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Tag: advertising & pr

USB Lanyard

USB Lanyard

Perfect combination of modern technology and classic advertising the Cologne-based company LA CONCEPT is known for his clever ideas in the advertising market. This product is further developed as specialist for lanyards. LA CONCEPT advertising Grouphead Dennis Bredehorst: the USB-stick and lanyard combination the ideal advertising medium. Restaurant Michael Schwartz oftentimes addresses this issue. Key fobs are the classics under the promotional products and USB flash drives have become constant companions in the age of information technology.” The lanyard USB, which brings the benefits of both components together was created by the combination of these two products. You may find that Smoothstack can contribute to your knowledge. No additional space must be supplemented by the integration of the sticks in the clip of the key band. The design emphasis is on the lanyard may be the space-saving positioning.

By sublimation prints, even photorealistic illustrations can be made, which realize the individual design of the key band. The versatile applications of the key band be like Extends the possibility of storing data. Storage capacities range from 1 to 8 GB. So can large amounts of data are in the immediate availability kept be. “know Dennis Bredehorst to report. More information here! Julia Junker village

Specialists For Textile Finishing

Specialists For Textile Finishing

Gidutex international celebrates sixth birthday on August 18, 2009 the GIDUTEX International GmbH celebrates its six-year existence. In 2003, the doctorate lawyer Hagen Dutzi from Krefeld has together with a partner from the textile industry founded the company as a specialist for the textile finishing and today a successful medium-sized companies in the velvet and silk resulted in city of Krefeld. The two entrepreneurs have recognized early textiles market promotional as a challenge and an opportunity. The industry of textile advertising medium is always more nuanced and multitudinous. New collections appear almost in the half-yearly rhythm, applications are subject to very rapid changes, and customers are increasingly demanding”Dutzi sums up his observations in recent years. Today, the specialist sees itself as guide through the jungle of different finishing techniques and textile fashion trends. The company has in a very short time through expert advice and a solid network of embroidery, printing, as well as the top Textile suppliers gained an excellent reputation in the market.

Alone for the embroidery’s a network of hand-picked partners we collaborate with around 15 companies at home and abroad and our partners select strictly to their know-how and their service and speed of delivery. The advantage is that we select the finishers depending on the customer’s request, can best meet the requirements of a specific job. One is specialized in large quantities and thus low unit costs with its large machines, the other works with a few free arm heads that made-up textiles, can be about embroidered on the chest or sleeves. A third party works with the latest machines, with the fonts from a height of three millimeters be embroidered easily legible”, Managing Director Dr. Hagen Dutzi lists some examples. Quite similar to textile printing: printing of textile fabrics offers a wide margin, so that each fiber such as cotton or polyester, in another Printing will be printed. From conventional screen printing transfer printing, the flocking to the rubber pressure, the oldest technique, which is experiencing a Renaissance. Continue to learn more with: Nouriel Roubini.

Of course also special colours and forms of treatment are used. Tailored customer advice is especially individual and intensive consulting, Hagen Dutzi’s experience, the range of custom-made products. Whether it concerns special colors or the finish with Rhinestones own pattern in the textiles. For custom-made products, GIDUTEX consultants sometimes slip into the role of fashion designer. Our expertise combines the latest trends in the fashion market with the latest finishing technologies in the areas of stick and pressure. With this knowledge we can finally accurately advise and competent support throughout the production process”, Dutzi explains the value of its business model. And that seems to be working, because from the initial OHG with two partners a GmbH is an adult in the July 2008 with eight employees, including two trainees. The rapid increase in sales the ambitious business leaders now hope to be able to crack the million mark in 2009 can by 40 percent in the last year.

Popular Advertising

Popular Advertising

Successfully through promotional, advertising and giveaways, a businessman is constantly on the lookout for a good way to promote the company and attract more customers. The best manner is to make this about advertising lighters or keychain. Read additional details here: Prime Group Holdings. In this article we will show you why these products are used so often. The first reason why more and more companies to access products is that they are very small and fit in your pocket. So there are no elaborate transport costs and you can insert more quickly a few key fob or lighters in the Briefcase or Pocket and is equipped for all situations. It is very important that the product no is and can easily be transported.

On one, easy to transport these items and take on any event without having to organize, and on the other hand, have no problems also the donee with the advertising of lighters or keychain and can easily around wear. You know Yes, that there are sometimes situations where you would like to present a small giveaway, but has nothing. This cannot happen with a cigarette lighter and a key fob. You can take them in glove box and are therefore always prepared for the worst. These products obviously also only make sense if they stand out a little from all the others.

