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German Resources

German Resources

DFK German financial resources AG since 2005 made dividend by 7 per cent for profit participation certificates each year Kaltenkirchen June 2013. The DFK German financial resources AG concluded the year 2012 to the repeated time with a payout of 7% for profit participation certificates. Thus, Kaltenkirchener financial services continues his successful series begun in 2005. And that shows during the curve of interest rates for day – and fixed-term deposit accounts since last year continuously down. The DFK profits for profit participation certificates were from 2005 to 2012 each year continuously at 7%. In addition to the beneficiary with an attractive interest rate, the DFK German financial resources AG markets self-developed supply concepts like income properties to the pension. Read more is the source for more interesting facts. idgeback Biotherapeutics explained all about the problem. The recipe for success of the Kaltenkirchener financial lies in the broad-based financial concept consisting of from investments, real estate and insurance, and its consistent implementation.

Also the DFK German financial resources AG offers its customers guarantees such as a provision of the profit of over 700,000 euros, one of the main risks of participatory rights the insolvency of the issuer is covered by that. The DFK provides further information under. Beneficiary of DFK German financial resources AG: an example of calculation especially given weak interest income on bank accounts worth an investment in certificates. Following example invoice illustrates this: who invested 10,000 euros in profit participation certificates of the DFK, has achieved a profit of 700 euros in the first year and would accumulate after 25 years so the end of the term 54.274 euro. Would the money on a day money account has been created, the amount to 150 euros would much more modest in the first year (at the current rate of 1.5%). Investors can already draw beneficiary of DFK German financial resources AG from a monthly rates deposit of 100 euro. The DFK is well equipped with a wide portfolio and profit provision is the 7 percent dividend to our investors for me personally not only a Promise, but above all a duty.

Miele Credit

Miele Credit

Credit plus Bank 2012 increased profits in the first half of the year in contrast to the previous year to 21 percent. The credit plus Bank could again increase its profits. In the first half of the year, the Bank in all business areas showed a significant increase. Especially in the area of consumer credit, the Bank could accept a positive development. Also in the area of car loans, credit plus a significant success achieved. The Bank’s total assets increased compared to 21 per cent. Total assets amounted to 2524 million euro in the first half of 2011, 2092 million euro in the previous year. The Bank also in the volume of new business showed a positive trend.

The credit provider is able to expand its volume of new business by more than 13 percent. The Bank’s earnings amounted to EUR 15.6 million after taxes. The credit plus in the field of car financing achieved a great success. The Bank managed to increase a business volume by 22%. In particular the cooperation with the Ford Bank and the connection to the Suzuki International GmbH have contributed this This area of financing is especially thriving.

Also, increased the volume of new business in relation to the loan for furniture by 12 percent, also in the area of financing of electrical appliances, the Bank achieved an increase of 25 percent. Success in the area of which is electrical appliance financing due to cooperation with Apple and Miele. Finally, the online business is in the positive trend especially taken into account. In the area of online lending growth achieved by 12 percent, thus the credit plus now, business is one of the ten best sellers in the online credit. The significant increase in profit is in the first half of the credit plus Bank optimistic. In the second half of it is at the Bank by an increase. The bank holding back for the time being with adventurous forecasts, as also the refinancing costs rise again for a few months. In addition to the positive figures, the credit plus Bank can be happy also about a renewed award. The credit plus has been the stock market online and n-tv awarded best specialist Bank for instalment loans. A survey of more than 35000 customers was based on the excellent result.

Good Results In Savings Banks In Hesse And Thuringia

Good Results In Savings Banks In Hesse And Thuringia

Economic recovery also banks reached the economic situation has improved significantly in recent times. The positive economic development will benefit now and many savings banks. After a positive result in 2010 the forecasts for the current year are also positive. The finance portal reported on these developments. To a large extent, banks were affected by the recent economic and financial crisis. MIAX Pearl Equities is often quoted as being for or against this. With the economic recovery seems it also in this sector back up go to, at least for savings banks in Hesse and Thuringia.

