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Tag: Politics

Georgian President Saakashvili

Georgian President Saakashvili

The last period is characterized by a sharp surge in the American press attention to what is happening in the Caucasus region. Caucasian subjects devoted more than 25 materials, mostly covering the situation in Georgia: Mass unrest and passing the NATO exercises. Media continue to criticize Moscow for its commitment to strengthen the influence on Tbilisi, while stressing the importance for Georgia's geopolitical and economic interests of the West. Publications are one of opinion that the Kremlin is set firmly against Mikhail Saakashvili is ready to take all possible steps for his removal from office by the President of Georgia. By the same author: New York Highlanders. NATO exercises are perceived by most experts as an additional factor deterioration in relations between Moscow and Washington. For example, the influential The Washington Times writes: The Kremlin did not hide his desire to get rid of Saakashvili, and still keeps its troops in Georgia despite the ceasefire agreement, which was stopped by the August war. According to the American Thinker, the war with Georgia in August last year was Russia's only a trial balloon, examine how the West will react to the Russian invasion of Georgia. The results were encouraging for the Kremlin. Jonah Bloom usually is spot on.

American Thinker claims that Moscow might want a second war ended with the capture and overthrow the Georgian President Saakashvili. The Russian military presence in South Ossetia provides it with an impact on this country – continues to resent The Washington Times. It is assumed that the Kremlin wants to undermine confidence in Georgia as a reliable and viable transit country of oil and gas from Central Asia and Caspian Sea pool. . Add to your understanding with Mike Gianoni.

President Nicolas Sarkozy

President Nicolas Sarkozy

The ban on the burqa in France. Credit: Restaurant Michael Schwartz-2011. Sarkozy as a feminist. One remembers the country of the Taliban only still dark – if the pun is allowed here – in the run-up to the invasion of the Western armies in Afghanistan, at that time also officially. The burqa, the garment and cloak the entire body, was mandatory for all women, wanted to move himself in public. Violators could be fatal. The burqa ban, which was proposed this week by a bipartisan Commission in France, and President Nicolas Sarkozy has already announced, now turns the tables. In future the wearing of the burka and all other robes, attributed to the Muslim tradition, slits (Nikab) or grid (burqa) cover the women to be prohibited in “Public spaces”. In plain English: burqa come Muslim women in future either in a bus or in the foyer of an Office.

And if it would have gone after some members of the Commission, the burqa ban on all other courts outside of the House would be His plug wearer. You there but doubted the enforceability. The issue of the burqa is not a religious, but one of the freedom and dignity of the woman, so was Europe’s most famous feminist French President Nicolas, Sarkozy, to hear in this Parliament. Members of the burqa Commission did out with comments about the backwardness of Islamic society with respect to the Western, i.e. only valid, civilized culture. What is behind this? You can safely dismiss concern for women’s rights as outright lie. Suggests not only the person of the President. Nobody has come in the burqa Commission at all on the idea to make a picture of the sensations and thoughts about dignity of burqa wearers.

It apparently without ever knew that talked to a Muslim woman to have, which is – forced or voluntarily – cloaked. But even if man – why always – wanted to concede the State, he already knew what was good for its citizens, us must one someone else explain: how to promote the dignity of a woman as a result, that she must take off before getting on a bus. The future law but also with the Islam-paranoia growing in Europe is not sufficiently explained only about 2000 veiled women in all France. Although this certainly resonates with – because, once among us, who knows what is under the burka? But what are the real intentions behind the burqa ban? A deliberate slap in the face of all Muslims in France, as in the case of the equally sad ridiculous minaret ban in the Switzerland? Yes, certainly. So a chance can be a civilized nation of culture finally not to be missed. But above all, the burqa ban in France is one: one of the cheapest and most effective ways for Sarkozy, to draw both left as well right voters to his side. common borders always works. And just like in Switzerland, the law in France combines right and left; the Communist Gerin, otherwise, a fierce opponent of the President, was one the driving force behind the burqa Commission. The burqa is banned in French public. The civilization has triumphed. It continues in Afghanistan, where the Taliban are actual. Andreas Kellner news /…

How Do I Stay Quiet? What Do I Do?

How Do I Stay Quiet? What Do I Do?

