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Month: June 2019

Worth The Price

Worth The Price

Robert Nadeau explains how to protect your price during difficult times. In a recent article published in the July/August edition of SellingPower magazine, it explains how you can protect the price of its products in difficult times. Today with the recession, customers are are guiding more than ever by prices. If you are unable to demonstrate that the offered economic value is really the value that customers capture, not leave them more option that look for other alternatives. If this is you end up competing on price and which will offer the best promotion, succeeded in obtaining more clients. Offering a low price you can sell their products, but long term would affect your company and I would be giving a false perception which is the real value of your products and services. However, if you can demonstrate how their products expressed a good and unique economic value, you can make your customers to see it to you as a key part of the strategy in these difficult times. In this case, its price is you would not so important compared with the economic value created and your products/services may lead the market.

On the basis of this article written by Geoffrey James, want to share with our community of followers, some tips for business sale (B2B) in which discusses how to sell a product focusing on the real value that can impersonate the client, rather than focusing on the price of the product. Because customers focus on the preciosCon order to defend your price, you need to know first why customers focus on price. Customers shop for troubleshooting, but they become obsessive with prices that are not aware of the true cost and scope that they have these problems. Generally in some form all companies emphasize much able to get products at the lowest price. Small businesses typically prefer to buy at the lowest price rather than put to assess the real cost.

Diana Fontanez

Diana Fontanez

My Manager said that when he ended the book, to start again and only read the marked things. This, according to her, I would help with retention. What I now do is record my voice while reviewing the book marked areas and at night I go to bed listening to them. Wow! How much hold back! I suggest something like. Use a marker, while you read Mark what stands out and calling you the attention. Preferably read a chapter, mark it and then review. If possible, write things that you dialed by hand.

But that isn’t the only thing you need to succeed in what you do, he concluded. If you want to achieve what you want in your life that. 3 Take action that Word is strong. A-C-C-I-O-N. Great things you will achieve when you take action from the things that you learn. Once I consulted a client and gave strategies to achieve the goal that had. He told me that everything I told him already knew it.

I asked him which of those things that told him he had applied in your business and gave me only excuses of why they not implemented them. Reading is excellent, loved reader. I know many things to read. But if I do not apply what I learn, I’m worth nothing, since a brain full of information and some loose hands do not get. For this reason, when you meet with an idea or something to read that your attention, write it on a piece of paper and apply it immediately. The habit of applying to take action is learned and you reward with more customers, more sales, more money and more freedom. There is no other.

Are You Afraid Of The Crisis ?

Are You Afraid Of The Crisis ?

As everything that is happening to us in our daily happenings in adversity always underlying a positive part, and although sometimes not detected by the naked eye, but it’s there. It is not the first time that a new crisis, perhaps many feel in fear of just hearing the word and know that is coming. We who live in Argentina, we know very well this issue, and although we hit very hard back in 2001, we moved forward. And today we are prepared to meet again to come. Someone said: “MAL AL TIMP BUENA CARA” While it is just a saying, and although it is difficult to put a good face when they are in play to our work, our money or the survival of our business, if we are true entrepreneurs, and we ready and on alert with our senses we can see opportunities where others see a terrible economic crisis. In times of CRIRIS, there are opportunities during a recession is approaching, bringing the belt, it seems that everything is against it, job offers that fall, also the demand for lack of liquidity, genuine difficulties in obtaining credit, and we could continue listing many more.

In short problems and more problems. But before such a bleak picture, there are opportunities, there are opportunities and you should look. But not all are evil news for us entrepreneurs the picture is not so dark. When there comes a change in the economic system and in the consumer market, are more likely to survive the business faster and better adapt to change. A BUSINESS ON THE INTERNET, an interesting alternative Unlike what many think, I personally think that this new era of crisis, is a very propitious moment to start new projects, to seek a change to try other options. And certainly the Internet is not just a good option, but is the future of business, simply because more and more people come to the site, improving the quality and speed of networks, the Internet is already established in normal life everyday work. It is therefore the ideal time and place to start.

If something we can not cope with adversity is to stay with his arms crossed, much less, lamenting. We need to “take action”. This is the ideal time for entrepreneurs with new ideas and above all with enthusiasm and tenacity. If there is a moment where one must decide to act, that moment is now, in times of crisis. Small businesses, and businesses based at home, are the most opportunities are in these times of crisis and recession. The big take too long to react and find outlets to adversity, and no doubt also cost them much money. Big business or big business quickly begin to cut the budget. Knowing that lack liquidity in the market. Cut expenses, personal adjustment (try to manage with as few as possible, reducing its workforce) shrinking advertising, marketing campaigns, lower graphics, etc, etc. In your home business need not meet any of the above needs. And as you see, you have substantial benefits with traditional business. Just make sure that more people visit your site. Do not fear the crisis, just take your precautions, adjust your perspective, sharpens your senses, focus on what’s new in the closest and immediately begin to see what the path you take from this new era that has just begin. The opportunities are here to take advantage. Find yours!!

OpenSource Office

OpenSource Office

Not only the press, but also knowledge database with the final technical acceptance could take the city of Cologne now fully their electronic press in operation. The innovative approach of this installation is the extension of the function press the components of knowledge database and archive. The Web-based, integrated fully into the intranet of the city of Cologne surface gives individual users different access rights and functions. This concept was implemented by the DatScan computer systems from Konigstein in cooperation with the Hamburg-based software company open source Office. The requirements provided by the city of Cologne within the framework of a call for tenders on its new press mirror Portal were very high.