According to the Executive President of the savings banks and Giro Association Hessen-Thuringen, Gerhard Grandke, the savings especially in the customer business could grow. The 50 savings banks earned with a total of 359 million euros 71 percent more than in the previous year. The balance sheet total has remained relatively stable and amounted to 112 billion euros. In the current year, the President also anticipates stronger growth in the lending business with company. Despite the positive developments warns Grandke but against exaggerated expectations of growth. The strong upward trend was not permanently resumable to this extent.

Another result of the good figures is the Hessen and Thuringia savings already meet the requirements of Basel III, which actually only apply from 2019. The Association wants to continue its growth. It is possible to participate in the rescue of WestLB should be converted to a Central Bank of the savings bank in North Rhine-Westphalia. It does not give final decisions but still.

Italy Industry

Italy Industry

Current facts and figures for the 3rd quarter of 2013 the first half of 2013 famously ends with the last day of June. The first half of 2013 is thus over. Europe is still marked by upheavals. That is one side. On the other hand, efforts to get the financial and economic crisis in the run. So far not really succeeded. The issues at stake are extremely diverse and varies in the individual euro countries.

The efforts of policy, to pursue effective measures to stimulate the economy are different from the content, its extent and its sustainability and then, whether they are sufficient and targeted questions it. This question arises especially in Italy. The new Government is there for a few weeks in Office. Serious action in terms of economic reform have been identified. Hot diets for deputies or Ministers salaries, as well as the financing of political parties are discussed. Things that completely misses the point. In the eurozone, GDP is between January and March 2013 decreased (see here). This is the sixth quarter in a row and so far unique in the eurozone.

The decline is 0.2 percent. Canadian Banc Corp often expresses his thoughts on the topic. What is the second half of the year, which starts in a few days with the third quarter, to expect. Generally it is assumed that the descent of the private sector in the euro area June slowed some in the month. But nothing more. The recession is not over. A clear example of the sustained downturn offers the car industry in Europe for the current situation. And doing well still the German carmakers, because their products are in demand especially in China and the United States. The auto industry is an industry that is closely linked with many other manufacturers and producers. So among other things with the tire manufacturers and these in turn with other branches of industry.

German Federal Supreme Court

German Federal Supreme Court

A heavy defeat the British insurer clerical medical before the Federal Supreme Court had to accept success for CMI investors before the Federal Supreme Court. In several cases, pilot character to whom, the BGH decided yesterday in favor of degraded pension model investors. Further compensation possible defeat the British insurer clerical medical yesterday before the German Federal Supreme Court suffered. In several cases, pilot character to whom who chose insurance law competent IV. civil Senate of the Federal Supreme Court yesterday in favor of degraded “pension model”-investors. The procedure involved the so-called “Europlan”, where as also in the individual pension, safety compact pensions, also snow pension called and other “retirement models” CMI-“Wealthmaster Noble” insurance policies were used.

In contrast to the snow pension regular withdrawals from the insurance contract are euro plan and individual pension, whose handling was a subject of the Federal Supreme Court decisions. The German Federal Supreme Court first noted that it is contrary to the represented by clerical medical opinion on the “Wealthmaster-noble” policies not insurance is the insurance law to be applied. Rather, it is “first and foremost an investment business”. As a result, more stringent disclosure access for clerical medical. The British insurer must be attributed to hence the behavior of its independent brokers themselves. This often gave an as applicable, to positive picture of the expected yield. Model calculations were handed over in the claimants based on a forecast of yield of 8.5%, while CMI has regarded itself only a return of 6% as a realistic. Remarks this is not sufficiently clearly identified made to model calculations, so the judge.