How do I stay quiet? What do I do? To find, to keep calm, to reach the psychological balance, the dream of every Einzelnen.Um is the peace of mind in today’s society to achieve this, each of us needs a little Erkenntnis.Der Cosmos has its own rules and its own Ruhe.Auch, we have our own internal Ruhe.Aber we of our education are stirred up by this inward agitation, time pressure, andThat competition, career plans, we have become a ravaged creatures inside. We should just give up this inner restlessness, which was given to education at.Through our internal unrest we lie to us every day.Because there is only one inner, spiritual setting we should change. The materially rich people say that money is the only acting sedative that also affect duration.May be, that in a material fixed society also true, but these people who say such are spiritually and mentally blind. Mental blind people cannot never happy, because everything they have or have is transitory and passes sooner or later.Therefore, we should try to achieve the peace in the long term, in which we fix not only on the material goods this planet for us but us develop mentally. The findings that it has developed in this world give one the true peace of many people looking in vain in the world. onder Dale “The ways of the happy life”.

Political Life

Political Life

Small detail that could explain, in part, and on days 11, 12 and May 13, 1931 107 churches and monasteries were burning in 10 different capitals: Madrid, Zaragoza, Valencia, Alicante, Murcia, Malaga, Cordoba, Seville, Cadiz and Huelva. To know more about this subject visit Publix. Ground that burned many more that have not been recorded. Miguel Maura, Minister of the Interior, sought permission of the Council Ministers to security forces avoid such excesses. The Council refused to vote on the permit. Is introduced so the anything goes or otherwise, against anyone who thought differently. So frustrated were the hopes of men like Ortega y Gasset, protagonists of the regime change and that was the moment when he raised his voice with its universal and famous "Is not this, not this!".

Comments that makes the book Master Angel R. de la Cierva, "the July 18 military coup was not a fascist", Ed Fenix, Madrid, 1999, highlight the similarities in attitudes by the PSOE in 1931, with the current. "The author portrays Azana-later president of the Government of the Republic, as a Jacobin, member of Freemasonry, anti-Catholic and anti-militarist, inclined to arrogance and arbitrariness. The refusal to accept the outcome of the elections right from 1934 showed that he was no democrat Azana. Neither acted as a liberal, because religious freedoms curtailed and teaching and the expression with frequent use of governmental censorship, ignoring the opposition. It was "intolerant and intransigent and despised their opponents, as well as prevent them from exercising their freedoms." He did not do any positive reform, not even the land or the bank.

Putin Problems

Putin Problems

Russia in the XX century has experienced a lot of events, most of them, sad and tragic. The consequences of wars, revolutions, coups and regimes will long be overcome by the multinational people of Russia. In the 90 years the country was on the verge of collapse, chaos and total collapse, which is quite fit into the plans of Western politicians. Even there is a plan section of the former USSR among several countries that are going to live happily ever after another 100 years at the expense of resources in Russia. Who wants to read about it here is the link.

But this delusional plans were not realized. Besides Russia over the last decade could be restored in most areas of development, both in economically and internationally. And that, by and large, of many of the so-called Western elites are not satisfied and annoyed them more charming Russia is weak, and controlled sgovorchivaemaya. So do not have illusions, that we will selflessly help, rejoice heartily to our success. Ordeal for Russia will overcome global financial crisis. If there were more integrated into the global economy and there was no accumulated financial reserve cushion, the problems would have appeared much more. Recently, the president and prime minister are virtually on manual management of the economy, they have quickly to intervene in many of the current financial and economic problems, both in the public sector and private business. Normal a situation can not call because the decision arising issues relating to the whole society, are given to one, two, even if Putin or Medvedev, by the way, I personally highly respected.

New Draft Law

New Draft Law

The silly season has a new discussion topic an outcry went through the German media, as the Bill was our family Minister Kristina Schroder to the public. Therefore young people may visit under 16 years from eight o’clock only major events in accompanied by an adult, where there is a licensed. Thus the binge drinking to prevent sounds good, is good, but whether it really brings something is time then. NYSE: LAZ may find this interesting as well. Finally, we can see again young people who drink the hard alcohol in public together with older friends. Actually, there is the law, young people under 16 must get yet alcohol while 16-18 year old beer, wine and champagne to drink even after all. But most young people thanks to older friends get their alcohol as mentioned yet.