The new, electronic press review should be not only a simple information tool. Rather it should be used as a modern archive and knowledge base to make important decisions for the user group consisting of decision makers quickly available. Within this NewsCenters should each user assigned to a role be, within which he documents can be read or actively create. Call for tenders in the autumn of 2008 the starting point: the Office for press and public relations created a daily press review in paper form only for the Mayor and the closest town tip. Thus, this important source of information was neither the Council nor the official leaders of the city administration. And, once distributed, the knowledge was no longer usable, available only in paper form already after a short time. Autumn 2008 finally launched the implementation of the project with a call for tenders in the way after long observation of the market. Turned on electronic press reviews the extensive catalogue and press archives specialist software houses DatScan and OpenSource Office and won the tender. The implementation of all articles and press clippings are available, fully integrated into the technical environment of the urban infrastructure now beneath a surface.

Internet Agency Thoxan Starts With Felt Own Online Shop

Internet Agency Thoxan Starts With Felt Own Online Shop

On felt found wages immediately numerous selected felt products, September, 2011. The team of the Internet Agency Thoxan GmbH from wages (East Westphalia) with the idea to run your own online shop plays for quite some time. The positive experience from numerous customer projects in the area of E-Commerce and online marketing ultimately led to put this idea into practice. At a trade fair Agency Director Thomas Kilian and his colleague Silke Wiegmann encountered then the right theme: modern felt products in trendy colours, ideal as a gift or even a joy to make. Since mid-September 2011 is the online shop at. Over 300 different products from five well-known, German manufacturers are available at the start of the Web shop. We would like to quickly expand the range, but to ensure the ability to deliver, we had to limit ourselves first a selection”, Thomas Kilian explains for the operation of the online shops, an additional company, the Thoxan E-Commerce GmbH, established. Since the products due to the many colour variants, the producers are not always in stock, but are manufactured on order, is to be expected with a delivery time of up to four weeks.

We build up gradually a large camp for the various felt products, to send the goods within a few days”, complements the marketing expert. He knows that speed and high availability in the online trading system are very important. At the same time, it comes to be found with the new supply well. Here the experiences benefit the team from their customer projects. Felt is a trend product, but most online stores in this area offer only self felted goods. We want high quality and covers for laptops, Tablet PCs, and mobile phones sell like felt bags, especially modern products. Moreover, but also place mats or fireplace wood baskets are made of felt”part of the range, says Sandra Sorhage, who mainly takes care of the orders will be. She has Felt products themselves have also been given away, such as birthday or a special occasion.

I picked out just a beautiful bag me, but I still think about what color I should take.” The selection is really very big too big with up to 43 colors to provide each product equal in all variants. In consultation with the manufacturers of the most popular colors were selected, to take a broad range in the program. Main supplier is the company HEY-SIGN, which has a very good reputation in the industry with their felt bags and high-quality placemats. But also dekoop, redmaloo, House of emotions and ebos offer a variety of products in the area felt, all of which are manufactured in Germany. A real quality product just that is not only ecologically valuable, but also easy to care for. More reasons for Kilian and his team to go with felt into online trading. Felt felt is an online shop for modern felt products. Operator is the E-Commerce Thoxan GmbH, a subsidiary of the Agency Thoxan GmbH from wages (East Westphalia). @Work, felt found about 300 products from five well-known and German manufacturers in the categories felt covers, felt bags, felt baskets, felt in the range @Home, felt felt shoes, @Table and Filzdeko. The felt gifts are all manufactured in Germany and characterized in addition to the high quality of the pure wool felt also very easy to maintain.

Red Mars

Red Mars

Of course Star, like almost everywhere in the sky is located behind this band. And from these stars is established constellations about 2500 years ago: twelve pieces. Our Sun is always in a These images, each a month. Was at the time a child is born, if the Sun in the constellation of Taurus, was the child of the Sun Sign Taurus. Constellation of the month Andromeda planet attention watching in September 2011, important for our star sponsors: the planets moving under the stars and are therefore not on our provided star charts. So it is worth for our customers to stop by more often here – we will keep you up to date. Here the position of the planets in the sky of September: small mercury is the hardest to watch, because he is the Sun’s closest of all the planets visible to the naked eye and always just before or after her up and goes down. In September 2011, a small opportunity to detect the small planet emerges: up 10.9 morning 5:00 before sunrise.

Our neighbour planet Venus is hiding behind the Sun is so unfortunately invisible in September. Red Mars is Mars in September 2011 in the constellations Gemini and cancer. Try it late at night from 2: 00. Mars reveals itself as that his light in contrast to the fixed stars radiates calm. A featureless orange reddish slices can be detected in the amateur telescope.

The giant Jupiter is his guest performance all night through in the constellation Aries. He is in October in opposition – i.e. best visibility conditions! The gas planet is considerably brighter than the stars and is also notable for its calm light. Telescopic Beoachtungen show sometimes on the Jupiter disc cloud bands, the great red spot. (A cyclone, which is observed for 300 years) Jupiter has the 11-fachen diameter of the Earth! The ringed Saturn, the remotest planet visible with the naked eye, no longer be observed in September 2011. His unique, composite in reality of hundreds of individual rings ring system is currently as a thin line to see.