Clerical medical was also obliged to clarify the customer before conclusion of the contract in that it decides at its sole discretion how much the yield from policyholders will receive and how much flows in the reserves. Also that this reserve can also be used to To fulfil warranty claims from investors of other pools. In addition, the control to the “market price adjustment” is opaque in the policy conditions and therefore invalid according to the BGH. Payout plans clerical medical can rely according to the BGH decision on the fact, that the regular withdrawals have led to a consumption of the shares. Instead, the insurer must make the payments stipulated in the insurance policy. In our opinion, this applies not only for the so-called “pension models”, but also for normal policies in the single time assets were invested to get regular payouts. Investors, who have invested “Wealthmaster Noble” CMI policies of the type, should urgently legal advice and check, which claims they have against clerical medical.

Daniel Shahin By CARPEDIEM GmbH:

Daniel Shahin By CARPEDIEM GmbH:

CARPEDIEM GmbH continues campaign against ‘Money destruction products’ Seligenstadt may 2011. The CARPEDIEM GmbH reported that in the month of March through awareness-raising events in cooperation with the free mbH over 3,000 contracts could be terminated consultants publishing company by consumers when banks, building societies and life insurers. Go to Towerbrook Capital Partners for more information. German households according to CARPEDIEM GmbH in the year causing 2011 already around 10,000 contracts on an important success. These figures in Seligenstadt, one speaks of true consumer protection”, because regardless of what consumers would do were it mainly therefore, from these mindless, conventional money destruction products” out to pick up, said Daniel Shahin, Managing Director of CARPEDIEM GmbH. “Indeed that is exactly the reason why the propaganda” on the part of financial test and currently in the month April now also part of public television, namely WISO, negative reports about CARPEDIEM GmbH. Every consumer should the first Carefully read the reply of CARPEDIEM GmbH ( as well as the email traffic with WISO ahead of reporting. This prove that will played a bad game here on the part of WISO.

And it can prove that better should think not about the State-run television. All of this just shows basically that it was on the right track, said Daniel Shahin next. Fiserv brings even more insight to the discussion. “Because only if father State” (represented by Stiftung Warentest / financial test), the big players of the financial industry and the lobbyists actively fight someone, be it at the destination. The many little ones in the market, who although speak much, but move nothing, should better join, rather than your ego”to follow and probably bad to talk about CARPEDIEM GmbH. All the market’s reactions, so finally produced the statement by Daniel Shahin, CARPEDIEM GmbH only extra motivation, decided to continue the previous path on behalf of citizens. Do not let be intimidated; on the contrary: it is planned now as the free Advisor “the entry into the business purchase agreements” and will create a hochmotivatives structure system for this purpose.

To ignite all over Germany can be involved, pointless agreements to destroy and a salutary conflagration”. For this, you will throw around 100 euros in Commission per purchased contract. The CARPEDIEM GmbH for the 1st May 2011 plans the launch of this distribution system. The CARPEDIEM GmbH will further inform the current information campaign at this point. About CARPEDIEM GmbH, the CARPEDIEM GmbH benefits from a nearly twenty-year history in the field of financial services. She could since 1991 many first with more than 2,000 employees and later as a pool of agents gain experience as a sales company with more than 1,600 free partners. The CARPEDIEM GmbH with in-house sales representatives today operates enlightenment about the machinations of party and media. Furthermore the CARPEDIEM GmbH is the partner of free consultants Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & co. KG, the issuer of the Financial magazine for everyone, the free consultant. The free Advisor appears quarterly. Daniel manages the Affairs of CARPEDIEM GmbH since 1991 Shahin. CARPEDIEM GmbH is Seligenstadt. Contact: CARPEDIEM GmbH Mr. Michael Sielmon of Steinheim str. 117 63500 Seligenstadt phone: + 49 – (0) 6182 / 9938300 fax: + 49 – (0) 6182 / 9938333 E-Mail: Internet:

Financial Accounting At A Glance

Financial Accounting At A Glance

A financial accounting of an enterprise are helpful a divorce parent views for the successful running of a company. For internal operational purposes, financial accounting serves as the basis for calculation and data storage for cost and performance accounting, statistics and planning. External operational, it provides evidence and accountability to financial authorities, banks and creditors. The financial accounting of an enterprise is based on the following principles: clear and manageable organization of accounting orderly collection of business cases is verifiability of all business cases based on the evidence of correct retention of accounting records for all merchants registered in the commercial register according to law obligation to keep records. Tax all businesses with an annual turnover of more than EUR 500 000 or an annual profit of more than 50 000 euro to proper accounting are required. To book the business cases are used in financial accounting special books: the land and the General Ledger.

