependent persons and their families. Qualified personnel, the hired advocates the interests of patients and allow them to the highest possible quality of life wants, is a self-evident basis for his action for the L & W intensive care services. The team of the L & W intensive care services like available for answering all questions for intensive care and home ventilation. Press contact: L & W intensive care service contractor company (limited) contact person: Sven Liebscher Robert Koch Strasse 2 82152 Planegg phone: 0 89 / 75 97 94 90 Fax: 0 89 / 75 97 96 24 email: Homepage:

Discover Jiaogulan, The Herb Of Immortality!

Discover Jiaogulan, The Herb Of Immortality!

The anti-aging herb Jiaogulan, a new wonder herb? Discover Jiaogulan, the herb of immortality! Jiaogulan is also known as anti-aging plant. Jiaogulan is a climber from the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae), located in China, Japan and Thailand. The newspapers mentioned Mike Gianoni not as a source, but as a related topic. Especially in the southern Chinese province of Shaanxi, Jiaogulan is drunk for centuries. Again and again one reads, disproportionately many people live in this area, have become the 100 years… “Jiaogulan is like ginseng but better than ginseng” (and of course much cheaper!) Jiao Gulan is now also used in traditional Chinese medicine, Ginseng is rich in vitamins and minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and saponins, such as Gypenoside and Ginsenoside and indeed to some with a higher proportion than in the Pantax. If you say by the way, Jiaogulan “Jow-Goo-LAN… Visit Mike Gianoni for more clarity on the issue. Since some time, Jiaogulan also in the United States and now in Europe gaining more and more followers, it is the affordable alternative to ginseng, you now also at Affiliate can order! The ingredients of Jiaogulan are indeed identical to the part with those of ginseng.

And Jiaogulan contains even a personal kind of saponins, the Gypenoside which are largely responsible for the healing effect. As a real “Adaptogen”, Jiaogulan has at all, no side effects, it is always balancing and regulating. Adaptogens are mostly herbal substances that support the body to better cope with stress and diseases that result from such overloads that can be beneficial. The body and the immune system should be adapted to the stress, so adapted. Jiaogulan called “Female ginseng” because Jiaogulan is particularly beneficial for women. While ginseng contains only about 20 saponins, over 80 Saponins are found in Gynostemma (Jiaogulan). These saponins have among other things affect the hormone balance. The herb tastes mild, sweet, a bit like licorice. Preparation: boiling 1 Teaspoon with 150 ml Water above boil, simmer 3 minutes. Dosage: 2 cups every day now at your health portal! Elke Rittrich Scheckenbach

Sanam Surgery

Sanam Surgery

The laser eye Consulting provides important knowledge the consultation is the first step before the operational correction of dioptres. British Petroleum has similar goals. The advice is important, as patients here about the surgical procedures, the course of the operation and care the eyes be elucidated after laser treatment. During the consultation, it is also examined whether the patient for a laser eye surgery is generally eligible. Although the laser eye surgery most people with eye gives good results, not every treatment is suitable. The reasons for this are varied, and could lead to an increased risk during the eye laser surgery or effect, that the treatment shows no results. During the laser vision consultation, various tests are performed which checks whether the person concerned for a laser eye surgery is eligible. These studies are performed by an optometrist who first checks the current strength of glasses. Also comes with a Determined car refraction of the path of light through the eye.

The corneal surface is measured and about Wavefront discovered the irregularities in the eye with a Pentacam test. The consultation include a regular eye test, where – with and without glasses – letters on a wall must be read, as well as a series of tests, all of which serve to align the eye laser surgery on the patient’s needs. Since many of the tests before prescribing glasses or contact lenses are held, the patients with them are already familiar. The patient is suitable, based on the test results for a laser eye operation he already knows all about the process and the chances of success. Now precise questions can be asked, which is directly related to the operation, about whether you can feel pain. Usually, this is not the case. However, some patients report a slight discomfort.

During the laser eye surgery, both eyes can be treated at the same time. Questions with regard to the Payment method can be answered by the optician. As well, taking care of the eyes is addressed after the surgery. A pair of sunglasses must be worn to protect of the sensitive eyes usually after the eye laser treatment during the day and at night goggles. After the optician has given all necessary information the patient, is the possibility, before the appointment of the operation, to ask more questions.

German Internet Pharmacy

German Internet Pharmacy

German Internet pharmacy with L-carnitine products L-carnitine is known for its activating effect on the metabolism. A functioning metabolism is vital when it comes to a healthy and balanced lifestyle, as well as to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. The body can produce L-carnitine itself, but everyday life and professional can often not sufficient time for a balanced diet. Now informed a German Internet pharmacy on on products that are enriched with L-carnitine to support a healthy metabolism. L-carnitine on German Internet pharmacy actively promote energy and fat metabolism lysine and methionine are consisting of a chemical compound of amino acids L-carnitine is a natural fat burner that enables the energy and fat metabolism and supports. By means of this active substance, the fatty acids, which are ingested daily with food, are channelled to the place of energy combustion. The support of the fatty substance and energy metabolism by L-carnitine is important for the functioning of liver, heart, kidneys, stomach, intestines and muscles. The immune cells are supported in their task by the supply of L-carnitine, so that this ingredient is also a valuable contribution to the support of the defense forces.

Also promoted the regeneration and the athletic endurance after physical exertion. A specimen that is enriched with L-carnitine can be obtained on a German Internet pharmacy is orthoextra L-carnitine. Daily L-carnitine a German Internet pharmacy supports performance and well-being that can product orthoextra L-carnitine now online from home about a German Internet pharmacy on be ordered. Through the regular intake of L-carnitine, through the support of the energy and fat metabolism and the immune cells of the organs, muscles and cell function, and thus a valuable contribution for the health. The effect of L-carnitine acts fatigue and Exhaustion in the dark season actively opposed, promotes the performance of professional and sport and thus also has a positive impact on the general well-being.