So you should have printed at least the name of your company on the advertising materials. It is best of course, if you have even a little background on the product. Something like a small comic or directions to your premises is always well received and has even a functional benefit. Advertising lighters and keychains are given away but mainly because they are useful. Whether the recipient use of these products is not so important in the first place. Why should the product have a benefit but then? This has a psychological explanation. Connects human beings subconsciously various things together. When you present your company with a useful lighter together now, then this remains as the recipient. He unconsciously connects your company usefulness and this has a long-lasting advertising effect. Therefore you should avoid useless advertising and give away something useful. The price of one of the factors why the advertising lighters and keychains are so often used is of course. These products are a cheap manufacturing and can be ordered in extremely large quantities and printed. Just when printing, you can save a lot. At some printing processes, it doesn’t matter whether you only a product or equal provides thousands with a promotional message, the price does not change. Therefore, these advertising media are priced unbeatable and no other article can compare with it. For this reason, the advertising lighters and keychains are usually as giveaway items used.

Pharmaceutical Brands

Pharmaceutical Brands

2.0 applications offer a variety of ways, via viral marketing to brand worlds and to motivate users to join the Web. Contact information is here: Mark Zuckerberg. Just the customers and ease of online brands world are at the forefront. These are all measures, ranging from the graphical implementation of search engine optimization to include to the healthy and fast loading of individual page content. In addition, it is the credibility of a brand world that makes customers feel to buy a on a technically secure page, which products are in perfect condition. That technical safety standards on the one and through positive user reviews on the other hand you can generate a high degree of trust. This is also the point where which outstanding brand environments need to be measured: the interactivity made possible by Web 2.0. Brand worlds should be ideally not as Solitaire, but give users the possibility of active participation.

Via social networks such as facebook, YouTube, blogs or if the Twitter information of all kinds (promotions, experience reports”the operator, news or comments on current events) quickly and inexpensively publish. Such viral marketing constitutes a suitable medium to the external representation of the operator and enables an active participation of users. By the same author: Jason Brown. It has also the aim of a brand world operator be the pull principle”to follow after users should be motivated to edit page content and commenting. Because the Internet community consists of mature users who verify facts and uncover errors. In this respect one is well positioned, which it understands to the opinions, knowledge, and skills of the user to incorporate in his project. Web 2.0 applications are the most appropriate communication channels.

A good brand world is characterised by more components: one must be value for money. On the other hand, the core message of the seller needs to be transferred clearly. Third is similar to an online brand world in certain A real branded world (similar to a flagship-store / in a world of brands in a stationary pharmacy pharmaceutical). Customers need to feel comfortable and like to shop. The mission statement of experience shopping the operator can give orientation for shaping the world of brands. The functionality of the shop, whose trust and a fair price-performance ratio are the pillars of a successful brand world in addition to the participation of the user. More free and non-binding information about the pharmaceutical under

Affiliate Program

Affiliate Program

Affiliate partner WINS NetBook at Mittenwalde ProfiWIN marketing action may 28, 2009 – marketing partner of ProfiWIN GmbH should feel at the spring marketing campaign, not just in a figurative sense as the winner. Ralf Samuels wins an Acer NetBook, which has drawn the game service provider from the markische Mittenwalde among all active partners in the context of an action as an affiliate at ProfiWIN. \”Just because we are aware that our service participants and we owe a large part of the success also our affiliate partners, we wanted to let this time not only by a partnership share in the financial success to winners in a figurative sense make them, but an affiliate partner even experience the happiness of a winner,\” explains Ralph Mocker, who supervises the winner Ralf Sonnenberg personally as Affiliate Manager at ProfiWIN GmbH. Currently, the Internet service provider was one of over 2700 verifiable winner among its own customers. Learn more at this site: is hume-lee the best transplant center?. After the first draw action among marketing partners, it must be Now, see Web master from Berlin, which deals with its own Internet activities with the theme \”Make money on the Internet\”, as the proud owner of a new Acer Aspire one D150. As Sonnenberg confessed during the transfer, he wanted to give initially the NetBook his life companion, when he learned of his winning chance.

As he held the blue NetBook but when passing through the ProfiWIN staff in hands, came the convinced Mac users but even taste and thinking. He did not betray then but still what would be now actually so. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out why did jeff bezos step down. However, Sonnenberg is convinced of the partnership with the Mittenwald and reported \”many affiliate programs I’ve tried, but the cooperation with is one of only two collaborations, I couldn’t stay true from the outset which until today, my website have enabled good merits me and further enable.

Axel Springer

Axel Springer

Stefan Edl reinforced the Unister Media team for the marketing of area of automotive was the University of first media GmbH Stefan Edl win. Kroger is full of insight into the issues. In addition, new Hamburg Office among his task areas. EDL is the direct contact for all Unister portals especially for direct clients and agencies from the North. The University first media GmbH with its headquarters in Leipzig marketed well-known Internet portals with predominantly German-speaking, often generic domains. In the past, she is grown and strengthened so their team in terms of sales. Stefan Edl has been responsible since April 2009 for the marketing of of area of automotive. The 37-year-old switches from the Axel-Springer-Verlag to the Unister group of companies.