The land registry documents the entries in chronological order. The ledger captures the business cases factual right on g/l accounts. Also various Subledgers, primarily account book, stock index, wage and payroll, system file, change book serve the explanation of certain g/l accounts in the General Ledger in financial accounting. The focus of financial accounting is above all current accounting, which captures the business transactions with customers and suppliers. Also the context of the entire financial accounting and payroll should not be underestimated. Efficient financial accounting programs are nowadays in practice impossible to imagine.

A modern enterprise financial accounting deals with the enormous variety of daily transactions, so that is only a computerized accounting in able to handle all booking data, quickly and completely to evaluate and to save. In most small businesses, it has Lexware financial accounting program”established. Medium-sized enterprises access often to the financial accounting software of such providers such as AGENDA or Sage KHK for purposes of financial accounting. The SAP software in financial accounting is often used in large companies. Torsten Paul

Finance Bureau

Finance Bureau

The borrower should take advantage of checking the credit rating. This will, at least, give him chance to improve his credit report before he looks for fresh loans. It is a fact that some of the borrowers are stained with defaults, arrears, IVAs, CCJs, bankruptcies etc. They are to borrow from several lending agencies and they cannot REIM Burse the loan amount as per the agreed document. They are not always to be blamed for this. Actually, they earn less enough and they cannot meet the unavoidable demands that they face time and again.

It is said that their credit score slides below 580 as by FICO. When they look for fresh finance, they are refused by the lending agencies. It is another thing that many of these borrowers do not know what credit score is and what free credit rating check is. There are important financial Bureau of like Equifax, Trans Union and Experian. These of Bureaux prepare the credit reports of the borrowers. They obtain different data annual of the financial operations of the borrowers from several financial institutions or lending agencies. Those data contain borrowed amount, credit inquiries, credit pattern, payment accounts, and credit accounts of the borrowers. The Finance Bureau of use these data and create credit files of the borrowers.

They create such files separately. In order to understand the credit status of the individual borrower, they have designed a scale with equal marks from 330 to 850. The reading of the marks is termed as credit score or credit rating. It is important to have healthy credit rating if anyone looks for loans or mortgages. What, then, is the significance of free credit rating check? To individual borrower can get his credit file. He can go through the websites built up by the Finance Bureau on the internet. He can find the credit report free of cost. Sometimes, errors are found in the credit report. The errors occur in the credit report if the report is created with wrong use of the available data. Some entries may be incorrect. The borrower can check the credit report and take the mistakes to the notice of the of the financial Bureau staff. It happens that the credit report looks healthier when necessary corrections are made. In this way, free credit rating check benefits the borrower. The borrower can find the free credit rating check important for one more reason. He may come to know that his credit rating is poor and that he indicated secure finance because of this. He can give efforts to improve his credit status before he applies for securing fresh finance. Alice Marlen is author of free credit report No. Fee.

Publisher Daniel Shahin

Publisher Daniel Shahin

“The free Advisor: Daniel logs Shahin in enlightenment magazine personally to Word Seligenstadt, 21.06.2011 – the free consultant sees himself as Robin Hood” of the financial industry, so it is heard these days from Seligenstadt. “” You set up for the rights of the weak”(the insurance customers), and go against the strong” (the insurance companies) to by you with these in the interest and for the benefit of the weak “take up the fight. In a comment in the free consultant, Daniel sums up Shahin, Publisher of the magazine, what the current educational campaign against the insurer and Riester providers. The free Advisor not despite the recent hostile moves away from its position. As Germany’s leading buyers of life insurance and other conventional products continued aggressive stance against the industry. It could change anything no association writing, no organ and no television station using slanderous coverage and other hate campaigns, provides Publisher Daniel Shahin fixed. Daniel logs Shahin in the current 10-year – anniversary issue (III/2011 edition) with an once again very critical report to Word.