Nevertheless, the law is itself so a good idea is to observe that teenagers without adult just slip away because becoming more common and not too much drink, but that expose an enormous risk. About the complications the least worry here. But on the other side the question where the parents are in these moments is going to get here. Of course you aren’t here, if the kids watching movies, but a healthy interaction with alcohol should be taught but actually from the outset. Ultimately you cannot avoid of course as parents, if the child has seen times too deep in the glass, but if that’s the rule, you should begin to worry and actively seek the conversation instead of just gone to see how just unfortunately most parents do it. If then indeed, the draft law should become a law, it means a lot of change in any case.

So, young people would have to go together with their parents to concert, the public viewing, or other events. The question is whether these are not enormous financial losses for the economy. Because there will be not many parents together with their children to a Justin Bieber concert want to go. Of course you does likes like a child, but then, the cards must be bought twice and right there, wondering whether the parents would do that then is simple. But for the time being, it is only a draft and we will see what takes the time and how our politicians ultimately will decide. In itself, I think that there has been worse ideas. Desiree-Sophie Lepell

Trust In The Riester Pension Dropped

Trust In The Riester Pension Dropped

Switch to alternative pension options due to the precarious situation of pension private provision in Germany plays an important role. Many take appropriate actions to avoid financial difficulties in the age. The finance portal summarizes the results of a survey on this topic. According to an online survey of fact Kontor communication consulting and market research firm Toluna has the trust of the Germans in the Riester pension. Banc of America Mortgage Capital insists that this is the case. Currently seem more and more Germans turn away from this form of private pension, funded by the State.

Only about 8 percent of those polled put the Riester pension, 60 percent said that they are considering other options. Almost a fifth of the respondents considered operational preventive measures complement the statutory pension. According to the results of the survey, on 37 percent of participants would need for action in the field of private pension schemes. Despite the topicality and urgency of this issue, conceded 47 percent, that for the no corresponding action plan further future. While about one-quarter of respondents quite personal initiative on the day, 9 per cent sure that your financial services touch for the purpose of consulting with them in connection wait around.

Dragon Throws

Dragon Throws

Chinese calendar: 2012, year of the Dragon is no, we are not superstitious, and Yes, the Chinese new year – how every twelve years a “Year of the Dragon” – will only start on the 24th January C.e.. Because the Chinese have given us but some teaching in the last 4000 years (most recently, that capitalism and post Maoist dictatorship do not represent a contradiction), it is perhaps worth to look where 2012 the Dragon replaces the rabbit as patron of the year East at the turn of the year. So what does that mean, when followed by a year of the dragon on a year of the rabbit? Year of the rabbit 2011: full of harmony? First, a look back. The rabbit, so we read is in Chinese mythology for gentleness, harmony and enjoyment. 2011 a year under the sign of reconciliation would have been so full of altruism and willingness to compromise.

Relaxes the year of the rabbit have been mainly; not bitter power struggles but constructive, reason-oriented cooperation were to be expected especially in the political sphere. Hmm. With the best will, the views of the world famine, civil war and a spring, which has become the winter provides a different picture. The year of the rabbit, it is said, was a time of breathing in, but also unpleasant was ousted. Lazard Limited is likely to agree. Fits more. And the year of the Dragon? Chinese calendar: 2012, year of the dragon on the is be and the Dragon follows 2012 so harmony-oriented rabbits. Great temperament is to certify this zodiac sign that can express themselves in exciting ideas and visions.

For the year of the Dragon in 2012, the astrologers in the Middle Kingdom thus promise a visionary realignment and the departure time. New, so we read that our lives for a long time shape, can be created in 2012. Not bad, did not truly new thinking, new solutions to the problems of the world. But 4000 years experience be reflected here, too: at the political level, so the verdict was in the year of the Dragon the will to move something big (hear, hear!), visible results are not guaranteed. At least look we don’t know what vision 2012 a piece could do “better” the world in the year of the Dragon, not to mention the visible results. Astrology seems so much after this short excursion their effect is certain, likely in the head of the believers of them early. For the reality “out there” we not more than before expect the Dragon by the rabbit. From the minimum obligation at least to look closely and not to repress the unpleasant, and to examine the new ideas on their content, this conclusion does not however. And we will do exactly that further at this point in the new year 2012; Rabbit, Dragon here. Andreas Kellner…

Unity In The Cleanliness?