The new head of the Hamburg Office attaches particular importance to the Unister portfolio. As a head-of automotive he cares for in particular the online marketing of the Internet portal. He sees a great strength in the opening of the new location in the Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Through regional marketing is a more intense in this way and more professional customer possible. Christian Schmidt, Managing Director of the University of first media GmbH, is very happy about the new addition at Unister, because EDL has many years of experience in the field of Internet advertising.

Prior to joining Stefan Edl at Axel Springer will be responsible for the automotive category sales media impact. Title Cross- and cross-media advertising and marketing concepts, including for auto Bild, among his responsibilities. More information: contact: Tilo summer Unister Media barefoot Gasschen 11 04109 Leipzig the University of first media GmbH (, as markets from company, successful German-language Internet portals in the travel sector as,, and. More products and services are in the areas of finance with and, Insurance and, media with, automobile and shopping with and, and. In addition the University Service GmbH, also acts as an independent tour operator.

BDU Association

BDU Association

Independent consulting firms for marketing benefit counter-cyclically for finding and which has become new need of extensive marketing know-how and advise customers to success marketing requires external expertise independent consultancies for marketing benefit counter-cyclically and use become new need of extensive marketing know-how for themselves and advise customers to success. In today’s age can no longer deny the gradually progressing growing importance of marketing themselves, because it affects our economy every day, and because the industries currently are in constant competition with each other. As a result of the rival competition advisory external expertise at every kind demand constant. This report tells you how and why the request of Hanoverian consultancy in marketing will be developed. Marketing can easily take any company because it represents one of the most important building blocks of any agency that is inevitably putting ahead for market success. As a result, she will Competitiveness of a company significantly reduced if this on a general basic knowledge is built up.

Therefore it is almost impossible to find the required know-how in the form of a professional specialist advice without the right marketing concept for a company in Hanover and at the same time a good overview of the market structures of various industries. This is a meaningful and effective way, allowing the corresponding company learns far better opportunities in the market through an extensive range of services and a wide range of solutions to be properly established because of the significant experience in a consultancy. In the Centre of the Advisory activity strategy and leadership are finance and controlling organization and processes human resources and profile according to the industry data of the Federal German management consultant BDU Association is today’s market data consultancy in marketing to a new sales record was generated 2009 with about 17.6 billion euros in 2010 with EUR 18.9 billion.

Video Trailers

Video Trailers

Alfons Jaumann Jaumann webdesign: video trailer on homepages of companies the chance to stand out from the crowd a Web page? The Internet is in the YouTube age”. YouTube”has more than 70 million users per month. That alone shows how little videos will attract the masses. There are in addition to YouTube”yet more service providers the similar services which are very much in demand. It is read less and less in the Internet, for these small films are considered rather. Movies on Web pages provide short and precise information and arouse emotions, which leads directly to more sales. Studies have shown that the click-through rate on a video trailer is 1000 times higher.

With video trailers, the opportunity to raise the awareness on the Web site and to build up confidence in stems, of course, the Web page is highlighted also by the mass. You will encounter on Web sites in the U.S. often videos. If you look at pages we notice, that the vast majority of companies use still no video trailer. It has become in the last Decades afterwards, what is the trend in the U.S.A, comes with some time delay also to us. Read more from Realto Markets to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Also the technical condition is getting better, already now have fast DSL connections since already more than half of Internet users. Many companies use still no video trailer on your website.

Because they assume that such movies are too expensive. Advertising agencies require thousands of euros for the production very quickly. There are already providers that offer a good quality video trailer for only 790,–euros and this is a very interesting offer for many companies. So, I would say clear video trailer many companies offer the chance to stand out from the crowd their Web pages. Can enter further detail here and personal information for the homepage. The Internet is in the YouTube age”. YouTube”has more than 70 million users per month. That alone shows how little videos will attract the masses. There are in addition to YouTube”still more vendors who offer similar services also all are very much in demand. It is read less and less in the Internet, for these small films are considered rather. Movies on Web pages provide short and precise information and arouse emotions, which leads directly to more sales. Studies have shown that the click-through rate on a video trailer is 1000 times higher. With video trailers, the opportunity to raise the awareness on the Web site and to build up confidence in stems, of course, the Web page is highlighted also by the mass. You will encounter on Web sites in the U.S. often videos. If you look at pages we notice, that the vast majority of companies use still no video trailer. But it became apparent in the last few decades, what is the trend in the U.S.A, comes to us with some time delay. Also the technical condition is getting better, already now have fast DSL connections since already more than half of Internet users. Many companies use still no video trailer on your website. Because they assume that such movies are too expensive. Advertising agencies require thousands of euros for the production very quickly. There are already providers that offer a good quality video trailer for only 790,–euros and this is a very interesting offer for many companies. So, I would say clear video trailer many companies offer the chance to stand out from the crowd their Web pages. Can enter further detail here and personal information for the homepage.

