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Month: May 2017

The Market

The Market

Books of payroll traders who have workers should carry books of monthly wages and salaries, consequently it is clear that as not all companies have workers it is clear that not all should carry these books, therefore it is necessary to leave evidence that the law should be amended positive Peruvian to allow greater agility in the market which is where it joins the supply and demand. It is necessary to put on record that only found in payroll workers and not those who have held a civil contract of location of services. Consequently suitable for our purposes differentiate very clearly these two concepts in order to have an idea more clearly the subject matter of study. Corporate law is the branch of business, corporate, private and commercial law that governs and study societies and associative contracts. That is, this branch of the law as it is corporate or company law is very important for trade, so it is clear that all lawyers should know it and master it, and if it not dominates it, runs the risk of ignoring fundamental issues of law. Issues such as the Constitution of companies, shares, participations, society anonima, kinds of Constitution, kinds of societies, joint partners, call, dissolution, liquidation and extinction, among other topics, are specific to this branch of law, why has plenty importance and there are many lawyers dedicated to its study, it is accordingly clear, should disseminate to achieve to know and have mastered it.

Certificated or Exchange the right certificated or Exchange law is the branch of business, corporate, private and commercial law that studies and regulates securities values, so regulates issues as endorsement, I protest, classes of securities values, securities, foreign exchange actions, among others. In this sense we can affirm that this branch of law is helpful in trade and therefore should not ignore their study in universities and within are especially at faculties of law..

People Losing Money

People Losing Money

Every day hundreds of people are losing money trying to work from their homes. Every day many people try to get out of its own economic crisis and there are thousands of people that take advantage every day of this need. The crisis, unemployment, prices increases and at the same time the need to spend time with the family as I do there are many people who do not have anyone who can take their children so they can go to work. To my write me every day people that have children with special needs and not can leave them to anybody, people who have a disability people who are older too and you don’t want to accept any people Chief if dear INTENTAHACERNEGOCIOSCONLADESGRACIADELOSDEMAS are people and not portfolios full of banknotes arranged to fill their pockets. Almost two years ago I started to look for work on the internet that could take from my house.

And as I am (was) a very confident person who always thinks (I thought) that everyone was as I inadvertently do harm to anyone. I cheated a few times until I got tired and I decided to post my experiences. My beginning were forums, notifying all persons of the fraud that was investigating and had suffered..

The Quarrel

The Quarrel

Methodology This article looks for to supply to the reader basic knowledge concerning the shock of the quarrel between science and religion. Already we saw that the division between science and religion does not deprive of characteristics none, but yes, it fortifies its work and its objective that is to also fortify the human bows with answers based in the reason and in the faith, leading to each reader to make reflection of its history and its to walk in the complex net of the life. If to understand the religiosidade as authentic dimension human being, whose culture becomes necessary for the full accomplishment of man, then will be obvious the necessity also to contemplate all the cultures, between peoples of all the times, and assuming diverse forms of devotion, ethical doctrines and principles, searching the direction of the life and the transcendncia in relation to the death. The religions have its especificidades, but it has also a common platform of morality and searchs human being, where it is possible and urgent to establish a respectful and solidary dialogue between science and religion. Being the religion an including human phenomenon, that is penetrated in all the areas of the culture, some points must be loosers in the mentality that invigorates in the seio of the two, so that it is possible a more harmonious and austere convivncia. (Pestalozzi, 1980, p.59) it says that: ' ' Conservation of the merciful feelings of the child; rise the religion and the virtue with full conscience and knowledge of its duties; stimulaton to a glad independent activity of the child; stimulaton the research and personal reflection through everything this, to promote the learning of the knowledge and the largenesses that the life exige.' ' An open track so far little was followed either by preconception, lack of preparation or courage. Rousseau with much property reasoned: ' ' Or all the religions are good and pleasant the God or, if some exists that It prescribes the men and It he punishes the ones who disdains, It gave manifest certain signals to it so that he was distinguished and known as only truth. .

The Business

The Business

The bad things that are said to the yellows: * you can make a lot of money with us. ** This is your chance to be part of this comparative advantage. ** We are the biggest and best in the industry. ** All our competitors are losers. * Therefore what amount of mega-money you want to make in the future? The good things that are said to the yellows: * we need your help. Our products help the blind to listen, and to the deaf see.

* We stop the venom that the bad drug companies put in medications and make grandmothers will die prematurely without having the opportunity to interact with their grandchildren. * We help families stay together so they have enduring memories. Well, a little exaggerated, but you agarrastes the idea, right?. We have to explain our products and/or services, and our business opportunity to our prospects in their native tongue, not in ours. Be a chameleon. This is one of the first skills that our resellers have to learn so they have instant confidence when they talk to people. AND This is part of our management. We chose a good product or service and then our task is to spend our time studying people.

And learn how to find people that need our product or service. Amig @ reader, if you liked this article, please spread it. In addition, if any of you want to copy the Chart of four languages, either in English or Spanish, very simple, just click in the following link and become you the same as soon as possible. NOW access notes: If you’ve not yet mastered four languages, here you reached an excellent additional professional option, by clicking here. I invite you to the following excellent online conferences. Soon, we will have it in Spanish-speaking. It is cost-free and independent of the business in which we are involved, or for our personal and intellectual development.