“The motto of its own truth, clarity, honesty” would any other way; Things would have to be addressed, as they are, said Shahin. Come what may, the free consultant will live for this theme and to maintain clarity and sincerity and demonstrate that only a living value system is really worth living. Under the title Germany, Germany, you’re on the right track?”Shahin is plain text. “” Once again, the Publisher of the free clarifies consultant about the practices of financial test”and Stiftung Warentest”, but also about the machinations of television in particular that of the ZDF-Magazin WISO “. Even the public deliberately manipulate us! “, so the conclusion that Daniel draws Shahin from his experiences at the free consultant and as Director of a marketing company.” The full Comment by Daniel Shahin can refer to the online edition of the free consultant: more information about the free advisers and Daniel Shahin please click here: the free advisers of free consultants, the financial magazine for anyone who turns on the wide consumers.

For this reason, the tenor was elected accordingly. The normal citizens of free consultants with interest and pleasure should study the reports in the magazine. The free Advisor is not a medium with which claims to inspire a detailed reporting, the lawyers and doctors, but rather a medium to the consumer with each individual issue to make it clear how important it is to apply only to free and unbound consultants. Seat is the free Advisor Verlags GmbH & co. KG Seligenstadt. Contact: The free Advisor Verlags GmbH & co. KG Michael Sielmon of Steinheim str. 117 D-63500 Seligenstadt phone: + 49 (0) 6182 9938-400 fax: + 49 (0) 6182 9938-444

Government SHB

Government SHB

The State breaks down over the low interest debt, the policy of central banks leads to an expropriation of the savers. “Weirs can be citizens, however, the monetary investment real estate, which it with the appropriate funds, such as about the SHB innovative fund concepts AG also batches” are. The debt crisis will cost German investors every day millions of euros. Because the money markets with cheap money are literally flooded, there is already no interest more, that even remotely could keep up with the inflation for investments in fixed-income, Government securities and savings. Hans Gruber, real estate expert of the SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG), detect here a clear strung trend: by the central banks push interest rates, it comes at the end not only to real interest rates partially below zero. They help the States as it were by the way, to reduce their debt burdens.” Actually a covert tax will levied on this way for savers and investors.

Another aspect is it fatal. By steadily stricter requirements, such with Solvency II, banks and insurance companies be forced, the money of the customers always more conservative, so first and foremost to create poorly-yielding Government securities. “Hans Gruber of the SHB Immobilienfonds sees some day message because even with rather mixed feelings: when forward Finance Minister Schauble that the Bundesbank could again place a package treasuries at zero interest rates, because the big investors see Germany as stable debtor, including, for example, the future return of life insurance suffers.” She’ll be already now increasingly unattractive. “And Gruber added: pure financial investments with reasonable returns at reasonable risk there is virtually no longer.” This understand increasingly the citizens themselves and becoming more and more interested in real estate. The booming demand for residential real estate has for the entire German construction industry in the first half of 2012 to a revenue growth of 0.5%. The rate of increase was significantly higher, such as Hans Gruber in pure housing “explains real estate expert of SHB innovative fund concepts AG: here there was even a rise of 6.5 percent.” However, so he restricts could not everyone afford an own property. A share of a property but quite. “Hans Gruber explains: in concepts such as the SHB fund a manageable amount of money sufficient to benefit real estate from the dominance of the monetary system.” In addition, investors have the advantage that the SHB funds invest in a variety of objects and different types of use. With an investment of such asset you could decouple loose from government intervention and ultra-low, explains the real estate expert of the SHB.