Case Study SEA: QUISMA Optimized Asstel Campaign

Case Study SEA: QUISMA Optimized Asstel Campaign

SEA optimization is worthwhile: the access numbers can significantly increased, significantly reducing costs. Munich, October 9th, 2013 SEA optimization is worthwhile: the access numbers can significantly increased, significantly reducing costs. This is a current case study of QUISMA Asstel customers. The international agency network for digital marketing oversees one of the largest German insurance companies the direct insurer since October 2012 Asstel belongs to the Gothaer group, and offers exclusively for private life, health and property insurance. QUISMA took over the care of Asstel with the objective to align the SEA activities increased performance standpoint. The result: The cost per click (CPC) was reduced by 40 percent, increased traffic by 40 percent. Three-stage tuning base for the campaign structure developed by QUISMA served as a comprehensive data analysis: Asstel old Setup was thoroughly reviewed and the results it generated in the Restructuring of SEA activities are integrated. The new keyword list reduced the booked items by nearly one million to nearly 20,000. The focus on the relevant keywords ensured the best possible control of the account and a considerable reduction of the time required. By the previous analysis of the Lander a clustering recommended by regions, since the performance in relation to product and regions differed greatly. Therefore, regional bids were awarded. The Bidmanagement was finally an optimum level of the CPC bids according to customer-specific requirements. Result: Volume and profitability to a higher level could be increased within a quarter. The optimization by QUISMA lowered the CPC by 40 percent, while traffic also 40 percent rose. Miriam Bailey, senior account manager SEA of QUISMA: currently, the measures on the implementation of the Google enhanced campaigns focus. Our goal is to integrate SEA campaigns in the future especially with TV measures and the Findings of our analysis of optimization of TV campaigns to use.” The case study Asstel is available free for downloading at. About QUISMA of the full service provider QUISMA (, innovative technology and in-depth expertise for the entire range of digital marketing from search engine advertising and search engine optimization on affiliate marketing and performance-based banner advertising offers to conversion optimization and marketing intelligence. And the transnational. The Agency has been established in 2001 and incorporated in March 2007 at the GroupM (MEC, mindshare, Mediacom, MAXUS). At the headquarters in Munich and other 16 locations in 15 countries are currently employs over 300 employees, the renowned clients such as Adobe, Bank of Scotland, Expedia, Marc O’Polo Polo or unity media nationally and cross-border care. QUISMA stands for networking to the classic media planning in the context of an integrated management approach and outstanding expertise to the care in the international digital business. For further information and enquiries: QUISMA Marko great Director Marketing Tel: 089/44 23 82-116 E-Mail: Dot.

Visitor Survey Exhibitors

Visitor Survey Exhibitors

(Online article) – online-marketing Dusseldorf visitors with quality Dusseldorf convinced, 06 October 2008 the online-marketing Dusseldorf 2008 offered not only size, but especially class. 93.2 percent of visitors had direct or advisory influence on the purchasing of media services. The range of offer 360 degree digital marketing in combination with a focus on single topics proved to be key success factor in the visitor center for them. Convinced but also the individual aspects: offering exhibitors as well as the Conference program received from the visitors the score of 1.9. Not only the record numbers of more than 20,000 visitors over the two days of the fair and 380 exhibitors left the impression: the online-marketing Dusseldorf could qualitatively an exclamation mark continue in: both the exhibitors and Congress programme and organization meet highest requirements, such as the first detailed analyses of the visitor survey of the online-marketing Dusseldorf 2008 by the Krefeld-based consultancy firm of Claus Buhs Prove consulting. The online-marketing Dusseldorf is the exhibition of advertisers and marketing.

93.2 per cent of respondents indicated that direct or advisory influence on the purchasing of media services. It is noteworthy that this result again increased visitor numbers in stock. The fair has become the industry must\”developed,\” Alexander rocks mountain, Director Fairtrade shows says media at the IGEDO company new. The quality of the visitors is the further development of the fair has grown with: more and more managers choose the online-marketing Dusseldorf as their central information platform. About one-third of the visitors occupy leadership positions in their companies. Decision makers spend two days at the fair at the fair really extensively to learn, a day visit is no longer sufficient: the proportion of visitors who visited the fair two days has grown significantly to just under 48 percent. In the previous year, only 43 percent of the visitors came on two days of the fair.