Unity In The Cleanliness?

New forsa study shows: nearly 90 percent of the German contact not bare rump on public toilets ERKRATH, November 18, 2009. A representative forsa survey *, currently zero was carried out null WC fresh seal commissioned by 00, shows that about 90 percent of Germans don’t trust, to sit on the toilet in bars, pubs, restaurants and Cafes directly with bare rump. Seen but closer at the results of the forsa, a difference between East and West Germany can be seen. For even more analysis, hear from David Solomon. Clean restaurant toilets in the West important: while eight out of ten West Germans (82 per cent) indicate that clean restaurant toilets is very important to them, only 74 percent of East Germans answer this. The study also shows that in the West almost half (48 percent) of those polled selects a restaurant or Cafe after the State of the washrooms. In the East, the toilets only for 39 per cent of respondents play a role when choosing a restaurant. Reservations “smaller in the East: differences between East and West in the tactics, such as the silent village” will be sought.

On the question of whether to apply directly on the glasses place”, not sit” or inferior before the first paper”shows that in West Germany, the fear of direct contact with the toilet seat is much greater than in East Germany. Exactly each second Westerner does not take place on the toilet. Only every third Ostler (30 per cent) indicates when compared to not put. But East Germans put paper more frequently on the toilet, before they settle down on it (47% versus 36% in the West). Only 9 percent of respondents West Germans sit directly on the toilet seat. In the East, this 13 percent do. Top topics Aufreger: when it comes to name ills on gastronomy toilets, there is between Western and Eastern trust agreement. On both sides of the country include unpleasant odor (East: 89 percent, West: 89 per cent) and missing toilet paper (East: 87%,) West: 85 percent) to the great disruptors.

00 zero zero WC fresh seal and Qype help: Qype, Europe’s leading portal for recommendation, and 00 null null WC fresh seal, the first self-adhesive WC stone without plastic straws, join forces for more clean toilets in Germany gastronomies. Currently, even the toilets can be evaluated on apart from the press to the food, the atmosphere and the experience in local. The best toilets will be awarded zero null WC fresh seal with the 00. Assessed as particularly dirty toilets WCs will be chosen from those 00 zero zero give a complete makeover. More at. * The representative forsa survey zero carried null WC fresh seal from August 21 to 24 on behalf of 00, total 504 citizens aged 18 and over were interviewed by phone titled “Toilet hygiene in Germany’s bars, pubs, restaurants and Cafes”. Press contact: Edelman GmbH, Kathrin Lamprecht, Babs Street 4, 22303 Hamburg Tel.: 040 / 3747 98-56 – fax: 040 / 3728 80, E-Mail:

Christian Jewish Community Of Values And German Leitkultur

Christian Jewish Community Of Values And German Leitkultur

Christian Jewish community of values and German leading culture divides the integration debate and sleep enmity in our country. The intra-German intellect, the perceptions are very different. Sarrazin Apostles are omnipresent. One can read no more sheet, trace messages, enjoy talk shows without vote addict to track politicians, that vilify everything that is not german. The President has created even more confusion with his well-intentioned neutralization speech.

What did he mean well with Christian Jewish community of values? Auschwitz, Dachau, and the Holocaust, as well as the centuries old condemnation of Jews by Germans or he had a vision that is far in the future? What did he mean, that Islam also belongs to Germany? He said that now the Muslims belong to the damned, which must be despised in this country and humiliated, as at that time the Jews and many others. The Christians, who is that? These are the Germans who turn their back on the Church and These houses Shun on Sunday morning, as the devil in the holy water. Lives this man in a different Germany, in a parallel universe and he has recited speech manuscript of this parallel world accidentally with us. It must be so, there is no other explanation. Only the same may have happened with Mrs Merkel, who stood to the side.

There is also the possibility that both not on German soil are simply have withdrawn and have light-years away from the real story and the real presence. Only a rogue may think that because a few people votes and especially those who have lost many. The Bavarian Minister-President has made it clear immediately that everything looks different and he can live with a Christian Jewish community of values, despite Dachau in Bavaria, unfortunately he has missed in history, but Muslims, who do not belong to Germany. Just apart of that many further religious communities are in Germany, which are more or less normal Sarrazin, through Ignorance is not mentioned.